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  1. Umekoji roundhouse, which now has the Kyoto Railway Museum around it, in 1946. Nice footage. A different location is depicted around 5:28, the video description says it may be the Keio Inokashira Line. Definitely not Kyoto Station :). Although I was wondering if it was Hankyu Arashiyama, that's a two-track physical terminus.
  2. So In march 2023 I went through japan for the 1st time since my American trip in 2018/19, and Loved every second of it. went Tokyo -> Kyoto -> Hiroshima -> Osaka -> Mount fuji/Nagoya -> tokyo in about 3 weeks and several extra days. Here are a couple of photos I took that I think were the best
  3. Here's an oldie but goodie. This is Sonobe to Kyoto on March 4, 1989 (according to the video, the description says March 2) aboard the Asashio #6. Rolling stock appears to be a KIHA181. Quite a good document of the changes occurring on the line--the tunnels between Saga Arashiyama and Umahori would be spliced in the next day, bypassing what is now the Sagano Scenic Railway. In addition to this, you can see a few other differences, for example the line is not yet electrified, and old station buildings can be seen in several places including Sonobe, Nijo (old ground level building with at-grade tracks and a freight yard), and Kyoto itself. A few historical points from around this time, courtesy of wikipedia: April 1, 1987: we all know this one, this became JR West territory following the dissolution of JNR. JR Freight became a second-sector operator in the Kyoto-Nijo section. Freight operations ceased from Nijo all the way out to Koyama in Tottori. March 13, 1988: the "Sagano Line" nickname appeared March 5, 1989: the new section of track between Saga and Umahori opens, reducing distance by 1.6 km. Until the opening of the Sagano Scenic Railway, the old section saw no traffic. March 11, 1989: Uzumasa Station opened March 10, 1990: the Kyoto-Sonobe portion of the line was electrified April 27, 1991: the Sagano Scenic Railway opened September 4, 1994: Saga Station was renamed Saga-Arashiyama March 16, 1996: the Nijo-Hanazono section was elevated, and freight was cut back to Tambaguchi September 23, 2000: the Nijo-Hanazono section was double-tracked, and Emmachi Station opened. Morning and midday rapids were added. Sonobe to Kyoto on March 4, 1989 by Man Tani And the same section on September 24, 2018 by ato5kgyasetaito
  4. drakestravels

    Hi from Orlando, Florida

    I'm new to the group and just rode the Shinkansen the "Nozomi" last month (June 2018). It was my first bullet train and rode similar trains in Europe but think the Japanese trains are the best - smoothest and fastest. Very impressed and a huge fan and hope to go back to Japan next year to explore more. I also went to the Shinkansen museum in Nagoya and highly recommend for everyone here. Even if you are not a train fan you will become one as you see and learn about the wonderful trains and get to board and explore most. I took a lot of pictures and even made some videos that I'll work to post to share. Look forward to learning and interacting here and glad to find this great group. In the United States we don't have many impressive trains so it's always exciting to leave the country to see incredible trains. Thank you for this forum and to everyone for sharing! I attached a YouTube link of my first ride from Nagoya to Osaka with a brief stop in Kyoto.
  5. In case any of you have the Tetsudo Collection models of these two cars, here's all the detail you'll ever need . The Kyoto Railway Museum is making great use of that display track. Some months ago they had EF210-310, fresh from the factory. These were built from two 101 series cars in December 1981. KURU 144-15 started life as KUHA 101-32, built September 21, 1964, while KUMORU 145-1015 was originally KUMOHA 101-13, built August 22, 1958. There is a note with the information about 101-13, but I can't quite make it out. by Dr. Yellow move by charonzoom by Ayokoi
  6. Hi guys, i am traveling to Japan in August. While being there i will also check for some trains and stuff. Since i was in both Tokyo and Kyoto before, i know some places where to go (the obvious bic camera, yodobashi, and laos (if i remember correctly, can't find it in google maps though)). If you know some new good places, please let me know. But with my recent move to concentrate on b-trains, i am courious if you have tips for good places to buy b-trains. Both new and used. I remember that i saw 2nd hand shortys in some places in Akihabara. Any info is appreciated. Thanks a lot.
  7. Here's a very interesting video, estimated by the uploader to be 1987, soon after the privatization of JNR. This is a ride on an 8-car formation of 12 series coaches behind DD51 1190 between Kyoto and Umahori. There's a lot of interesting things to be seen; the old San'in platforms at the old Kyoto Station with an escape track(?), sidings and trackside structures that no longer exist, the original Nijo station building, the section between Saga Arashiyama and Umahori that still uses what's now the Sagano Scenic Railway, and some views of the construction of the tunnels that bypass it. The uploader is 旅一郎, perhaps Tabitaro based on his blog URL http://ameblo.jp/tabitaro1234/ although I had guessed Tabi Ichiro. His YT channel has several other mid/late '80s era videos, check 'em out.
  8. Today, 20 December, it was officially announced that the Hokuriku Shinkansen will be extended from Tsuruga via Obama to Kyoto. This route was one of the final two options left, the other one being the line being extended from Tsuruga to Maibara, which would have meant that passengers for Kyoto and Osaka would have had to change at Maibara. That would have led to a longer travel time, inconvenient transfers, and even more crowded Tokaido Shinkansen trains than they are already now. The Obama - Kyoto route is however the most expensive option. During the next 5-6 years, the impact on the environment and the exact locations of the stations will be decided. The Kanazawa - Tsuruga section of the Hokuriku Shinkansen will be opened in 2022, and the aim is to have completed the whole line to Kyoto in ultimately 2046. However, there have been calls to bring this date forward, which could lead to the total costs exceeding 2 trillion yen. Sources: http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2016122000735&g=eco http://mainichi.jp/articles/20161221/k00/00m/020/117000c http://news.tbs.co.jp/newseye/tbs_newseye2942316.htm
  9. Happy 2016 everyone! Old news now, but Kyoto Tango Railway, known as Kitakinki Tango Railway before the operational takeover by Willer Bus, has refurbished one of its KTR8000 series express DMU sets with styling by the one and only Mitooka Eiji. This follows the refurb of 4 (I think) of the KTR700 local DMUs. Service began November 13th. Includes the Alfa Romeo style grill/emblem/ornament from DF200-7000 (btw off topic but did anyone else know that JR Kyushu numbered this thing 7000 not 7001?) http://trains.willer.co.jp/index.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwomLGBjpnA
  10. Recently a group of 40 geiko and maiko in full dress took the Tokaido shinkansen to Tokyo as part of a Kyoto tourism destination campaign event.
  11. miyakoji

    scenery around Kyoto

    Kinda off-topic/on-topic, a video by angelspringsTavio around Kyoto. Very well done, and plenty of rail scenes.
  12. (summary) The Willer Alliance, parent group of long distance highway coach operator Willer Bus, and designated operator of Kita Kinki Tango Railway since May 2014, has announced that it will rename the Kita Kinki Tango Railway as Kyoto Tango Railway. Though the railway division is named Willer Trains, the new naming will be the public face of the service. The designated nickname will be "Tantetsu". Also, the current Miyazu Line will be split into two sections, the Miyamai Line and the Miyatoyo Line. The logo mark for the renamed railway will feature the pink of the Willer Alliance. The aim of Willer Trains is to aid economic revitalization of the region, provide better connections with other transport, and provide employment opportunities attractive to young people. http://response.jp/article/2015/01/29/242921.html
  13. First I thought this was the truest expression of tetsudou mania I'd seen in a while--someone noticed that EF510-1 was taken to Umekoji (from Suita, not its home base of Toyama) to be turned 180 degress. Is this for wheel wear? Or maybe for repair purposes, as it wasn't driven there under its own power? But then, it seems common to use a DE10 or whatever to move other locos around. Handy having Umekoji available, else they'd have wye it somewhere. http://railf.jp/news/2015/01/23/163000.html
  14. This Thursday the lead car of the first revenue service 0 Series trainset (1964) was moved out by road haulage from the now closed Osaka Transportation Museum. It will be cosmetically restored and then eventually put on display at the now under construction Kyoto Railway Museum, scheduled for opening in spring 2016. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWZRaww63YY
  15. Here's an interesting one. I searched for an article with pictures of the distillery itself, but no luck. I assume it's the one along Tokaido Main Line (aka Kyoto Line) near Yamazaki Station, but I don't see any confirmation. Oddly, the articles I read don't have detailed information about the regions railway operations. I'll have to write to the editors :) http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/nov/04/suntory-time-japanese-whisky-named-worlds-best-in-sour-dram-for-scotland
  16. Still image slideshow of Kyoto Station and environs, about 50 years ago. This is the previous station building. I've read there was some opposition to the current design, that it doesn't really fit in with the city. I never really made up my mind about it. I do like this older building, looks like it had great JNR atmosphere :). Reminds me of a small airport for some reason, I guess it's that tower. Uploaded by KoichiImai. Kyoto Station, San'in Line platform area and Tambaguchi Station, April 25th and 26th ,1971, apparently the last day of regular steam operations. YT uploader lodgershinmeishrine has a lot of great footage which has been posted here many times before. It's really interesting to see this area before the track was elevated, featured toward the end of the video.
  17. In JR West's March 15th schedule revision there's an interesting change. KIHA189 series DMUs, built in the last few years to replace the JNR-era 181s used on Hamakaze services, will be assigned to a Biwako Express run on weeknights, departing Osaka at 8:36PM and arriving at its destination, Kusatsu, at 9:27PM. After initially thinking what the !@#$, I assumed this train was coming off a Hamakaze run that conveniently puts it at Osaka to operate this service. The second poster in the Ompuchaneru thread writes just that, it arrives at Osaka as Hamakaze #6. It still seems quite strange for a DMU to be used on a service that's in an entirely electrified section, and a later poster writes that the only others are some JR Shikoku limited express services on the Yosan Line. Also in the thread (http://rail-uploader.khz-net.com/index.php?id=1128280), a poster bemoans JR West's schedule changes. It used to become gradually more convenient, now it gradually becomes more inconvenient . Another replies that it's got to do with Japan's population changes. JR West's pdf: http://www.westjr.co.jp/press/article/items/131220_00_kinki.pdf
  18. This is in my suggested videos from time to time. Her job role is called yudoin in Japanese, so I've translated this as guide, I have no idea what this job is called in English. Please remember, if you use JNS Forum more often, I won't be forced to post such inanity. :grin For a bit of on-topic information, this is at Kyoto Station. EF65 1133 is JR West's locomotive, not JR Freight's. It was part of the eighth build of EF65-1000s, intended to replace aging EF58s on sleeper service in the Kansai area. Twenty were built, EF65-1119 to EF65-1139, with the first half based at Shimonoseki and the second half at Miyahara.
  19. There's a very large layout in a building next to JRW's Saga Arashiyama station where D51 1 is on static display. Amongst many interesting sights and activities are the cabs of EF66 59 and EF66 54, which have their controls tied into the layout; visitors can then drive one of the models. This video is by YT uploader shuuuji. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-IlVmTKvb4 http://www.sagano-kanko.co.jp/dioramakj/
  20. For fans of Kyoto and/or trams, here's a video by HINTEL1824TRAIN of the Keifuku (Randen) Kitano Line. A nice ride overall, the line's main attraction in spring (other than the actual destinations :) ) is the 'sakura tunnel' which can be seen at the 9 minute mark, between Narutaki and Utano. Some people are close to the track! The line is 3.8km in length, and the earliest section opened in 1925. google map centered on Utano Station: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Utano+Station,+Kyoto+Prefecture,+Japan&hl=en&ll=35.024374,135.714669&spn=0.015165,0.024011&sll=35.026552,135.713897&sspn=0.030328,0.064373&oq=utano+stat&hnear=Utano+Station,+Kyoto+Prefecture,+Japan&t=m&z=16
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