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Kato - New Releases

Darren Jeffries

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It's too bad the points are only available as 45˚ turnouts, but it's good enough for simple stuff. Of course, I'm hoping for 22,5˚ or 15˚ versions, but I highly doubt these will ever be produced, since there are no curves in these dimensions (R150) that would match the points, plus it would mean another big investment from KATO's side. In the future, I will probably buy a few, just so that I can make some simple layouts for trams. :P

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No use at all for a tight industrial area or fan of tracks at a tram depot when the turnout takes up so much space and turns a full 45 degrees. It would be better if they had designed it to give the standard 33mm track spacing (as the 150 and 117 curves do) and given you a short curved piece to add if you wanted it the way they made it.

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That KUMOYA90 (クモヤ90形) looks very interesting! I read somewhere today it has white/red headlights and will probably be prepared for interior lighting as well. Not only is it KATO quality, but it will provide a great base for some scratchbuidling :) I think is will be a well selling model, albeit being an unusual treat from KATO, but so are the subway trains.


Also, KATO is announcing a separate set of double tracks that will go from 33mm to 25mm track-centre distance! These are number 40-021 for those interested (like me). New opportunities for T-Trak have arisen! :D

Sauce: http://shinyurisl.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-25.html

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Yeah, they are making double track T-Trak much more interesting with the broad range of products they have now. Kato is really releasing much new track/packages lately. There's simply much more variation possible now with all types of tracks and sleepers.

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Guest Closed Account 1

New Led interior kits as well.





I used Kapton tape to create an older look for the SP Morning Daylight full set.

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Here in Europe you can see concrete sleepers combined with wooden sleepers often, especially turnouts don't get the concrete treatment often. But note what Darklighter said here:


The 20-231 #4 one-way crossover looks like some kind of kitbash hobbyist project with the different colors, it's very different from Kato's usual approach.  I think it's more realistic (wood ties are often used on switches with otherwise concrete-tie tracks, although I didn't know if was common in Japan).

I guess those brown ties represent ties made of FFU.

It looks much too blocky and in a different color than the usualy Kato wooden sleepers.

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Some more (re-)releases in March 2013: www.katomodels.com/product/poster/

Nothing really impressive except for the new Unitrack switch, and the E6 of course. It's that I don't do Shinkansen and that there's another model releasing in March I have to save up for too, but otherwise it's an interesting train. I'm sure it will get many re-releases in the future so it's probably fine.

The funny thing is now that (like someone mentioned before in the E6 thread) you can now have an ultra-modern Shinkansen on a single track line!



I usually also wait ordering until I have seen some pictures, but that depends mainly on the manufacturer.

Also, maybe the extra car is because the E6 has two half car length noses?

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Martijn Meerts

I wasn't planning on buying more stuff for 'a while', but the e6 is going to look great together with the e5 :)

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