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Kato - New Releases

Darren Jeffries

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The set also includes 3 smoke collectors to fit over the chimney of each of the 3 D51s.


Oh, so that's what the Gotou style steam things are.

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Martijn Meerts

Would go well with my triple header C62 Niseko train .. But I really need to cut down on buying trains, and buy track/digital components instead ..

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The KATO version of the 923 Series Dr. Yellow (T5) will be out on the 31st of July. Looking forward to see the difference between the T4 (TOMIX) and T5 (KATO)

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Kato has just uploaded the first pictures of their 923形 formation T5:




looks pretty good to me.


I hope we'll eventually see some of the older types like:


-922形20番台  (T3 formation, 0系1000番台 based)

-925形0/10番台 (S1/S2 formations, Former 200系 (passenger) prototype (S2), 200系 prototype (test-train) (S1).


one can dream..

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Thanks. Cool lighting on the pantographs. Now the decision if I need yet one more dr yellow. I currently have them all... Bad habit I was hoping to break...



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Guest Closed Account 1

Re-Releases, most of them are.


Strange- I was commenting on the very last post in this thread. Look like rereleases or repackaged.

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Re-Releases, most of them are.


what are re-releases? you mean the dr yellows?


MA has 3 different configurations,


922-10 7 car

925B 4 car series 0

941 2 car relief train




923 T4 old version and new version with all wheel pickup



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Kato is acting like a bad boy again:


*10-1162 Taiwan Shinkansen 700T 4-car Main Set ¥15,540

*10-1163 Taiwan Shinkansen 700T 4-car Add-on Set A ¥9,345

*10-1164 Taiwan Shinkansen 700T 4-car Add-on Set B ¥10,080

Sales to foreign countries prohibited because of license issues.

●10-1162 台湾新幹線 700T 4両基本セット 15,540円 ※

●10-1163 台湾新幹線 700T 4両増結セットA 9,345円 ※

●10-1164 台湾新幹線 700T 4両増結セットB 10,080円 ※


Source: http://ngi.blog.eonet.jp/n_gauge/2012/08/kato201211-2bae.html#more


Sales abroad are prohibited, but I'm sure there are many ways to get your greasy hands on this awesome and wanted model!

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Kato is acting like a bad boy again:


*10-1162 Taiwan Shinkansen 700T 4-car Main Set ¥15,540

*10-1163 Taiwan Shinkansen 700T 4-car Add-on Set A ¥9,345

*10-1164 Taiwan Shinkansen 700T 4-car Add-on Set B ¥10,080

Sales to foreign countries prohibited because of license issues.

●10-1162 台湾新幹線 700T 4両基本セット 15,540円 ※

●10-1163 台湾新幹線 700T 4両増結セットA 9,345円 ※

●10-1164 台湾新幹線 700T 4両増結セットB 10,080円 ※


Source: http://ngi.blog.eonet.jp/n_gauge/2012/08/kato201211-2bae.html#more


Sales abroad are prohibited, but I'm sure there are many ways to get your greasy hands on this awesome and wanted model!


Well if someone knows how to get this model please let us know! Thank you!

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Could speak to Masaya (one of the members of AJMRG) who lives in Japan, but he has been very busy with work so I don't know if he will be able to contact with.

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A good time to find a proxy purchaser, I guess...


I hope to provide such personal services in the near future when I live in Japan, next to cheap 2nd-hand and on-demand services. :cool: Keep your eyes and ears open on the forums!

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Double post, because holy cow Batman! What is Kato up to now? The Alpine Glacier Express from the RhB in N-gauge! This is pretty insane, but also extremely awesome. Consider most of the N-gauge trains from Kato running on 9mm track, albeit being run 1,067mm gauge instead of 1,435mm gauge, as a fact; a reproduction of an RhB train, which runs on 1,000mm gauge is then quite acceptable in this regard. I wonder what reactions to this will emerge in the European confines of Modellzugland.


The main set will consist of 2 cars and locomotive (Ge4/4 III), whereas a 4-car add-on set will also be produced.


Also, this looks like to be the start of a new series by Kato, as there is written "Nゲージで世界の名列車" "Global famous trains in N-gauge"... I think we can expect a bright future here people. :grin





P.s. also expect a much anticipated Marunouchi Metro 02 Series.

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Davo Dentetsu

Niiiiiice! I want one!  :cool:


Wonder what could be the other "Global famous trains".  ???


If there was a wishlist going, I would like to see a VT11.5 fit in somewhere.  Seems like that would fit the theme nicely.  But world famous, that could really go for a huge amount of things...

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Guest Closed Account 1

Kato is acting like a bad boy again:


*10-1162 Taiwan Shinkansen 700T 4-car Main Set ¥15,540

*10-1163 Taiwan Shinkansen 700T 4-car Add-on Set A ¥9,345

*10-1164 Taiwan Shinkansen 700T 4-car Add-on Set B ¥10,080

Sales to foreign countries prohibited because of license issues.




Big Pic http://www.katomodels.com/cgi-bin/nmi_zoomview.cgi?id=700t&num=1&cue=rewrite


Let's see what my friend at Popondetta says.

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Guest Closed Account 1

Just received confirmation of my 700T pre-order with Popondetta! Don't wake up sleeping dogs!


Woohoo!  So did I.


How many of us bought this set in the wooden box with the watch on Ebay?




What's the body shell difference between the 700 and N700 other than the nose? I have the Kato 700 Shinkansen.


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I remember that set in the wooden box.  No way I'd spend that money on it.  Anyway, I'm sticking with Japanese trains and my pre-determined themes.





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Anyway, I'm sticking with Japanese trains

Exactly. The 700T (it can't be coincidence that it is called like that considering the naming in Japan right?) is pretty nice, but I'm not doing such prototypically impossible things again. Kinda stupid that they aren't releasing it outside Japan, not even in Taiwan itself?


And great that Kato is trying to get a larger public by making worldwide trains. The Rhätische Bahn is pretty nice, but I don't get the gauge thing very well. The model's axis is still much too wide right? Z gauge is about the right gauge for ~1m in prototype if I'm right.

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I prefer the 700t over a n700 livery much better but yeah it has n700 written all over it just like China's hsr is a direct rip of the 800 tsubame


Which btw Jr allowed china to use

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the 700t was built and designed in Japan and exported. its actually modified 700 design.


one of the jrm members was able to get a 700t set on the first release. its a nice looking train and the orange livery does stand out. but in a pile of shinkansens in the yard it does not really do anything past any of the other japanese shinkansens in over all looks, actually the look from a distance is pretty drab other than the color compared to the others.


it runs decently, pretty similar to the kato 700. not as cranky as the kato n700.



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