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Kato - New Releases

Darren Jeffries

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interesting kato doing the dr yellow after so many years of tomix doing it. i guess its an evergreen must have that they think will have a long time market. unless they really up the quality, though ill go with the tomix all wheel pickup!


the really interesting thing is the small container forklift! finally something more detailed than the ages old tomix red and yellow one!


odd little tomytec looking set of vans and small busses there, anyone know anymore on those?



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Very surprising to see KATO are doing Dr. Yellow, I wonder what would the difference would be between the two (TOMIX vs. KATO)? If I do buy the KATO version I would just be having it for display as the TOMIX version is the preferred choice to run on the layouts.


Plus they are re-releasing the E2 Asama and Hayate in that month too. Unlike The_Ghan, I might be thinking of buying 1 or 2 items from their latest July poster.

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well, another one Doc for my collection (nr. 7 o 8 I think...., more than E.R.  :grin )


Linkey, Tomix is 923-0 T4 car formation and Kato is 923-3000 T5 car formation,  visually the only difference is the car numbers (and the white rooftop of car 4 but only if you have the oldest Tomix version)




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Hobby Dreamer

OK, you guys are turning me into a junkie!


Any better photos/info on the buses?


Jeff, Those forklifts do look cool; are there any small forklifts in N scale?





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tomix was the only other small container fork lift out there




these are the ones that most small depots use to move 12 and 20' containers and only stack a few high.


there are the larger container lifts in the tomytec and fugimoto sets and kato and tomix have their individual ones as well.





yikes i just saw the reserve price on the kato small container lift is $25 ($30 retail)! the larger tomytec and fugimoto are articulating and half that price! they were even cheaper when part of the sets!


a number of companies like ghq, pd marsh and woodland scenics have cast metal ones/kits for smaller pallet fork lifts as well.


aoshima has their little pallet fork lifts as well but they aint cheap!








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Krackel Hopper

I don't get it.. Why are they doing a train that everyone already has? Why wouldn't they do the East-i?


Technically it is different.  Kato is offering the T5 (JR West) Type 923 where both Tomix releases have been the T4 (JR Central) Type 923s..


However, I really don't know why the East-i hasn't been done.  With Kato doing the E5 and rumors of them making the E6 as well, I don't know why they wouldn't stick with that trend and do the East-i. 


I don't own any E-series bullets, but I would seriously consider that one.


Or maybe it's just because Dr. Yellow is cooler than East-i  :grin

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well it would be more of a no brainer for tomix to do the east i having done the E3. ive seen pictures of them kitbashed in japan. it doesnt quite stand out as much as the dr yellows! those are still the top asked for shinkansen to pull onto the layout from the yard, at least its a great talking point!


Kato could do the 925 from their 200 series with some mods. that would be a nice train as well with the green stripes on the bright yellow!



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I might have to have a set of those Marunouchi Line subway cars. I've always liked that paint scheme.


same it is a real battle with myself here on not getting it.


Im trying to convince myself best to get it later as it should be available for a while,but then the other says its cheaper if u preorder it.



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Hobby Dreamer



Thanks for the forklift links! The aoshima ones seem a bit pricey but look great for N scale. The Tomix ones seem priced to move, however!



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the old tomix are pretty simple and very reasonably priced if you can still find them. they were one of the few tomix items that made it to many NA hobby shops. i got some like 6 or 7 years back on a sale for like $2.50 per pack and bought 5 and thats been good to supply a few others in the past and the club layout! actually if you were to paint them and add a few details (and they also have some decals) they are very decent.


the aoshima are the same colored injection moulded plastic (probably POM as they are slick). reasonable detail, but not worth the money really i think for what you get. these are not container forklifts though, only smaller pallets. im not sure if these aoshimas are small enough to be ones they would pack containers with though, ill have to dig mine out and see if they are short enough to make it inside containers.



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Hobby Dreamer



Thanks again...  I'm finally figuring out the Japanese product availability or lack thereof. Glad I pre-ordered some (Tomix) trucks with trailers that just arrived!


Being a geezer I thought N scale would be too small for my eyes but these trucks are just the right size. And plenty of detail!


I know that prices are higher but they are as good as the best HO out there but at N scale prices! It "almost" feels like the trailers will come off or at least the containers but I will wait until daylight to be sure.




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Rick my personal feeling is HO is just too large for a personal layout. It is fine for a club though.


I always wondered what it would be like when i'm in my 70's trying to place a model on the track then i met my friends grandfather who does n scale in uk and has very little problems (late 70's) and was reassured most people are fine regardless of poor eye sight just takes a little longer. I wonder what t scale would be like those things are smaller than my index finger..


Also n scale perfectly fits my needs in price and size too. plus you can fit that extra line or two in the layout and still keep a good amount of scenery as with a HO layout that is harder to do.


I personally dislike layouts that are jammed in with too much track.


Not to say I think it's bad for people to do it, as i enjoy to see people make it how they want it and not how some one else wants to critisize it for not being prototypical or something.


Also yes it is true nscale is quite addictive and it is so easy to go way over any budget you set yourself  :grin  I have proven this  :laugh:



In terms of stock it's better than in other countries IMO But HS are not that good for keeping stock either so i think they may badly represent stock levels if you are in japan it's much easier to get a hold of a product.

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I might have to have a set of those Marunouchi Line subway cars. I've always liked that paint scheme.


same it is a real battle with myself here on not getting it.


Im trying to convince myself best to get it later as it should be available for a while,but then the other says its cheaper if u preorder it.



I lost the battle and pre-ordered after watching my video of the trains from 1990.

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I might have to have a set of those Marunouchi Line subway cars. I've always liked that paint scheme.


same it is a real battle with myself here on not getting it.


Im trying to convince myself best to get it later as it should be available for a while,but then the other says its cheaper if u preorder it.






Does the promise of the E7 help you keep that credit card in the wallet?





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Right now, both the production schedule page and the Japanese page describing the set only shows 10-327, and not 10-328, as being re-run. The Japanese version of the schedule shows the same. The 10-327 set is due in May, and the production schedules goes through July without listing the add-on.  It seems odd that they'd do one without the other though, and sometimes Kato pulls out a surprise. Perhaps they're waiting to see how much interest these is in the basic set.


You can find these pages off the home page of Kato (Japan), under the Release tab.  The Japanese pages are located similarly (under the Japanese home page you get to by clicking on the "Japanese here" box).  You don't need to be able to read Japanese to find them, with a little trial-and-error (I don't read Japanese, and I find them okay).

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Guest Closed Account 1

Anyone see this?




Could they be possibly re-running the 10-328 Eurostar add-on?!? Probably THE most sought after Kato item that I can think of.


HS description say interior lighting not possible.


kato Japan: http://www.katomodels.com/n/euroster/


Does this mean old style light board and not DCC friendly?


I'm very tempted to get a couple new style light boards to slip n some 6-pin euro decoders.  The boards are close. The headlamp is placed behind the hold down clip on the older style.


Popondetta.jp Reservation price 13387Y for 10-327


Don't see 10-328 on production list yet.

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