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What did you order or the post deliver? (HO and other scales)

bikkuri bahn

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Found three 10 series sleeper coaches to finish off a full Nichinan formation. 


These 3 are coaches 1,2,3 in the formation that travel from Kyoto and were left at Oita, before the train continued on to Miyazaki with a single sleeper remaining until the train terminated at Miyakonojo.


HO-513 and 514 were from the 2014 release and are courtesy of Rails of Sheffield thanks to an eBay discount promo. You can see that they originally cost ¥7500 and ¥7800 respectively in their time. The price paid was pretty much the same and are both new with all details and decals unused. Assumedly sitting on a shelf or in someone's collection for many years.  Not sure why Rails have so many difficult to find items. Seems slightly odd ordering Japanese stock from a UK retailer to ship to Japan but these things have been either difficult to find or ridiculously expensive in Japan. The Orone 10, especially. 




HO-5015 was one of the same coaches released in 2019 with the only notable difference being that the A and B sleeper decals on the side of the coach are tampo printed rather than a dry rub decal.  This one I found a lone example in Treasure Trains in Kokura. A very lucky find. 


The 10 series were plagued with issues and reasonably short lived but I’m quite fond of their styling. Seems some of the ones that weren’t scrapped went to Thailand and Egypt. 



Slightly less exciting but will still be happily received is the order placed for re-manufacturing of Tomix double coupler that I will finally be able to add to my Tenshodo Kumoru 145

Edited by Kamome
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On 4/4/2024 at 1:48 AM, Welshbloke said:

One question though, does anyone else's MaNi 24-500 have an over-length coupler on the inner end? The gap between it and the OHaNe 25 is about twice as wide as the gaps between the other coaches, and looking closely it's definitely the MaNi which has the problem.

Sorry, didn’t respond to this before. My Mani 24-500 also has a slightly larger gap although this is also exacerbated by the blue round end and the square roof. 


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Yep, the different roof design does accentuate it but the coupler is definitely mounted further out compared to the gangway. Weird!


I suspect Rails probably bought someone's collection which has been slowly clearing over the past few years, they're big enough that they can pretty much turn up with a van and buy the lot if it's an estate sale or similar (and while they'll pay a pittance compared to the actual value, the idea of it being sorted that quickly and easily can be very appealing to next of kin). It's sadly not uncommon to find old models which have never been used here, people collect but never get a chance to build the layout.


Wondering if they'll try another 40% off sale as they seem to be trying to clear the decks a bit (some very good deals on O scale locos and stock in recent weeks).

Edited by Welshbloke
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From Hobby Search


Some more Model 8 Modelling Reference Books for the narrow gauge. I was surprised and delighted to find drawings and diagrams in the Kubiki Railway book since the others were photos only. I can only assume it depends on what materials the publishers are able to get hold of and get permission to use. The flat wagon diagrams were particularly welcome as it is very hard to find any information on keiben flats; admittedly flat wagons do not seem to have been that common or popular in the local railway scene.


Also a large pile of Casco HO-Narrow cases. Putting on a display at a local railway modellers group meeting recently convinced me that keeping each item in it's own little individual box and then stacking the little boxes inside bigger boxes is actually very impractical.

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A Tenshodo Mani 36 Baggage coach, some Kato 4 wheelers and some Kato Kiha 80/82 including a dining car.....makes for a 10 car set now!

I also picked up a couple of Tramway JNR REM 6000 kits to build. I would like to find a couple of older wooden fridge wagons too, any ideas?

Edited by wazzd
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On 5/9/2024 at 8:34 PM, Welshbloke said:

Wondering if they'll try another 40% off sale as they seem to be trying to clear the decks a bit (some very good deals on O scale locos and stock in recent weeks).

I’ll definitely keep an eye out. They have been throwing out a lot of e-marketing of late and hopefully they’ll decide to make warehouse space by shifting at lower prices. I’ve had most of the stuff from them that  I was particularly wanting, mainly 10系 coaches that have been difficult to find in Japan other than ridiculous scalper type prices. Most of the other stuff is readily available, especially the Kato stuff which is much cheaper in Japan anyway. Prices seem quite varied, some options are a little overpriced and others quite reasonable. Wonder whether they’ve looked on previous ebay sales to set their prices. 

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Today I found and happily decided to give a good home to this unpainted brass model of H.K. Porter No. 2 Benkei that I found at a 2nd Street in Kumamoto.
I got it for a cheap price of 3300 yen. A little dusting and maybe some polish for it will do.
I intend to keep this as like a "museum piece" among my railwayana.


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I wouldn't polish it - it has "patina." I put that in quotes, because if you can't see any grey solder at the seams it means that it, like many brass models, has been painted with a brass/gold finish for display. Polishing it would mess up that finish. If it is in fact a real brass surface, I still like the patina.


Rich K.

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Tomix HO-2025 EF66-100 Late version


This little beauty seems to have sold out everywhere and thought I’d missed the boat, other than its Prestige version still in stock in a few places, so couldn’t pass up the opportunity when I found it sitting on its lonesome in an independent model shop. 


JR freight locos certainly are a weakness of mine and the initial version with the round lights and no lower blue band never really spoke to me. The later version with the square lights always looked better to me so now I have a more appropriate loco for my Kumu 1000s amongst other things. Also another resident of Suita Engine depot alongside a few others.


Lots of detail parts to fit as usual and another drill jig to make holes for the various antenna on the roof. I’ll give if the usual treatment of painting up the cab a little as the windscreens are so big, and add crew to cab 1.


 It will definitely need some weathering as the factory fresh light blue roof doesn’t really suit it. 


Just need 45x Kato Wamu 380000s now 😂


Edited by Kamome
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Have I got something I'm excited to say I've ordered!
I'm an N gauge layout owner firstly, but I have a fancy for larger scales and models of steam and especially of earlier Japanese locomotives. Brass models are considered the creme of the crop for their handmade nature and museum-tier quality. Japan is well-known for their brass models and exports as well as imports. Just this week I spotted and immediately went for this - a beautiful like new 4-4-0 D12 (6400) by ムサシノモデル Musashino Model. Made in Korea this model is considered their masterpiece of their "Classic Steam Locomotive Series". I think you can bet that I agree! I love Japan's many early American locomotives. 
I ordered and paid for this yesterday and it simply can't ship to me fast enough. It may be HO gauge, but I'll give this a good home in my mini SL Museum! 
They made one with a Russian Iron boiler jacket, and one with a black boiler. As neither are frequently ever seen online for sale in the first place, beggars can't be choosers! 

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9 hours ago, Kamome said:

Great find @SL58654号 Hopefully you’ll also have opportunity to give it some exercise. 

Thanks. I don't have HO gauge track, so I'll mostly just display it proudly in my home. 
Maybe, just maybe, if I know of an HO layout in Kumamoto I might possibly consider running it, very very carefully. These brass models don't come out of cereal boxes after all! I got it off of here, by the way.

Edited by SL58654号
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I was lucky enough to get a Rokuhan Z Gauge Tokaido Shinkansen 0 series set. They appear to be sold out now through the Rokuhan official shop.


Now for some elevated track to run it on!


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A few bits to round off the year. 


Firstly HO-C26 Tomix double coupler.

Have been awaiting their release to add appropriate couplers to the Tenshodo Kumoru 145/Kuru 144. Once they came, am slightly disappointed in how large they are. Will see if I get use to them otherwise may go back to Kadee style couplers. 


Secondly Model Icon JOT 20ft 22G9 containers to fill out some Koki 200s. These were overpriced on release and thankfully still around which are now heavily discounted to make them reasonable again. 



Finally Santa came early in the form of a forum member @marknewton who has been extremely generous in gifting me these HO vehicles. Absolutely blown away as was expecting 1 or 2 used cars rather than 3 sets of brand new in packaging vehicle sets. Extremely grateful to Mark for his kindness once again. IMG_5080.thumb.jpeg.c7f5f3a29a56fb94e335769deae0aa52.jpeg

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I know what you mean about the double headed Tomix couplers. I have an older one somewhere which I briefly fitted to my Tenshodo KuMoYa in a Kadee #5 box/spring, but it doesn't look anything like as good as their body mount Shibatas with the close coupling mechanisms. Those will fit with a power bogie if you remove a bit of plastic from both the coupler assembly and the top of the motor housing. I initially bought the double headed coupler for the power bogie end of the unit as I wasn't sure this mod would work.

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After a long year of waiting, saving, having to delay paying for the invoice, and anxiously waiting for shipping and customs 

I received what is now the crown jewel of my collection. The latest run of Tenshodos C62-2 Hokkaido style from their brass crown line. My phones camra does not do this beauty justice IMG_20250124_211948_727.thumb.jpg.d5c09c1a67353800e89137f87fb7cae2.jpg

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