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Found 9 results

  1. Here are a number of videos about the Oito Line, organized by season. These are from the Green Nova YouTube channel. They are extremely well done, essentially professional level production. JR East operates about two-thirds of the line, from Matsumoto to Minami-Otari, JR West operates the remaining distance to Itoigawa. Use the gear icon on the video’s toolbar to select English subtitles. Winter Spring Early Summer Autumn, parts 1 and 2 English Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ōito_Line
  2. Great video with English subtitles explaining JR East’s use of electric locomotives and sometimes out-of-service EMUs to remove ice from the catenary. This channel Kaminakazato has a lot of good videos, I believe this is the first with English subtitles.
  3. Sunday completion of 16 year project: Promotion video of the station redevelopment. Main purpose of the elevation is to better connect the north and south areas of the city.
  4. JR East announced two days ago (JST) a new shinkansen/art gallery combination (?), the "Genbi Shinkansen" (現美新幹線), to run on the Jōetsu Shinkansen (Echigo-Yuzawa to Niigata) from spring 2016. It's to be based on a 6-car E3 set seating ~105 total, fitted with art exhibition spaces in each car and a cafe in the third car. The exterior will have photographs of Niigata's Nagaoka fireworks festival. Apparently the new train has something to do with the Echigo-Tsumari art festival. I know little of Japanese and less of art, so find more detailed information more directly from sources below: RocketNews24: [1] JR East press release (Japanese, PDF): [2]
  5. JR East announced Tuesday (May 19) that they are looking to replace dmu rolling stock with new types in the Niigata and Akita areas, starting in 2017, and continuing through 2020. The requirement is for 19 single railcars and 22 two-car units, for a total of 63 railcars. The design will use diesel-electric propulsion, rather than the standard up to now of diesel-hydraulic drive. The units will replace the aging kiha 40, 47, and 48 types. In addition to domestic builders, JR East is soliciting foreign makers to participate in the process, as they have done for the Hachinohe Line rolling stock replacement program. This order for 63 railcars is included in a greater plan by JR East to procure 150 to 250 new railcars of the diesel-electric type. http://news.mynavi.jp/news/2015/05/19/418/ JR East English procurement info: http://www.jreast.co.jp/e/data/procurement/pdf/20150519_e_procurement.pdf
  6. It's rare to get such a good view of this line. In this case it's possible due to the modified 485 series NO.DO.KA joyful train used for this "Sakata Kandara Festival" service. The train is classified as a rapid, so there's no express surcharge, although all seats are reserved. The 3-car formation has 96 seats. I've been trying to fill in some background on this; the cities of Sakata and Tsuruoka, both in Yamagata Prefecture, have this festival (28th and 27th times, respectively) for kandara, which I believe is cod caught in cold water. A soup is made with it, which does not appear to be cold :). This service conveys people from Niigata, which is the regional big city. One of my goals for any meaningfully long trip to Japan is to travel as much of the Sea of Japan coast as possible. I've only covered Tsuruga to Hagi so far, leaving quite a bit to do . video by tejy Train: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6LK0a-tL54 And here at Shibata Station, we can see tejy Train making the video. :) :). Video by Igarashi Satoshi. JR East Niigata Branch publication on service (pdf format): http://www.jrniigata.co.jp/20141128kandara.pdf page for festival: http://www.sakata-kankou.com/event/102 Uetsu Main LIne: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uetsu_Main_Line Sakata Station: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sakata_Station_%28Yamagata%29 lastly, cod ('tara' in Japanese): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gadidae
  7. Tetsudou Journal has a news item about JR East's refurbed E653s, renumber as 1100 subseries, to be used on the Shirayuki service that will run between Niigata and Arai on the Shin'etsu Main Line. It will begin in March 2015 with the opening of the Hokuriku Shinkansen. There will be four 4-car formations. Looks good. Tetsudou Journal and Wikipedia links, and YT video (uploaded by Rail Channel, formerly tobu2181), below. http://railf.jp/news/2014/10/28/173000.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E653_series http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shirayuki_%28train%29
  8. I often think about long-haul rides on conventional lines. In particular, Aomori to Kyoto and Kyoto to Shimonoseki on the lines on the Sea of Japan. I've done most but not all of the Kyoto-to-Shimonoseki half in separate runs, but none of the northeastern part. Have any of you? The parts of the San'in that I've traveled, I think were almost all worth doing by local train. What about the Tohoku/Hokuriku region? But it looks like a much longer distance, possibly double. I wonder if I'd be tempted to pay out for a limited express ticket
  9. JR East has moved a 200 series end car from Niigata Shinkansen Depot to the Niitsu Railway Museum in the Akiha ward of Niigata City. It may be 221-1510, but I'm not sure. Wikipedia says that the existing 200 series cab section outside of the building is actually a mockup. Niigata news: http://www.niigata-nippo.co.jp/news/national/20130527045217.html Wikipedia link on the museum: http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%96%B0%E6%BD%9F%E5%B8%82%E6%96%B0%E6%B4%A5%E9%89%84%E9%81%93%E8%B3%87%E6%96%99%E9%A4%A8
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