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  1. Here are a number of videos about the Oito Line, organized by season. These are from the Green Nova YouTube channel. They are extremely well done, essentially professional level production. JR East operates about two-thirds of the line, from Matsumoto to Minami-Otari, JR West operates the remaining distance to Itoigawa. Use the gear icon on the video’s toolbar to select English subtitles. Winter Spring Early Summer Autumn, parts 1 and 2 English Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ōito_Line
  2. Two videos by railway consultant, and apparently former Meitetsu employee, Itsuki Nishiue. Detailed looks at the inside and out, useful if you’re modeling either of these types, and I would imagine generally interesting to this audience :). The 273 retains the tilting ability, which I thought would be eliminated. Very appealing design overall. And of course it’s great to have this document of the 381 as presumably none will be preserved :(. If I’m reading correctly, the Kyoto Railway Museum doesn’t have a 381. Hint hint.
  3. A nice segment from Ehime TV about JR West’s KIYA 141 Doctor West inspection train. Here, JR Shikoku is borrowing it for use on the Yosan Line in Ehime prefecture. It starts at Iyo-Ozu and proceeds north toward Matsuyama. Later, a Plasser & Theurer multiple tie tamper operating around Iyo-Komatsu.
  4. A very fine front view video by HKASAMA, this is KIKUHA 32-502 and an unknown KIHA 185, possibly KIRO 185-26. RO would mean it has green class seating. There are two KIKUHA 32 cars, 501 and 502. They were new builds(?) by Niigata Engineering in 1997 and 2003, respectively. Whether or not the trucks, etc came from retired KIHA 32s, I can't exactly tell. The KIHA 32s themselves are interesting budget minded DMUs, at least in that they entered service in the last 3 weeks of JNR. My understanding is that the KIKUHA designation includes KI not because they have diesels (they're not powered) but because they're meant to be attached to a DMU. One site includes the word 付随気動車 fuzui kidousha. 気動車 is kidousha, a railcar with an internal combustion engine, the source of KI in KIHA. 付随 fuzui means attached, accompanying, etc. I don't recall seeing this before and I don't know if it's a standard term or just what that page's author calls it. I crossed this bridge many times, usually on the Marine Liner using a Seishun 18 ticket. Seto Ohashi Line is I guess a marketing name, but there are formal names for different parts of it, explained on this wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seto-Ōhashi_Line Points of interest: :15 - Kojima Station, Kurashiki City, Okayama 4:30 - beginning of Great Seto Bridge 18:20 - divergence of tracks, straight is southwest on to Utazu, the ramps turn east to Sakaide/Takamatsu 20:25 - Utazu Station, Town of Utazu (Kagawa Prefecture from here on) 24:50 - Marugame Station, Marugame City 30:35 - Tadotsu Station, Town of Tadotsu 35:35 - Dosan Line diverges from Yosan Line 41:10 - Zentsuji Station, Zentsuji City 49:15 - Kotohira Station, Town of Kotohira Google map centered on junction of Seto Ohashi Line and Yosan Line: https://www.google.com/maps/@34.3157152,133.8220375,17z Bonus: KIKUHA32-501 in its excellent Ao Yoshinogawa Torokko livery. Hi res image suitable for desktop wallpaper: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ファイル:藍よしのがわトロッコ.jpg
  5. Interesting looking train. I like that they used the blue/yellow livery from the various KUMOYA types. Think they installed enough cameras? It can read a newspaper in Kyoto... from Kobe. The news.mynavi.jp and railf.jp links below says that it's in a testing phase and they'll use it for actual inspection in 2025! It might take them that long to sort out all the cameras. by Masaharu Aono by Sankei News https://news.mynavi.jp/article/20211027-dec741/ https://railf.jp/news/2021/10/27/175000.html
  6. miyakoji

    what a week

    First, this DE10 rides up on ice and derails in Akita. While not doubting Japan's well maintained and well operated railways, I have difficulty believing that this has never happened before. Maybe it lost its balance because the digits in its road number aren't on straight, it's really driving me nuts. This is the Akita Rinkai Railway, and while trying to figure out where the hell it actually is (Google Map requires you to be significantly zoomed in to show it), I found that they are unfortunately ending operations in March. At least this guy has an excuse for driving something wildly off course. Location: https://www.google.com/maps/@39.7531443,140.0628819,204m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en Then I see this video about a Prius getting onto the tracks in front of a 223 series in Yasu, Shiga at this crossing: https://www.google.com/maps/@35.0835718,136.0449003,314m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en Seems like entering a gated-off area and interfering with operations could have been prevented, you know? Next, there are these inept guys driving a tank truck when its brakes are blown off or something, which naturally times it perfectly to collide with a 183 series on Azusa service. The authorities decide to use a Mitsubishi Montero to try to slow it down. Seems like, I don't know, bad governance or something. Fortunately there's this cool shinkansen-steamer thing at Okama Station. https://www.google.com/maps/@39.7115082,141.0718867,425m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en
  7. Tokyo West

    Maranouchi West floor layout

    Hi everyone! So I'm currently living in Shenzhen, China for 2 years while I teach music at an international school. During our first October holiday, we got to visit Tokyo, Japan, where I fell in love with the vast and efficient system of trains and the general politeness of the people we met. I've been lucky enough to live in several countries in my life, but Japan strikes me as a shining example of what other places could achieve if they fully committed to public rail transport. So, I got some trains from the wonderful Kato store, as well as a pair of second hand Shinkansen (100 and 300) from Popondetta Akihabara, and enough track for a simple double loop with stations. After a couple of weekend trips to Hong Kong, I built up enough track for a much larger double loop with some buildings and sidings. Then I began building a viaduct system to run the Shinkansen. I based my system on the central Tokyo station, and the next commuter stop on the Yamanote line, Shimbashi. That's my simple 4 track commuter station across the street from a row of large skyscrapers (still collecting those) and behind that, the Shinkansen viaducts. That's the main diorama of the layout, and everything else is mostly for operation. I enjoy a mix of scenery and passenger operation, especially with a variety of different types of trains with different roles, Commuter, Limited Express, and long distance Shinkansen. Here's a basic rundown of my layout plan, and eventual additions. The layout is basically complete at this point, and what I'm going to add are staging tracks and a connecting ramp between the upper and lower lines which will make the operation more fun. I began by thinking about the kind of operation I most enjoyed, with commuter trains making regular stops and shuffling back and forth, and ducking away to let faster express trains by. Once I had that idea down, I started designing the scene I wanted. I particularly liked the spot in Tokyo, the Maranouchi skyline seen from the imperial gardens where the trains are running in between the skyscrapers. The main diorama is loosely based on that. Tokyo station at the moment is represented by a single-level 4-track terminus, and a lovely old Faller station kit built by my father in the late 1980s! I thought it a decent stand-in for the gorgeous red-brick Maranouchi station building. My apartment has a spare bedroom which we mostly don't use - so it was perfect as a spot for a return loop. The Shinkansen line is essentially a single track loop folded into a dumbell shape with a return loop at each end. I've tried to keep the 'driving on the left' system as far as possible - so familiar to me from designing OO British layouts for so long. Since I'm focusing on Tokyo amd Shimbashi, I'm focusing on the JR West Shinkansen, which have always been my favorite - the 100, 300, 500, and 700 series. I finally got an E7 though. The blue and gold is so pretty, and since the line to Kanazawa will eventually link up with Osaka, I consider it an honorary West Shinkansen, even though it leaves Tokyo via Omiya. The way I run this layout at present, trains leave Tokyo station and cross to the inner track. Eventually they terminate and cross back to the outer track in the other direction, and terminate back at Tokyo. More details and structures to come! I had a frustrating period of trying to do a city pavement base for my Maranouchi scene with thick card - which bent up and wouldn't lie flat, even with metal rulers glued to it. In the end I gave up and went with thin card which sits flat much better. I'll keep updating it as I can! I have an order of track and structures on the way which will spruce up the Tokyo Station a little. Also coming are the two wonderful Odakyu Romancecars - 7000 and 10000 series, both in wine red color. Favorites of mine from Microsoft Train Simulator back in the day! All best! Keep 'em rolling, train fans! Michael
  8. Hi all - New to the Japanese-outline N scale, but loving the wealth of information and enthusiasm found here! I'm detailing various Tomix Shinkansen sets, some bought second hand in Akihabara - my 700 has these large gaps where I'm guessing the destination blinds/seating signs go - what do most modelers do to apply some detail here? My Kato 500 series came with some small stickers which fit over the glazing - are there some superdetailing parts I can get which show the destination? Also, my older 100 & 300 Tomix sets have blank spaces where the destination boards should be - does anyone know where I can find decals or stickers for those? Cheers, Michael
  9. Preview run for media outlets on the soon to be opened (March 16) final section of the Osaka Higashi Line from Shin Osaka to Hanaten. With the spring timetable revision coming into effect on March 16, services will consist of locals from Shin Osaka to Kyuhouji, and Direct Rapid Services from Shin Osaka to Nara. The fastest Direct Rapid trains will cover Shin Osaka to Nara in 52 minutes. Rolling stock will be 321 and 207 series (7 car formations).
  10. On Japanese television there have been reports of test runs that will take place in search of a replacement for the 381 series on the Yakumo limited express service. The television program shows a JR Shikoku 8600 series, although according to one of the comments on the Facebook post there have been test runs with this train type on JR West territory already last month. Source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lovekokutetsutype/permalink/1482471928487919/ (JNR fan page on Facebook)
  11. Let's say you brought a JR West model and the delivey got delayed. Well, in the meantime you can confort with these. No N-gauge tho. http://www.westjr.co.jp/railroad/fan/paper/ Jokes apart, this is the "Fan" section of the JR West official website. it has Papercraft trains, PC desktop backgrounds, company movies and even a comic! http://www.westjr.co.jp/railroad/#index-fan
  12. Hi all, I have found this news, can you possibly double check it on japanese sites? http://www.mermecgroup.com/news-e-events/press-releases/906/1/jr-west-announces-award-to-mermec-at-the-eu-japan-industrial-meeting-held-in-brussels.php
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