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Kato - New Releases

Darren Jeffries

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The Thunderbird 683 looks different... a renewal colour?


That E231 Joban made me a little excited, but it quickly died down. Good to claim nothing for me at the moment ~   :P

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Das Steinkopf

Nice to see the modernized version of the Koki 50000 with TR223G bogies available in a 2 car set, I will definitely be getting some of these.

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You know Tomix have Koki 50000s with grey bogies right?  You can even buy the grey bogies sepearately if you wanna convert the older style.  I have a box of grey TR223s for some reason.  I must have over ordered many moons ago.

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Das Steinkopf
  On 9/2/2016 at 8:49 PM, katoftw said:

You know Tomix have Koki 50000s with grey bogies right?  You can even buy the grey bogies sepearately if you wanna convert the older style.  I have a box of grey TR223s for some reason.  I must have over ordered many moons ago.

I already have a Tomix 2742 and I have the Tomix 8714 with tail lights on order, I was going to wait for Tomix to do a re release of 2742 and renumber them like I did with the Koki 106's but this also provides another alternative to building up my fleet, a while back I was thinking of buying the JNR versions and swapping out the bogies but now I won't have to worry about that.

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Guest keio6000

Happy to see the (effective) re-release of the Seibu 701 red trains, though the price is high.   Haven't checked to see if it comes in a 'tall' bookcase so that the 4+4 can be put into a standard size case. that would be nice.



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NGI has posted some new photosets of upcoming KATO releases ...



KATO 試作品レポート

(ホビーセンターカトー東京店にてNGI撮影 9/13)











キハ25形1000番台(高山本線・太多線) キハ25 1005
キハ25形1000番台(高山本線・太多線) キハ25 1005(ライト点灯)
キハ25形1000番台(高山本線・太多線) キハ25 1105
キハ25形1000番台(高山本線・太多線) キハ25 1105(ライト点灯)
UP FEF-3 #838(現役仕様)
D51 標準形(長野式集煙装置付)重連イメージ
D51 標準形(長野式集煙装置付)
H5系 北海道新幹線<はやぶさ>(※ノーズカバーはE5系新幹線のパーツのため白色が異なります。)
20系寝台特急「日本海」 ナハネフ20
20系寝台特急「日本海」 ナハネ20
20系寝台特急「日本海」 ナロネ21
20系寝台特急「日本海」 ナシ20
20系寝台特急「日本海」 カニ21
西武鉄道701系(非冷房) クハ1709
西武鉄道701系(非冷房) クハ1709(ライト点灯…行先表示も点灯しています。)
西武鉄道701系(非冷房) モハ710
ED75 500
EF70 1000
東急電鉄5050系4000番台<Shibuya Hikarie号>

Edited by Gordon Werner
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  On 9/15/2016 at 10:02 AM, katoftw said:

I think about Kato redoing the 885 series.  Then I'm like, "Hey, any love for the 787s?


Would love to add another 787 to the fleet.  My older Relay Tsubame is lonely.


And speaking of Kato's Kyushu EMUs, what about the 883?  The blue Sonic 10-288 is quite popular judging by its price on Yahoo Auctions.

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Guest keio6000
  On 9/14/2016 at 4:03 PM, Gordon Werner said:



somewhere somebody at kato cut out the destination sticker used on the above promotional pic.  he may have even used several sticker sets from the factory until he finally got the cut just right.   i woinder at some point the lightbulb will go off at kato, tomix, etc that the current system of stickers sucks doubly so since they won't do the decent thing and pre-cut the preforations but make you spend hours with an x acto knife on a set where if you're lucky they give you one extra but just as often no extra.

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Tomix actually offers pad printed destination inserts for most high grade sets and i've even got a few for a Tomytec Chuo line set. The general assumption for the rest might be that most people struggle with the positioning and not the cut. Imho it's easy to cut correctly but getting it to stick to the right place in the right angle is hard.

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  On 9/14/2016 at 4:03 PM, Gordon Werner said:



Hmmm, memories of the Hakubi line triple-headers...


Cheers NB

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more from NGI



KATO 2016第56回全日本模型ホビーショー パネル&試作品展示リスト





(東京ビッグサイト西3・4ホールにてNGI撮影 9/23)

Nゲージスターターキット・スペシャル H5系 北海道新幹線<はやぶさ> (パネル)
80系300番台 飯田線 クハ86 300
80系300番台 飯田線 クハ86 300 塗装サンプル
80系300番台 飯田線 クハ86 300の塗り分けの違い(4両セットの1両のみ傾きが短い)
80系300番台 飯田線 モハ80 300
80系300番台 飯田線 クハ85 100
80系300番台 飯田線 モハ80 373(貫通路閉鎖)
東急電鉄5050系4000番台<Shibuya Hikarie号>
EF70 1000
ED75 700
D51 標準形(長野式集煙装置付)
H5系 北海道新幹線<はやぶさ>

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Interesting KatoUSA is selling this! Also interesting they had the hankyu 6300 there as well, but nothing other than the centrams under the Japanese imports. I guess they need to do it direct to keep the price down. Also been friction in the past when katousa sold Japanese trains thru shops that needed spare parts or repairs and katousa was not helpful... Site there will be some novelty interest here in it with us Modelers who have a Shinkansen or two and who knows maybe some diehard anime fans as well will want it.



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Want!!! The $290 price tag though....... Eva is I guess fairly popular in the US, but I would think it's pretty rare to find model train fans who also happens to be an anime fan who happens to like Eva in the US. I like it enough to really want one, but can't justify the price.....unfortunately.

Edited by locidm
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To be fair the Tomix is the same street price. Sure the combo of license fee and extreme paint job makes it expensive. Also the strong yen now.



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