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Akita Mountain

Tom C

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I thought you would enjoy that sankei kit tom (and any sankei kit for that matter). They are quite fun to put together! Nice job.





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3 hours ago, Tom C said:

A young couple engaged in a PDA heralding a wind of change blowing through imediate post war Japan,

Foregoing the warm embrace of another is a self sacrificial aspect of some organised religion I struggle with. That said, the greatest joy of life is our freedom to choose the path we wish to follow.


You struggle with that aspect of some organized religions? Or you're forgoing warm embraces as an aspect of an organized religion you're involved in, and are struggling with it. Just curious. Feel free to not answer if the question is too nosy. 

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1 hour ago, gavino200 said:

Feel free to not answer if the question is too nosy. 

Oooh, interesting question triggered by my bad use of English. 

No no no, not too nosy at all. Although I have an interest in, and deep respect, for organized religions, I don't actually hold any beliefs myself. I struggle to understand the value of such a sacrifice in my life and the referance I made was to the choice of the life of a monk, not my own. 

Building this layout is becoming an interesting path of descovery for me. I hope my sharing it does not cause any offence, as none is ment.  


Thanks for asking.



Edited by Tom C
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1 hour ago, Tom C said:

Oooh, interesting question triggered by my bad use of English. 

No no no, not too nosy at all. Although I have an interest in, and deep respect, for organized religions, I don't actually hold any beliefs myself. I struggle to understand the value of such a sacrifice in my life and the referance I made was to the choice of the life of a monk, not my own. 


Ah, I figured, from the elements of your personality that are visible through your prose. But I find peoples beliefs and philosophies interesting, so I had to ask. 



1 hour ago, Tom C said:

Building this layout is becoming an interesting path of descovery for me. I hope my sharing it does not cause any offence, as none is ment.  



No, not at all. Following the progress of this layout is very interesting, not only for the craft and artistry, but for the amusing narrative also. It's a bit unique in that. Keep up the good work!

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Tom your narratives are as interesting as your builds, brings a real life to the creations!



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On 5/13/2021 at 7:16 PM, cteno4 said:

I thought you would enjoy that sankei kit tom

Thank you Jeff. Paper/card is always my material of choise when I build my own structures, so it was nice to build a card kit. Very therapeutic very Japanese ! I have a lovely book on paper carving and some of the carvers are classed as national treasures. Wonderful.



@gavino200 @cteno4 Thank you both for your feedback. It helps as I often wonder if my crazy ramblings are of any interest to anyone ? My narratives are added to distract from my crumby workmanship. I noticed that you were all too distracted to point out that the strap on the ladys right zori was incomplete 🙃 It has now been rectifide. I take this as proof that my narratives work 🤣


Now, back to the workbench for the next crazy creation. It won't be the cliffs as I have descovered a subject thats crying out to be modeled. Stay tuned (that's a hint)

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tom, looks like a wonderful book! Sadly not in our states library system, I may try the university system. 


1 hour ago, Tom C said:

Thank you both for your feedback. It helps as I often wonder if my crazy ramblings are of any interest to anyone ? My narratives are added to distract from my crumby workmanship. I noticed that you were all too distracted to point out that the strap on the ladys right zori was incomplete 🙃 It has now been rectifide. I take this as proof that my narratives work 🤣

yes they do and a wonderful way to bring things to life way past what they are of themselves! We use this a lot in exhibits, interweaving stories and other subjective/subconscious cues to make artifacts come to life or at times not even the real thing but the symbolism of a prop with the right story really sparks the imagination and then feeds into the mind’s eye and our perception of the scene becomes so much richer, we literally will remember things not actually there, but the stories and our visual experiences fill things out. Something very old and basic in our brains so you get a wonderfully similar result from the whole spectrum of unique humans! 

eames really demonstrated this in their short film toccata to toy trains. Simple story and narration that play into wonderfully shot sequences create something really rich with very simple old toy tin trains. Good story telling has been put aside a lot in modern culture with all the bells and whistles we can do now, but the capacity to enjoy it is literally built into our brains so aways can be successful no matter how passé current culture may say it is.




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Oh, hello, what have we got here ? N scale shamisen ? Look like little sticks with blobs on them to me 


Oh ye of little faith, come on in close and take a better look;


They are strung with cat hair  Thank goodness they only have three strings each.

Now I need to finish the two girl buskers who play them. Anybody able to tell me their first names ? A prize on it's way to you in the post if you can.

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I will post the answer with a photo of the girls when I've finished sculpting them. Possibly end of next week. Until then you'll have to sit tight 🙂 


I have a slight suspition Jeff won't be on the podium 🤣

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7 hours ago, Tom C said:

I will post the answer with a photo of the girls when I've finished sculpting them. Possibly end of next week. Until then you'll have to sit tight 🙂 


I have a slight suspition Jeff won't be on the podium 🤣


How about giving us another clue?

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On 5/22/2021 at 4:10 PM, gavino200 said:

How about giving us another clue?

One of you has come within a cats whisker of getting the answer 👍

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3 hours ago, Tom C said:

One of you has come within a cats whisker of getting the answer 👍


Kiki and Jiji??

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There's nothing like having a concert in, the palm of your hand 😅



I present you the band Kiki. They are Kanami & Hikari. Hard rock fans need to hear these girls shred 




Now I've got to get on and finish the station so that these girls have a place to busk.🙂


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Outstanding work Tom!


wow it’s like Jimi Hendrix and Bela Fleck born in japan as sisters! Nice, they do rock and with no head banging needed.



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Wow, a big thank you all for your nice comments. Really kind of you  As said though, Kiki are the true artists.

I thought I would share a little of what it took to create them.

The hardest part is in capturing the mood of the person? I do this when I reposition their limbs. Our posture speaks strongly of our caricature.

I take a normal standing figure and change their limbs. Here you can see how many cuts it took. Each time I had to change the angle of the cut so that I could glue them back in a different position;


After that I covered them in plastic putty and then carved their clothes. I also do their hair this way. I guess that adds tailor and hairdresser to my list of professions 😂

I would say that with the Shamisen, they took about seven hours each 😵

Well, it was fun and brought a smile to my face. Most of all though, it gave me an excuse share Kiki's wonderful music with you all 

Thank's as always for hitting the 'thanks' button. I tells me my posts are not a lost cause. You're a good bunch 

Thanks, Tom

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