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Kato "DCC Friendly" Database

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On 12/13/2022 at 8:03 AM, Mlminto said:

Wanted to add a locomotive, info directly from Digitrax Technical Support a couple of weeks ago:


Kato 3093-3 Electric Locomotive EF61 (Brown) used Digitrax DN163K4A.  I recently purchase both, and will post my experience with them when I get the chance.




Any updates on the EF61 (3093-3)?

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I can confirm that also the NDE290 DRM decoder also fits and works perfectly with the EF66 (3046-1). I have installed it and there are no other modifications needed.


The three decoders I have used so far from DRM work for the following models that I have:


N54K0: EF510-500 Cassiopeia and Glacier Express (10-1145)

NDE290: EF66 (3046-1)

ND51: DD51 (7008-F)

All are drop in without further modifications needed.


Perhaps these can be added to the list.


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Kato 10-1753 Seibu new color. Works well with rokuhan A053. Soldering required and isolating motor from the chassis. No modifications of the chassis needed. I insulated all the pickup tabs and didnt cut anything. Just soldered the wires for the LED etc at the head of the tabs so that you can also convert back to dc if needed. Follow the regular instructions for the Digitrax Dz126 and the wiring diagram for the A053 in the instructions.  The manual of the decoder doesn't give clear step by step instructions for this decoder, only due the light decoder A059. Be sure to carefully insulate the motor bay since this is quite tight especially when the motor and soldered wires go back in.  Also insulate the tabs that run along the chassis to make sure they don't short out anything. 





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I'm going to add Kato's EH200 locomotive and The dRM decoder. It's pretty much drop-in with a little minor soldering but I can confirm that it works.


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Kato 3060-4 EF65-500 Takes a Digitrax DN163K4a decoder. As you see I broke the orginal getting it out. A tight fit


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Does anybody know if the Kato TGV 10-091 is DCC compatible? I was given one, and I want to know if it can be made compatible before I have someone install a decoder in it.

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