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  1. Just caught this on Ompuchaneru (http://rail-uploader.khz-net.com/index.php?id=37663)... Work will start this year to prepare for the inclusion of 2 bi-level green cars in Chuo Rapid Line and Ome Line train formations. Additionally, the trains will be lengthened to 12-car formations. Based on the pdf, the bi-level green cars will be the familiar cars we see now in other Tokyo-area JRE consists. The service is planned to begin in 2020. This involves more than just building the cars; they'll have to improve stations, lines, signalling, and depots. A little green car history from the pdf: May 1969 - First-class cars on the Tokaido and Yokosuka lines are changed to "green cars" October 1980 - Green cars appear on the Sobu Line when the line's connection to and direct services with the Yokosuka Line begin March 1989 - Bi-level cars are added to Tokaido Line trains March 1990 - Bi-level cars are added to Yokosuka/Sobu Line trains July 2004 - Bi-level cars are added to Utsunomiya/Takasaki Line trains (which operate as locals until October) October 2004 - Bi-level cars are added to Shonan-Shinjuku Line trains January 2007 - Bi-level cars are added to mid-distance Joban Line trains (which operate as locals until March) JR East pdf: http://www.jreast.co.jp/press/2014/20150203.pdf
  2. This was mentioned in a thread on Ompuchaneru. Keio's mid-term business plan, released on May 8, mentions their study of for-fee services as a new revenue source. Unfortunately there are no concrete details. This is their 3-year plan covering this year to 2017. In 2020 JR East will have green cars on the Chuo Line. The Chuo and Keio's main line are roughly parallel, but fairly far apart for most of the distance. I'm not familiar with competition or "cross ridership" between these two lines. Is this a response to JR East? http://rail-uploader.khz-net.com/index.php?&id=44689 http://www.keio.co.jp/company/stockholder/results_briefing/pdf/2015_briefing_reference.pdf http://trafficnews.jp/post/39973/ http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXLASDZ07HYX_X00C15A5TI0000/
  3. A friend of mine is going to Japan this fall and wants to ride a couple reserved legs on his Japan Rail Pass (he's considering "Going Green"). I had an ordinary pass and went in Jiyuseki on Tokaido/Sanyo Shinkansen when I was in Japan as an adult, so I don't remember much of doing the whole reservations thing at the ticket office. But my friend will need to for his green car reservations. My friend doesn't know much Japanese, but I see that JR East now has English-Speaking ticket offices at Narita. Do you know if the JR East ticket office can do reservations for other JR group trains for Japan Rail Pass holders? Or only JR East trains? Thanks!
  4. JR East's factory at Niitsu has turned out a green car for use with the SL Ban'etsu Monogatari steam excursion. Its first run will be this Saturday April 6. It is based on SUHAFU 12-102. They've also got a pdf available http://www.jrniigata.co.jp/press/20130124sl4-9-g.pdf with some artist's renderings of the interior. I'm looking forward to some photos and video of the real thing. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Banetsu_Monogatari_SuRoFu_12_102_Niigata_20130406.jpg
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