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Found 16 results

  1. Been awhile since the last news of a big sale of rolling stock for export. 12x12 car sets of N700s to THSR. full article: https://japannews.yomiuri.co.jp/business/economy/20230317-97865/ JR Tokai TV CM promoting the introduction of service of the N700s two years ago:
  2. Szdfan

    High Speed Rail in Tibet

    Tibet now has its first high speed rail line. https://www.railwaygazette.com/infrastructure/lhasa-nyingchi-line-inaugurated/59409.article?utm_source=RGInewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Main Story Link&utm_campaign=RGInewsletter- 20210702 “The first electrified railway in Tibet was inaugurated on June 25, with ceremonies in Lhasa to mark the start of operations on the Lhasa – Nyingchisection of the Sichuan - Tibet railway. ”Diverging at Xierong from the Lhasa – Xigatse line opened in August 2014, the new line runs for 404·8 km to Nyingchi, also known as Linzhi, around 15 km from the border between the Tibet Autonomous Region and India.” “The line has been laid out for 160 km/h operation, with trains covering the 435·5 km between Lhasa and Nyingchi in 3 h 30 min. China Railways is initially providing three D category trains in each direction, operated by CR200JS-G electro-diesel trainsets. The nominal freight capacity of the route is put at 10 million tonnes per year.”
  3. source, with additional maps/diagrams: https://www.texascentral.com/2018/01/29/north-texas-bullet-train-station/
  4. bikkuri bahn

    HS2 doubting article

    I'm agnostic on this rail line (though its existence may increase chances of a shinkansen derivative running in the UK). The Guardian's Simon Jenkin's take on the project: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/jun/07/hs2-the-zombie-train-that-refuses-to-die *I didn't know the WCML was underutilized (i.e. Euston being used at 60% of capacity in the AM peak, etc.)
  5. I know some really like utility vehicles, thought this might be of interest. El Pais report of the Haramain HSR line, some nice visuals.
  6. Nothing novel about the findings of this study, but it does give info about the financing of this line which will be provided by Japan. http://www.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/mumbai-ahmedabad-distance-of-534-km-ideal-for-high-speed-rail-iim-a-study-116041300403_1.html
  7. A little bit more info about this proposed rolling stock design: http://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Companies/Hitachi-looks-beyond-bullet-trains-in-export-push *apparently this design will be independent of systems/rolling stock designed around the shinkansen concept
  8. A simulator for an e5 shinkansen train is on display for visitor use at the California State Railroad Museum. It was provided by JR East, as part of a special exhibition on hsr. https://www.instagram.com/p/-SlpBDxoYc/ http://www.csrmf.org/component/content/article/55-events-exhibits-train-rides/477-fast-tracks-the-world-of-high-speed-rail
  9. This news item I missed back in July, but it's interesting enough to post. JR East was already pegged to provide consultant services for the HS2 project in Great Britain, but on July 22 the firm revealed they had already started another service in addition to the previous announced items. This involved the use of their proprietary Hercules computer program to generate run curve diagrams. These run curve diagrams will be used to figure minimum running times between two designated points (stations) on the HS2 route. Presumably then hypothetical operating diagrams (schedules) can be generated using the data. One definition of a run curve: http://www.rtri.or.jp/eng/rd/seika/2003/02/lowcost_E08.html Details of the HS2 project: Top speed: 400km/h Top revenue service speed: 360km/h Train frequency- on completion of initial 1st segment (London-Birmingham): 14tph, on completion of second segment (Birmingham to Manchester and Leeds): 18tph Train length: 400m Details of the JR East project for HS2: Duration of simulation: June 10~Nov. 7, 2015 Test section to be used: Initial 1st segment (London Euston to Birmingham as well as connections to existing lines from Birmingham to Manchester/Leeds) Rolling stock to be used in simulation: JR East E5 and E6 Hypothetical HS2 trainset Stopping patterns: express type and stopping services Speed limits/standards to be utilized: JR East standard operating speed limits HS2 designated operating speed limits JR East press release: https://www.jreast.co.jp/press/2015/20150719.pdf Previous news from spring: http://www.railjournal.com/index.php/high-speed/hs2-appoints-jr-east-as-a-consultant.html
  10. http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/business/racing-to-beat-china-japans-pm-shinzo-abe-sweetens-bid-for-indonesia-rail-project/articleshow/48697227.cms
  11. Event begins today, at Tokyo International Forum in Yurakucho. http://www.uic-highspeed2015.com/index.html
  12. Been awhile since this proposed trainset has last been in the news. With the PM's U.S. visit, it looks like this model will be officially offered for the California project. Apparently tender bids by the various manufacturers will occur sometime this year. Kyodo News report via the Japan Times (yecch...): http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/04/25/business/japanese-consortium-to-propose-kawasaki-heavy-bullet-trains-for-high-speed-line-in-california/ ...efSET, something like a "super" E7 set?
  13. Came across this on Hitachi Rail Europe's website. Added in the last few months? Just a concept for now. Note the 500 serieslike paint scheme. Aiming for the HS2 market? http://www.hitachirail-eu.com/at400---very-high-speed_154.html
  14. bikkuri bahn

    california dreamin'

    Headline from a Fox news site: This same candidate for the CA governorship is also staging a "smash the crazy train" event in Burbank where people will smash a model rr HSR trainset and get a $25 voucher for gas. What can you say, it's the US of A!! We're No. 1!! *well, I guess it's an improvement on the old chestnut, "trains are 19th century technology"...
  15. Filed in FWIW category, but somewhat interesting... http://www.businessspectator.com.au/news/2014/8/19/debt-capital-markets/high-speed-rail-may-receive-japanese-backing
  16. http://www.bordermail.com.au/story/1415277/bite-the-bullet-japan-keen-to-introduce-its-train/?cs=7
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