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500 series, 100 series shinkansen cars to Kyoto


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It's especially funny as having a train going down the street is something that would catch your attention w.o any lights! Some poor drunk would probably think they had driven onto the train tracks w.o the lights though.


I've often knoodled on ways of using fiber optics to do this as I want to model a scene like this eventually. I have all the bits with star train carriages and tomytec carriers, the light strings would be challenging though to pop them thru the car body and have some tread connecting all the fiber ends...





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he light strings would be challenging though to pop them thru the car body and have some tread connecting all the fiber ends...

It would be easier just to mount a bunch of small smd leds in series on some solid wire, then carefully cut the wire behind the leds and finally paint the wire. The end result is a nice string of smd lights that can be mounted on anything. It can be driven with some higher voltage, limited low current power source. (the voltage and the current limit required depends on the number of leds in the chain) Some of the leds that can be seen on H0 scale moving trucks were created this way. An alternative for the wire is the silver based pcb trace repair paint, that can be used to connect glued on leds without soldering. This could be covered over with a non conducting paint layer to hide the traces.

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Problem in n scale with doing lights like this with SMD LEDs is that even 402s are pretty large (6" x 3" x3" wo solder or wire) and not near the scale of some rope lights like this. Magnet wire or flex pcb trace gets very large as well...


Fiber works pretty well for something like this and you can pack a lot into a small space. I did a small test with a dozen lights across about 20mm with some fine fiber to mimic small truck lights for decotora. Worked well. Biggest pain is getting the fibers to the LEDs and then packing that into a small space inside a truck. Easy if you just run them a bit long and then run them out the bottom of the truck and have the LEDs under the layout, but this requires like a 6mm hole under the truck... Whole lot easier doing fiber in structures where you have some room!



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Is the 500 series Shinkansen already out of service?

A few 8 car sets should still be running on kodama services. Only the prototype was retired and the end car stored for displaying.

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