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TOMIX 6422 Cleaning Car Black Skeleton Theme マルチレールクリーニングカー(スケルトン) \3,528 at Popondetta.jp


Least expensive there.


It's on eBay at plazaJapan, too.


Atlas isn't selling them anymore.

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Good news Shinkansen fans! New releases of the two versions of the 800 series are available at HS!

They both have the latest Tomix Shinkansen technologies: flywheel, power couplers, all wheels power pickup, etc.




800-0, before the completion of the Kyushu Shinkansen line in 2011




800-1000, after the completion of the Kyushu Shinkansen line in 2011



Basically I think the changes between the two models are a new logo and differences in the red line along the body of the cars. If someone has detailed pictures, you are very welcome! :-)


Enjoy! I'm still hesitating between the two models and of course if I should get another train yet!  :grin

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Good news Shinkansen fans! New releases of the two versions of the 800 series are available at HS!

They both have the latest Tomix Shinkansen technologies: flywheel, power couplers, all wheels power pickup, etc.




800-0, before the completion of the Kyushu Shinkansen line in 2011




800-1000, after the completion of the Kyushu Shinkansen line in 2011



Basically I think the changes between the two models are a new logo and differences in the red line along the body of the cars. If someone has detailed pictures, you are very welcome! :-)


Enjoy! I'm still hesitating between the two models and of course if I should get another train yet!  :grin


I want both fortunately for me it's not a limited ED and will come in and out of stock so i can pass this for now but yeah i want them all.


now if i could get that pokemon livery one :D

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I'm the same ... I also want both.  But like keitaro I've splashed my money on the 92997 300 Series shinkansen.


I might pick them up when I'm there in October.





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Found some more info on the upcoming Tomix 200系 Renewal,


item numbers will be: 92852 (basic) and 92853 (add-on) for the regular (renewal color scheme). 92999 will be K47 formation (JNR commemoration scheme)


Both sets will be equipped with working couplers (222形, as with all K formations) and can be coupled with both the (Tomix) 400系 and E3系*.

92999 Will be a special limited edition, and will depict K47 formation as she was used in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Tōhoku Shinkansen on the 23rd of June this year.


prices will be (from a 3rd party website, nothing official from Tomix them self);


-92852   18,690 Yen

-92853   10,080 Yen


-92999   32,760 Yen



*The K formations, while mainly used with 400系 formations, where also able to be coupled with E3系 formations as well.

Now I'm not 100% positive this was done with any of the 12 renewalled K formations, nor I'm I positive it was used with anything other then the E3系0番台, but at least it would have been possible.






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Ohhh that is tempting! Some more interesting mixed consists to do! I assume new powered couplers as well, hopefully.





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Nice too bad I don't have $$ mean while my cheaper affordable tomix has been recalled 5 models in 3 months


Tomix is letting it slide I think


"[Limited Edition] J.R. Diesel Train Series Kiha58 `Kasuga` (2-Car Set) (Model Train)" (http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10183577).


We have been contacted by the manufacturer, and they have informed us that there was a mistake with the seat parts, where they should have been reclining type had actually been made as cross (box) seat. For such reason, the manufacturer has issued a recall of the products, which has caused your order to be put on hold while the item is being collected by the manufacturer and they send us a replacement.


The manufacturer is currently making the proper parts and attaching them to the product, so we are currently expecting the item to return around late August.


We are very sorry for this inconvenient delay, but your understanding and patience is greatly appreciated.


Thank you very much.

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Hmmmm .... is the faulty one with the wrong seats going to be worth more in years to come?  What a dilema ... lucky I didn't buy that model ... it would take days to make up my mind ... meanwhile, someone at Tomix is now looking for a new job ...




The _Ghan

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I guess this is an preproduction model of one of those Tomytec trains that just got announced: http://ngi.blog.eonet.jp/n_gauge/2012/05/tomytec512012-9afc.html#more

It does look really nice.


I've ordered the latest "Tetsudo Collection" set with the Hokutetsu "Shirasagi" trains. Oddly enough the Tomytec poster shows the stainless steel unit as an Oigawa Railway unit while it assigns a Hokutetsu ID to its cream and red sister even though boith set passed through both railways in their lifetime.\


The set also includes an Asahikawa Denki Kido car. I'll need a TaKi 3000 tank car to go with it...there is at least one picture of one such car happily trailing an Asahikawa car down the middle of a city street!


Cheers NB

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From the information present, Tomix will be reproducing JR Tōkai formation J57.


J57 was used for the final JR Tōkai 300系 run, Nozomi 329 from Tōkyō Central to Shin-Ōsaka on the Tōkaido Shinkansen. (not Tōkyō-Hakata as HS/Tomix stated)

The final 300系 run however (at the same day), was by JR West formation F7 (almost simultaneously with 100系 formation K55)  from Shin-Ōsaka to Hakata as Nozomi 609 on the Sanyō Shinkansen, where both the 100系 and 300系 where formally retired. JR West however didn't apply any special decals for the occasion.


As HS has posted some more information about the Tomix Sayonara 300 set, I think some of the speculation here might have been premature;


- Commercialized figure to commemorate the retirement system Nozomi 300 in March 2012, a decorated months before retirement.

- Thank you [. Notation printing 300 · LASTRUN].

- Reproduce the appearance of late type passenger door was on the sliding door from Puragudoa.

- Second car reproduced in print, Mark Green car, including car display on the roof, and JR Marks.

- Adopt power with flywheel.

- Energizing formula adopted coupler ring hook.

- Adopt new wheel silver current collector system.

- Brown sheet system.

- Comes with a transfer sheet for the grade up.


emphasis mine.


fingers crossed that they will actually change the door.











complete album with photos: https://picasaweb.google.com/ngauge.information/20121011201252TOMIXVol2?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCKK-jZW2ybnt5gE&feat=embedwebsite


just waiting my pre-order  :grin  :cheesy

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Some new models and reproductions in March 2013 here:


Including the E1 series and two interesting Kiha40 sets.


Also, info about the The Railway Collection Volume 17 here:


I can't wait for the Keihan 600 series! The other models look very interesting too. I hope they will release other Keihan 600's with anime advertising someday too.

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Also, info about the The Railway Collection Volume 17 here:


I can't wait for the Keihan 600 series! The other models look very interesting too. I hope they will release other Keihan 600's with anime advertising someday too.


I really love the new lineup of the new Railway Collection, but I also find it a bit blunt that Tomytec is now cutting into the realm of the smaller manufacturers like Greenmax and Modemo with these models... This however will NOT prevent me from buying Tomytec stuff! It's cheaper, less detailed, but I don't care much about that, since I plan to repaint them anyway (when I've moved to Japan that is).

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Aaarghhh... the price...


Especially expensive considering the ones I only really want to have are the Keihan trains, the Hakone Tozan is also nice, but not really what I'm looking for.

I also think that the Keihan 350 should be released two times with different numbers, because I can only find pictures of two of them coupled together. But that's not included in the set unfortunately. I want Tomytec to release them all separately, but I doubt that's going to happen.

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Aaarghhh... the price...


Especially expensive considering the ones I only really want to have are the Keihan trains, the Hakone Tozan is also nice, but not really what I'm looking for.

I also think that the Keihan 350 should be released two times with different numbers, because I can only find pictures of two of them coupled together. But that's not included in the set unfortunately. I want Tomytec to release them all separately, but I doubt that's going to happen.


Many times they will appear separately from dealers on eBay.

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I'll see what I can do for you people when I'm in Japan. I just found out that my gf is going to live not too far away from a TamTam store... They usually have great offers, but I don't know if they'll be selling open Tomytec collection packages. I'll let you know when I'm actually there and a bit settled.

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Does any of you know where the Keifuku Electric Railroad where the Hodeha 260 from The Railway Collection Vol.17 is located?

There is a Keifuku railway in Kyoto prefecture, but the description is talking about the Fukui prefecture. I can't find anything about a Keifuku railway in Fukui, is this the correct railway I am searching for? In other words, does it exist?

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