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Tomix - New Releases

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  On 1/3/2013 at 8:11 PM, Webskipper said:
Silly Question:


Where is the English site for Tomix?


ive never seen one. they are pretty much a japan only company. this deal with walthers seems to be their way of exporting, let walthers deal with the non japanese market. apparently there will be some issues with walthers on all the labeling that will need to be redone on packaging for export...



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On HobbySearch a few new Tomix items have appeared.


The E6 Shinkansen:



Nagaden's reused NEX:




Maybe also interesting to note is that the Kiha23/45/53 are almost up for release:




And more KiHa's are coming in the following months if I'm right.

Edited by Densha
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  On 1/8/2013 at 12:53 PM, Densha said:
On HobbySearch a few new Tomix items have appeared.


The E6 Shinkansen:



Nagaden's reused NEX:




Maybe also interesting to note is that the Kiha23/45/53 are almost up for release:




And more KiHa's are coming in the following months if I'm right.


shock horror Tomix is releasing the E6 in April so they are trying to battle with KATO with their E6 which is supposed to be released in March, this is going to be very interesting indeed.

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  On 1/8/2013 at 1:45 PM, Martijn Meerts said:
But Tomix doesn't have an E5 to hook the E6 up with, which is weird ;)


Yes very weird unless they will be doing one due to the flaws the KATO E5 has and are looking at doing their own version.

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If they want to battle they should indeed release an E5. I also noticed the price difference is about 3000 yen between Tomix and Kato's E6. What flaws does Kato's E5 have?

Edited by Densha
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  On 1/3/2013 at 8:11 PM, Webskipper said:
Silly Question:


Where is the English site for Tomix?


If you use Chrome as a browser, it can be set to automatically translate most languages within a few seconds.  Very helpful for the Tomix site and Kato's Japanese site which has more detail than their English page.



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Martijn Meerts

I have the Kato E5 (and their E6 on pre-order) and haven't found any flaws so far. Of course, I've only ran it on a test track for about 2 minutes so I'm not sure about long-term running :)

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As all my Shinkansen are Tomix, I'm really tempted by this E6, especially the special 7 cars edition.


This could be my very first JR East Shinkansen! :-)

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  On 1/9/2013 at 9:48 AM, Tecchan said:
As all my Shinkansen are Tomix, I'm really tempted by this E6, especially the special 7 cars edition.


This could be my very first JR East Shinkansen! :-)


Probably about time !!   :)



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Guest Closed Account 1

Kato E5 flaws? Protoypical ones?


The lack of flared wheel wells on the cars is the most obvious.


I know that the chassis is based on or is the same as the other shinkansens with 4.1 wheels but, the body shell and fairings really create tight tolerances. It only sticks to the rails on Kato and Tomix sectional track.


Flex track with ballast interfering with the webbing or ties nailed in the middle (reduces gauge) will cause run issues.


Running prototypical speeds makes any N Gauge Shinkansen sensitive to gauge changes.


Magnets would be a good idea.

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wow this is a must for me almost all my shinkansen are Tomix besides the e6 and the MA 200


great news and very unforseen.


I wonder if they will do an E5

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i thought the suspicion was that kato got an exclusive on the e5 for the model and thats why no tomix. 


it is tough as i now have the kato e5 (due to the great kleins sale!) and would like to run them together so i guess im going kato on the e5. i really now prefer though using tomix shinkansens with the all wheel pickup, that such a gem of a feature... that being said the kato 7 car e5 runs very well even when the track starts to get a bit dirty.


well at least the dollar is getting stronger against the yen and 20% off at fmodels...



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Martijn Meerts

I think the leaflet announcing the Tomix E6 mentions that the E6 has an on/off switch on 1 end for the lights, and it also mentions an E5. I can't imagine Tomix making the E6 with the ability to hook up to the Kato E5, so maybe Kato had a 1 year exclusivity deal or something like that.

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Now that you actually mention it, after some hassling with google translate for the kanji I think you're right. I think it says something like "For coupling the E611 to the E5 there is a TN coupler! On-off switch..."

Very weird announcement, because nothing has been heard of an E5 yet. Also noteworthy is that the leaflet hasn't been posted on the Tomix website yet.

Edited by Densha
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I just was stupid looking only at the picture but the text from the leaflet has been copied to the HS description.



Freely translated with help of google translate I think it means this:

"The E611 is equipped with a TN coupler to couple with the E5. Equipped with On-off switch."


But my Japanese is too bad to make really sure if that means it's included or not, or maybe it's just a vague sentence either way.

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  On 1/8/2013 at 3:10 PM, Densha said:
If they want to battle they should indeed release an E5. I also noticed the price difference is about 3000 yen between Tomix and Kato's E6. What flaws does Kato's E5 have?


I believe the Tomix product has the powered coupler.  This could account for the price increase.

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  On 1/9/2013 at 5:20 PM, Webskipper said:
Kato E5 flaws? Protoypical ones?


The lack of flared wheel wells on the cars is the most obvious.


I don't understand.  Here is model and prototype photo:







 Could you help me understand what you mean?




I know that the chassis is based on or is the same as the other shinkansens with 4.1 wheels but, the body shell and fairings really create tight tolerances. It only sticks to the rails on Kato and Tomix sectional track.


Flex track with ballast interfering with the webbing or ties nailed in the middle (reduces gauge) will cause run issues.


Running prototypical speeds makes any N Gauge Shinkansen sensitive to gauge changes.


Magnets would be a good idea.


Yes, this is because foreign track does not comply with the model railroad standards of Japan. :)



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Martijn Meerts

My Kato E5 has no problems whatsoever on Peco code 55 flextrack, including the curves and turnouts ...

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Guest Closed Account 1

I think I was mistaken about the E5 wheel well flares. The E6 has subtle ones. Some early E5 pics must have had them. Don't remember can't find the one so no worries.

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