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So you want to try Tomix FineTrack?


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Recently, I bought E5 starter kit including fine track pattern A. Once it arrived I surprisingly noticed the track has new type of railway sleepers, basically out of concrete not wood. It means that coloring is different too. It is similar to PC wide track although it is not wide. See photos below. Note also different road crossing.






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It seems to me you have new wide track pieces without the wide parts. (normal finetrack is wooden, wide track is concrete, there is a slab track type and the paved tram track) Besides that it has the normal feed points, so it was meant to be normal track, just with concrete sleepers. I hope they keep the old wooden ties too, since modeling anything older without them would be rather hard.

Edited by kvp
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you reminded me 2 more details about those tracks. They have "wider" feed points, i.e., 3 slots not 2 as in wooden track - see the most right photo. Any idea why? And, for me one very very good improvement, one track can be "clicked" with the other one in order to pile them. Not sure if I explained it well but it is very good for storing as you easily can create piles of tracks that can be put into boxes without strewing. I really miss this feature in ca. 50 meters of wooden track that I already have and use strings to wrap around piles when storing in boxes.

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  On 1/8/2014 at 12:33 PM, Sinus said:
Recently, I bought E5 starter kit including fine track pattern A. Once it arrived I surprisingly noticed the track has new type of railway sleepers, basically out of concrete not wood. It means that coloring is different too. It is similar to PC wide track although it is not wide. See photos below. Note also different road crossing.







Very interesting observations! I was not aware of this, and certainly like the stacking "click" feature.


Rich K.

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I believe Tomix is going to release new type of track. It is already in two starter sets E5 and N700A. It is intended for shinkansens I guess. In latest Tomix catalog I saw a part number which is probably of new tracks and is going to be released in 2014. I will check it out and post this part number here later on.

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What I understand of it with my limited Japanese it that the track set has the same contents ('pattern') as the 91064 but with concrete trackbed and will only be included in the Shinkansen starter sets. It is called 'D2' but it doesn't have an article number yet.

Edited by Densha
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Hm. I couldn't find 91028 anywhere so it seems to be a number of something that has not been released yet. From the other hand the starter sets are already released or at least one of them. The release of 91028 is spring 2014.

Edited by Sinus
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Whoops, I made a typo. See my last post. The 91028 is indeed the number of the new set, and you're right it will be released separately as well; I missed the whole part on the right. Until now it has only been released in Shinkansen starter sets.

Edited by Densha
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91064 is pattern D with double crossover which costs almost 10000. Btw. Px280 is mentioned in the text. Definitely not included in any starter set. And 91028 will be much cheaper. Maybe pattern A?

Edited by Sinus
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Is it possible to find a complete and up to date list of tomix track pieces? The one on their homepage seems a little bit short. (i did find the two starter sets with the new tracks though) Also, what is written on the bottom of the new tracks? (usually you see the type code there, like S140)

Edited by kvp
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The symbols are the same, i.e., S140, S280 but the part numbers are of course different, e.g. S280 1012 (vs. 1022), rerail track 1524 (vs. 1523).

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  On 1/12/2014 at 8:00 PM, kvp said:
Is it possible to find a complete and up to date list of tomix track pieces? The one on their homepage seems a little bit short. (i did find the two starter sets with the new tracks though) Also, what is written on the bottom of the new tracks? (usually you see the type code there, like S140)


Try this site for a Tomix complete list and you can download.


Cheers Hans

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Thanks, but it looks like at least half or more of the lineup is missing from that list. I mean the concrete tie wide tracks, the concrete tie normal tracks, the superelevated tracks, slab tracks, tram tacks, road system, etc. So far i found at least 5 types of the basic S140 track (normal, elevated, concrete wide, concrete normal, street), not counting double ones and this is only in the new finetrack system. So this is why i'm looking for a really complete list that contains all the new track pieces from the last 3 years too.

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  On 1/25/2014 at 3:44 AM, westfalen said:

If you click on one of the links under "製品" in the menu on the left, you see the product pages of the types of Fine Track. Then if you look closely you will see a tab ”製品ラインアップ" with a list of each type of track.

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  On 1/12/2014 at 3:02 PM, Sinus said:
So it might be tomix 91028, possibly denoted as D2, but am not sure if this is not double track to appear.



So, now there are more details. You can see reserve item in HS



The track will have suffix PC. D2 means double tracking but rather in the sense that two separate tracks are intended to be placed along than in the sense of Kato double track. It is said 91028 is Tomix track layout pattern D but I guess this is some kind of mistake as Pattern D for regular track was much more expensive with double crossover.


More options also here:


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