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13 hours ago, MeTheSwede said:

but turns out the Kato couplers on these type of wagons are less capable at small radii

Probably because Kato cheaped out on these types of wagon and these couplers are not sprung. To remedy that, you can try adding a spring. I had tons leftovers from TNing my MA and Tomix sets.

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700-8000 series today

Tomix N scale Sanyo Kyushu Shinkansen

8 car set is my favourite!

92981 Basic livery

98925 Kumamon Kurochan livery





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500 series Sanyo Shinkansen today 


Personally 500 series is my most favourite design ever. Hopefully I can get a ride again near future!

Tomix N scale

98710 JR 500-7000 Kodama 

98662  JR 500-7000 Hello Kitty livery 


Video clip available on my YouTube



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6 hours ago, mrsteveseag said:

Kato 10-1123 E655 Nagomi 

Kato 10-1889/1890 E001 Train Suite

Ironic I just unearthed both of these just an hour ago! I was moving some boxes in my office and discovered them sandwiched in a pile of boxes. I must put them down on top and the errantly began piling boxes on top! Though I had not seen them in a while! It’s good to clean up now and then I guess.


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My Kato turntable has been sitting boxed up for at least 5 years and my boys wanted to see it working. No resistance from me so we made up the roundhouse using 5 buildings. 6 roundhouse buildings would take you to a half circle and decided on running a number of SL trains such as the Hitoyoshi, Yamaguchi as well as some JNR formations like the 10 series Kamome, Imperial train and Taisetsu and a well known British tank engine made an appearance. 

Also a good opportunity to play around with some nostalgic filters. 









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Got bored Tuesday night so with the help of my Nagoya Rinkai ND55 and some KoKi wagons, I decided to have a bit of a play on my windowsill.




Have you let the love of the Inglenook into your life lately?

Well, OK, bit cheesy, but really that's all the room I had on my windowsill for. The head track could take four KoKi's and the locomotive comfortably, anything else would hang over the points and make things... not work.




Obligatory siding photo with all six KoKi's on the track and the diesel. I'd just loaded three of the wagons with my arsenal of Tomix containers, probably going to need more at this rate because I'll end up buying more wagons... and a locomotive to pull them... aaargh, come on, can't have it all (or can I...)




The ND55 up close. This is a very pretty model, I really like it! Also the first time I had it out, and it didn't like some of my SH Kato straights which admittedly I need to clean properly before using again.



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On 12/3/2023 at 9:07 PM, Kamome said:

My Kato turntable has been sitting boxed up for at least 5 years and my boys wanted to see it working. No resistance from me so we made up the roundhouse using 5 buildings. 6 roundhouse buildings would take you to a half circle and decided on running a number of SL trains such as the Hitoyoshi, Yamaguchi as well as some JNR formations like the 10 series Kamome, Imperial train and Taisetsu and a well known British tank engine made an appearance. 

Also a good opportunity to play around with some nostalgic filters. 









What a layout! Makes me glad that I got my own turntable while I did so!

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Yep, a very good investment. Bought mine back in 2014 and have gradually added more and more tracks and loco storage.

I do find it has the occasional dead rail since I’ve added some additional tracks. Think there’s some fine tuning of the securing screws on the 3 rail arc pieces that replace the blanks around the circle. Need to ensure even tension as it seems to be connectivity from the turning bridge. Doesn’t happen all the time but usually have a watchmaker's cross head handy. 


This layout was a simple perimeter loop with a short passing siding at the older rural station kit and a couple of storage sidings for coaching stock. I tend to use a Hyper D controller as it has output for 2 tracks and you can maintain identical speed across the insulating joiners leading into the turntable. 

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I'm wondering if I might make a half roundhouse or use my three bay engine house à la Kyoto or Hitoyoshi engine depots, respectively for my layout? 
Either way, you share my tastes in placing the 58654 on that magnificent KATO turntable. 👍

Edited by disturbman
unnecessary quote, answering previous message
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Not today but the other day I finally pulled out my recently arrived CV1 oval and tried it out with one of my B-trains.



The plan for that train is eventually to live on a compact point to point automated shuttle shelf layout inspired loosely by the Hankyu Koyo line. I do need to get a different power unit though, I accidentally ordered one mismatched to the bogies I had purchased separately for the other carriages...

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OK, a bit belated but last Tuesday after I finished with my ND55 I decided to have a tram session:




Newly motorized Hiroden 651 found itself in trouble fairly quickly after it picked up one of the points and tried to go two ways at the same time! I'll have to check it out properly and find out what the issue is with this tram. No regrets about getting it motorized though. It was always on the cards, and even more so after seeing the real 651 at Senda depot earlier this year.




All-Hiroshima lineup with a Yokohama interloper off to the side. All seem to run at slightly different speeds so I can't run them close together. The 1900 got stripped down and its chassis tweaked later in the night after it picked up the same yard switch... and then got rammed by 352 and 651! Aaargh! *demented cockatoo screams intensify...*




And Tuesday night's tram stars: four Hiroden cars plus Yokohama 1151, Nagoya 1421, Kobe 1156 and Tosaden 210 (aka the rockmelon tram). Hmmm, there's another layout idea, a tram depot and townscape. Must work on getting space for said layout first though...



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Individual speeds will vary, of course. Might help a little if you check that all the power chassis are oriented the same way when lined up on the track.


Rich K.

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Today I ran my newly acquired M250 on my layout.  With (yes it’s not prototypical) Evangelion NERV cargo containers 



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Nice addition. Definitely looks very smart in this livery and JR East shinkansens are by far the most interesting IMO. 


Next, it needs an E3 Tsubasa to keep it company. Shame that once the E8s roll out, E2s will start retiring. 

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29 minutes ago, Kamome said:

Nice addition. Definitely looks very smart in this livery and JR East shinkansens are by far the most interesting IMO. 


Next, it needs an E3 Tsubasa to keep it company. Shame that once the E8s roll out, E2s will start retiring. 

I will definitely get a E3, just not sure which livery.

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Lots of videos of either silver or the newer (purple pants) livery. The silver version would be more reminiscent of the 200 series and 400 series coupling.

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Always wondered what the purple livery was called😂. But it’s sold out everywhere, and the only place I can find it is on eBay for some ridiculous prices

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It's still a bit early for the Budd Family photo, but I put the Eidan 3000 running for the first time in my possession.

The Tokyo 7000 ran alongside, and the EF 81-300 barely saw any action.



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Finally got a chance to run my Tomix Twilight Express. It was definitely a chore to convert all of the Arnold couplers to TN




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I ran my new TOMIX DD200 today. 

Sorry the video is back I had to update the link. 



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