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When I have used the recombination feature it has been for reservations arriving in the same month only.  When you try it will let you know.  But I have combined items from other shops (tools, books and magazines) in a single order.

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I think the problem is not so much computers it’s the permutation hell you get into with these sorts of things and also just shear space to store boxes with partial orders and the time to keep finding them to add items as they come in, then the final shipping process and payment at the end. I can see this as a headache that can just get expensive fast for their staff and into situations with customers when mistakes get made.


hobby link japan has a very expensive virtual warehouse system where you can add things from different purchases, reserved items and such and ship any or all of it that was there in your bin at any point. I think they had a 60 day limit on it. Really was nice but I could see they would have had to have a lot of space and a sophisticated system to keep it all tracked well. But in some ways it was a simpler system. They look to have a bigger warehouse space (I think they be an export only business) out in the boonies.



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Alas, I gave up on reserving items at 1999 when SAL went away as a shipping option, barring a lot of items or a big ticket item comes along.

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6 hours ago, Kingmeow said:

Thanks.  Looks like "keep an eye out and order fast".  Reserving a <$5 item is a impractical.

I've brought many $3 parts with $8 shipping.  Impractical yes.  But I prefer to have the part.

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