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small Japanese layout


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I had a bit of time to draw the layout with Tomix finetrack and mark the two possible routes for single train and double train operation. Thanks Mudkip for the explanation of the loop! For the double train operation, the outside loop train either has to reverse in the tunnel or wait for the inside running train to go back up and follow it to the hilltop station.





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  On 12/14/2015 at 10:53 PM, Blobby said:

Sounds good - was there a reason why you didn't go ahead? I'd be interested to know what you finally settled on

I haven't settled on anything.  Like all beginners.  I cannot decide what layout I wanna build.  But I look at this one and see a lot of my 2/3/4 car DMUs running around on it.  Your discussion on it may have pushed me back into it.  It is small enough to build for a beginner that it wont be a fail.  And allows me to run most of my trains (DMU, freight, MOW) other than Shinkansens.

Edited by katoftw
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Adding a siding in the tunnel will open the door for a lot of sequences. It will allow additional units to make an appearance on and off the layout. You will be able to run station to station in between trains being dispatched from the under ground yard.



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  On 12/14/2015 at 11:07 PM, katoftw said:

I haven't settled on anything.  Like all beginners.  I cannot decide what layout I wanna build.  But I look at this one and see a lot of my 2/3/4 car DMUs running around on it.  Your discussion on it may have pushed me back into it.  It is small enough to build for a beginner that it wont be a fail.  And allows me to run most of my trains (DMU, freight, MOW) other than Shinkansens.

This is probably the best small layout I've seen. Like I said if you build a yard under the Northern station you can have your DMU going in and out



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Good idea about the hidden yard.


I've been thinking about dropping it onto a 4"x8" layout at the back centre area.  Since the original is for a 3"x6" layout.  So the extra foot on each side and front can be used for a modern suburdan line.  So 8 car EMUs can run on it.  Just a 2 track roundy-roundy.

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That is great work inobu san!


I must agree that layout with the cost analysis is really a nice start for anyone trying to build a really nice small layout!  :)

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The hidden station is a good idea, but if it's a through station, then it limits the train lenghts below the platform lenghts.


I would enlarge the yard a bit by using an R280 turnout at the throat, so it would have space for one car longer sets. Otherwise it look good.


Imho the layout could be scaled up to have space for 6-7 car sets (the original kato one is a bit larger) or scaled down to R140 turnouts and short cars/trams.

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  On 12/14/2015 at 11:07 PM, katoftw said:

I haven't settled on anything.  Like all beginners.  I cannot decide what layout I wanna build.  But I look at this one and see a lot of my 2/3/4 car DMUs running around on it.  Your discussion on it may have pushed me back into it.  It is small enough to build for a beginner that it wont be a fail.  And allows me to run most of my trains (DMU, freight, MOW) other than Shinkansens.

Snap on the beginner bit! I originally got interested in Japanese railways when I watched a video of the Tennoji N gauge layout - I loved the city module part of the layout and kvp very kindly drew me up a plan for this using Tomix track. Since then I've been looking at ways of adding extra track/operational interest whilst keeping enough space for plenty of buildings, unfortunately at the moment I'm very short on space and tho this layout is stretching it a bit I really like it

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  On 12/15/2015 at 7:22 AM, inobu said:

I modified my 10:28PM scope with my cost analysis.



thanx for all of the info - I already have quite a lot of Tomix track so I'm trying to decide whether to try this Tomix or just start again with Katomtrack

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Hi kvp


Thanx for posting the Tomix track plans - quick question in the single track going up to the upper statio you've used some 280-15 curves, this track needs to be viaduct track and I can't find 280-15 viaduct track listed anywhere, is it made do you know or is there a way of working round this?

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  On 12/15/2015 at 5:47 PM, kvp said:

Can you build the plan i drew with the track you have? I can also change it if you give me the exact space you have for your layout.

No I'd have to order some more - I've got all of the ground level trackwork and the viaduct station for the original two level layout you drew up. What I haven't yet got is the viaduct track. I could stretch to 180 x 90 max


I'm hoping to put a log cabin in the garden next year as a layout room but It will depend on the pennies

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  On 12/15/2015 at 5:13 PM, Blobby said:

Hi kvp


Thanx for posting the Tomix track plans - quick question in the single track going up to the upper statio you've used some 280-15 curves, this track needs to be viaduct track and I can't find 280-15 viaduct track listed anywhere, is it made do you know or is there a way of working round this?

280-15 does not exist.  I noticed that error in the exampled Tomix layout.  Nothing that cannot be overcome by replacing certain pieces in certain places. ie 15 degree pieces on ground before incline.  And at end of curve on upper section.

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Slightly modified plan, stretched to the available space (for trains up to 5-6 cars). With a hidden through station added under the hill and some parts of the uphill line cut into the slope of the hill. (imho it looks better than having an elevated line right next to a cliff) The dark gray section is a bridge, like on the original plan. It's also possible to stuff a smaller 3 car stop into the diagonal section, right before the yard throat for more operational options. (it would be usable with shorter local trains only)


ps: i think i'll draw an R140 mini rail version too for comparison...


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hey kvp - that's looking really good, I like the idea of a through station on the elevated diagonal - many thanx for the time you've spent - would be interested to see mini version as well

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Many tomytec train collection cars can use them, but only some tomix sets are compatible and they are too sharp for almost all kato sets.


The R140 turnouts are really meant for trams and shorter traction equipment, like 16 meter and shorter emu cars (mostly modemo and tomytec ones). My tomix ed75 and 113 series set can use them but they don't look too good in the curves.

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Attached is a very dodgy throw together.  Ignore most of the crossovers.  They are there just to hold the track in the correct 37mm spacing.


Upper level not shown.  Have an extra 60cm of space using a 2400x1200 layout compared to the original.  Might even have a higher mountain top with temple.  Think Nankai Koya Line with temples higher up etc.


Larger outer loop would have island platform with 354/391 curves.  Not sure if Island platform long enough for 8 cars will hide the smaller 3/4 car platform behind.  Wont know until I buy some pieces and trial.


Still wanna find a way to make the Tomix platforms look better and modern.  Whether it be stick on decals or Kobaru styrene tiled pattern sheets.



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12ish from memory.  They range from 6 to 8 car sets.  Some loco hauled sets, EMUs, shinkansens etc.  Also some freight options also would increase the number to 15ish.

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  On 12/17/2015 at 10:09 PM, katoftw said:

Attached is a very dodgy throw together.  Ignore most of the crossovers.  They are there just to hold the track in the correct 37mm spacing.


Upper level not shown.  Have an extra 60cm of space using a 2400x1200 layout compared to the original.  Might even have a higher mountain top with temple.  Think Nankai Koya Line with temples higher up etc.


Larger outer loop would have island platform with 354/391 curves.  Not sure if Island platform long enough for 8 cars will hide the smaller 3/4 car platform behind.  Wont know until I buy some pieces and trial.


Still wanna find a way to make the Tomix platforms look better and modern.  Whether it be stick on decals or Kobaru styrene tiled pattern sheets.


attachicon.giftomix kato 2400x1200 pc.JPG


O for a bit more space!

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