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  1. This is from an open day at JR Tokai's Jinryo Depot, about 21 kilometers from Nagoya Station on the Chuo Line. Rolling stock for the Chuo West Line, Kansai Line, and Taketoyo Line is based here. Visitors had the opportunity to see the 383's tilt function, a track maintenance truck, and to try clamping some overhead line in place. English subtitles selectable via the gear icon on the video’s toolbar. From YouTube channel Gattan Go Travel. A bit southwest of the station and depot is a huge hole in the ground. Based on a comment in Google Maps, I think it's an emergency exit for the Chuo Shinkansen. Google Maps centered on Jinryo Depot: https://www.google.com/maps/@35.2544996,137.0056511,1400m
  2. Here's a video of a depot open day, which is nothing new. In this case it's at Nagano, last October. But Nagano is one of JRE's scrapping sites, and there are several cars in this video waiting for the shears, as well as a few that seem to have escaped their fate (at least for now), including EF62 3 and a 253 series Narita Express end car. It gives you some indication of the upkeep routines that must be in place; have a look at its appearance after just a few years of neglect.
  3. There will be an open day at the Arakawa Line Arakawa Depot this Sunday, from 10am to 1pm. http://www.kotsu.metro.tokyo.jp/newsevent/news/toden/2014/tdn_p_201405124624_h.html Toden #7001 in the revival "akaobi" coloring, debuting last November:
  4. If any of you are going to be in the Kanto area on Sunday December 1st, Tobu is having their open day at the Minami-Kurahashi Depot, a 20 minute walk from Minami-Kurahashi Station on the Tobu Nikko Line. There's also a free shuttle bus. It's from 10 AM to 3:30 PM with the last entry at 3 PM. Among other points listed on the info page, they'll be selling railway goods and there will be a conversation between a railway writer named Shie and the honorary curator of the Tobu Museum, possibly named Hanagami. http://www.tobu.co.jp/news/2013/1101/fanfesta.html
  5. On Saturday, November 9, JR West Suita depot held its open day for 2013. On display were: 583 series used on Kitaguni sleeper services 481 series panorama car, part of the 485 AC/DC express series 103-1, used on the Osaka Loop at some point. It was completed by Nippon Sharyo on May 28, 1964 and first used in Tokyo, and retired March 30, 2011 at Hineno. 52001, built in 1936 and used on kyuko services between Kyoto and Kobe http://railf.jp/news/2013/11/10/213000.html several videos: SankeiUp 55oresama KENKENKAICHO
  6. I went to this event last Sunday. It is primarily an indoor event (good considering it falls within the rainy season in the Kanto area). It is interesting they ran the special trains right into the maintenance facility, and unloaded passengers using the inspection catwalks. Seibu ran a morning special train from Motomachi Chukagai,replacing the traditional special from Seibu Shinjuku Station. As I mentioned in another post, this event had the greatest number of vendors/representatives from other private railways as I have seen to date (admittedly, I have mainly been to JR events so far). I could only hang around for the first 2 hours, as I had to catch an afternoon flight back to Hokkaido from Narita AP. Otherwise I would have caught one of the afternoon shuttle trains back to Hanno, or the return special to Ikebukuro. Youtube contributor karibajct's coverage of this event:
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