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Found 19 results

  1. Just caught mention of this new show: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/tv/special/201503.html#pId201503080410 Looks good, perhaps slightly more serious presentation than Train Cruise. It (just the first of many, I hope :)) airs next Sunday March 8 at the following UTC times: 4:10, 10:10, 16:10, 22:10
  2. I just noticed that NHK World has a show (new to me) called Train Cruise. Link here: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/tv/special/train_cruise.html . This channel is broadcast all over the world by different networks, it might be available in your region. If it's not, NHK also has an Android app that I think will let you tune in from any internet-connected device: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.nhkworldtv.android
  3. Forum members based in Japan may be interested in checking out the NHK program "100 kame" (one hundred cameras)- the topic of next weeks program (July 22, 7:57pm~) is a visit to Tokyo Metro's central traffic control center, the first time ever this facility has been featured in the media. Positioning multiple cameras at various vantage points, it aims to capture the day to day operations of this facility. including when the inevitable schedule disruption occurs. Also featured is Kotake Mukaihara station, featuring 34 switchpoints and 118 train arrivals/departures per 2 hour morning rush. Should be interesting, and may reveal some hitherto unknown (to the public) aspects of railway operations. https://www.nhk.jp/p/100cam/ts/QP8MPNM1GL/blog/bl/pG0anBl8J1/bp/pJLqwLxODP/
  4. Based on newly found pictures and excavations in the Shinagawa area, a short NHK-produced CG video of the first railway in Japan which ran between Shinbashi and Yokohama. Actual simulated run begins at 2:18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ashrrlMXH2M
  5. For forum menbers living in Japan, there will be a new episode of "Tetsudo Ookoku Monogatari (#5)", on NHK BS Premium, on Feb. 13, 9pm~10:29pm. Various topics will be covered in 90 minutes (commercial-free), but ones of particular interest personally and perhaps more on the hardcore railfan spectrum, are segments on the Alfa-x test bed trainset, nighttime track maintenance, and a visit to a turnout manufacturing facility. Might be worth a view. https://www.nhk.or.jp/info/pr/toptalk/assets/pdf/soukyoku/2021/01/005.pdf
  6. Recent broadcast on NHK general about the redevelopment of the Shibuya Station area, with a focus on the opening of the Saikyo Line platform adjacent to the Yamanote Line platform, and the movement of tracks as well as the railway bridge crossing the old Oyama Road leading to Dougenzaka and the Shibuya Scramble intersection. 1000 construction workers and specialists along with 100 vehicles were given 52 hours to do the task, while observing covid-19 countermeasures. Everything had to be finished at the end of 52 hours and full restoration of Saikyo Line services. Everything was timed to the minute, with each person tasked with specific duties. There was even a mock bridge set up off site to rehearse the move and set procedures. Other parts of the documentary explain the redevelopment of the station area to improve passenger and pedestrian circulation and safety in the event of natural disasters, in coordination with four different railway companies.
  7. Of possible interest to members in Japan. Topics to be covered: the Hitachi IEP class 800 project team, steel wheel production, twilight express mizukaze and how bathtub water won't spill in a train, JR Freight and its on-time record of 94%. Next Saturday from 9pm on BS3 (satellite) domestic only. Repeat broadcast of the previous episode (originally broadcast last March) will be on same day from 11am. http://www.nhk.or.jp/docudocu/program/9999/1623466/index.html
  8. On August 31st and September 1st (UTC) NHK World's Face to Face will have Eiji Mitooka as guest. http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/tv/facetoface/index.html Broadcast times in UTC: Monday 15:30 - 16:00 21:30 - 22:00 Tuesday 3:30 - 4:00 9:30 - 10:00
  9. NHK's Shin-Nihon Kikou. First aired July 25th, 1979.
  10. The broadcast on April 26th of Cool Japan will have the theme of Rail Travel. This is the broadcast in Japan, on BS. These are aired about one month later on NHK World, I'll post here when I see it come up. http://www6.nhk.or.jp/cooljapan/en/
  11. In case anyone is interested, this program will be shown four times on Tuesday, 1:30 to 1:55, 7:30 to 7:55, 10:30 to 10:55, and 19:30 to. 19:55. All times UTC. program page: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/tv/72hours/index.html main schedule: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/tv/schedule/
  12. On Thursday October 23rd, NHK World will air the Shinkansen episode of Japanology Plus. I believe this is a new episode. The times (UTC) are: 0:30 - 1:00, 6:30 - 7:00, 12:30 - 13:00, 18:30 - 19:00. the show's page: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/tv/japanologyplus/index.html NHK World schedule: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/tv/schedule/
  13. Here's an interesting website hosted by NHK showing 9 slides. They are: title slide short history time in hours required for transit from Tokyo to Osaka, 1889 to 2045 ridership in 1000s of passenger diagram showing departures per hour from Tokyo for 4 different years rolling stock types in fleet, 1987 to 2012. 500 series appears to absent, not sure why. JR Central only? average lateness by two-tenths of a minute, 1987 to 2013. I wonder what happened in 1990 and 2003. more text, info about operation, safety, future of network closing slide http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/shinkansen/#c1
  14. This is not train-specific like Train Cruise, but it's usually pretty good, and the episode airing 4 times on April 30 (UTC) will feature the Randen. http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/tv/seasoning/index.html
  15. miyakoji

    NHK: Shikoku pilgrimage

    In the next 23 hours or so there will be 3 more replays of this show: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/tv/journeys/index.html This is a re-run because it won an award related to travel programming award, it was originally shown in 2012. The Tosa Kuroshio Railway makes a brief appearance :)
  16. I just caught some of this interesting program on NHK World: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/tv/broadcasterseye/lineup.html . The show focuses on a man who moved from Osaka to the town of Sugaike in Ishiyama-ken to become a farmer. It seems that his progress is followed for a few years. Fortunately, after a while, he starts to enjoy some success. Interesting lifestyle choice. I don't think I could go all the way to becoming a farmer, but I can certainly see the appeal in the "downshifting" thing. This will be shown one more time at 8:10 PM UTC. http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/tv/broadcasterseye/lineup.html http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/tv/schedule/
  17. The episode of this NHK World program on March 6th (first airing at 0:30 UTC) will be about railways. http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/tv/japanology/index.html
  18. Twice more in the next 8 hours or so, NHK World will run a show called Seasoning the Seasons, this episode being about ekiben. I caught some of it, it was interesting. Schedule: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/tv/schedule/
  19. For forum members living in Japan, tonight at 9 on NHK BS premium is a two hour special documentary on Tokyo's underground infrastructure- it appears they will focus part of the program on the recent underground link of the Toyoko and Fukutoshin Lines. Likely worth a viewing.
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