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Found 6 results

  1. I've been looking for pictures of post or maintenance cars being coupled to ordinary passenger service, such as this one, which seems to show a blue train sleeper having a maya34 car in front of it. ( (http://worldtrain.web.fc2.com/myroom2.html) a maya34 being connected to an express hamanasu (below on the page) https://jnr.tokyo/scenery/express-hamanasu-01/ and this one of the maya34 inspection car being hauled with an Akatsuki service http://ch12913.sapolog.com/e291947.html Does anyone have more examples of such combinations? Did the Twilight Express or more modern sleepers ever run with a maintenance or postal car?
  2. Recent editions from the "Eyes of Metro" series, focusing on the work of staff in the various departments. Catenary work: Trackwork: https://youtube.com/watch?list=PLtk4G3PAF0ClMFshFDvEbXWS1bZS7xhaI&params=OAFIAVgC&v=84hLyAHWFJw&mode=NORMAL Very nice extended 3 min. CM (titled "Comprehensive Strength") of a typical 24 hours on the metro system, especially interesting is the segment from midway, after the stations close down and the maintenance begins: https://youtube.com/watch?list=PLtk4G3PAF0ClMFshFDvEbXWS1bZS7xhaI&params=OAFIAVgE&v=MAA4ac-FJ4g&mode=NORMAL
  3. Interesting report. Of interest is page 48, which gives some reasons for punctuality: http://ec.europa.eu/transport/rail/research/doc/bob.pdf
  4. Hi, My first model of Robel Bullok 54.22 Track Maintenance Vehicle - DB Bahnbau (kibri 16100) arrived 2 months ago but the work at the workbench started almost immediately! The parts included on this kit: I looked to the cabin I took the immediate decision to remove all engraved handrails and apply new ones. The following photos shows the original engraved plastic handrails: The next 2 photos shows all handrails removed and the 0,35mm holes already made and ready to receive the new metal handrails Finnaly with the new metal handrails applied but not fixed yet. Regarding the handrails I always use 0,35 mm (spare!) strings from my Yamaha C2 grand piano! :) Thanks Regards, Ayala Botto
  5. CaptOblivious

    New Forum Host

    Welcome to the all-new JNSForum! We've completed the migration to the new host. If you find anything amiss, please, please let me know—the sooner the better, as our hold host will be literally ripping out their old network infrastructure in a few days! (They are getting out of the hosting business, it turns out…good thing too ;) )
  6. CaptOblivious

    Forum Downtime

    Our service provider is pulling the plug on our server (they are getting out of the hosting business) in about four days. Given such short notice, we are working fervently to migrate JNSForum to a new provider. The schedule for the transfer is just now rather murky, so expect that over the course of this week there will be at least one major hiccup, and perhaps several smaller ones, as we take this server down, and erect it anew elsewhere. The upshot is the new server should be faster and more reliable, which should cheer all who read this!
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