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Found 7 results

  1. Mark Newton and other members interested in the JNR steam to diesel transition era may enjoy this little video of action on the Kansai main line in the very end of steam operations on this stretch of railway. It looks like d51 workings have ended on the head end of trains, but still used for banking operations over the Kabutogoe Pass. Especially interesting is the segment starting at 2:23, of a cement(?) and/or chemical train headed by a dd51/df50 combi and banked by a d51- would be a great consist to model. There are many other videos on Youtube of this very interesting segment of single track mainline circa late 60s to early 70s, well worth the time to check out.
  2. full article with good graphics: https://www.propublica.org/article/train-derailment-long-trains *I remember seeing ~1 mile long coal trains on the Colorado Joint Line back in the late 70s and 80s, hauling Wyoming coal to Texas utilities, but I didn't know freight trains now can be 2 or even 3 miles long!
  3. Nice short vid mainly of freight recently on the Tokaido Main Line between Ogaki and Minami Arao, in Gifu Prefecture. Colder than usual winter weather has left a dusting of snow.
  4. For the serious railfan- especially those interested in cement trains hauled by double headed box type electric locomotives, a visit to the Sangi Railway Sangi Line in northern Mie Prefecture would be most enjoyable. Today was my second or perhaps third visit, on a very nice early spring weather day. Anyway, the aforementioned freight trains are the main attraction, but the passenger trains offer interest as they are ex Seibu types. Also, manually issued tickets are still used, very rare as almost everywhere else the machine dispensed types are the norm. The three tickets on the left are Sangi Rlwy type B tickets, using the traditional thicker card stock. Note the station specific punches. On the right is the common type A ticket issued by most railways by automatic ticket machines. These use flimsy magnetic backed paper. I also bought a working diagram, available for 400 yen. All freight and passenger trains are shown on the string diagram. Excellent product and a nice break from the usual keychains, toys, and bric a brac. If you are ever in the Tokai region, why not spend a few hours chasing freights on the Sangi Line?
  5. Nice color pics of Chicago railway scenes from the 1940's. Just look at the variety of box cars, many subtle differences. https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2018/10/color-photos-chicagos-rail-yards-1940s/571924/
  6. Some good color film of action on the Kansai Main Line between Kabuto and Tsuge, a Mecca of steam action in the twilight years. The 25 permil gradient in the Kabuto area (nicknamed "Kabuto goe", or "over the Kabuto summit"), attracted many rail fans. This particular series is good because you can see some of the consists of the freight trains, which now in 2016 are just as interesting, or perhaps more so, than the steam locomotives themselves. Valuable visual record for the prototype modeler.
  7. Interesting development: http://www.firstpost.com/business/freight-push-now-indian-railways-plans-time-table-goods-trains-2385308.html
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