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New Type: JR East E5 Shinkansen

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The design of the E5 is fantastic. An instant classic! Clearly a back-to-the-roots approach based on the of the 0 and 200 series shinkansen design. Can't wait to get the model!

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Though I have only seen the E5 in person once from a distance at the Sendai Depot, the recent coverage has me growing to like it a little more.  It certainly is an advanced design.  Anyway, it has that shape to efficiently (and relatively quietly) operate on its intended route in Tohoku and Hokkaido, which is riddled with very long and numerous tunnels.  After all it was engineered to get the job done, not satisfy the fickle tastes of modelers looking for their next purchase :tongue3:

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Though I have only seen the E5 in person once from a distance at the Sendai Depot, the recent coverage has me growing to like it a little more.  It certainly is an advanced design.  Anyway, it has that shape to efficiently (and relatively quietly) operate on its intended route in Tohoku and Hokkaido, which is riddled with very long and numerous tunnels.  After all it was engineered to get the job done, not satisfy the fickle tastes of modelers looking for their next purchase :tongue3:


I don't model shinkansens, nor do I own any models of it.

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They will if the trains are operated as an express or limited express service. Nozomi is a special express service, that's why it's been charged higher than the Hikari.

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My guess is that the prices for standard and green cars is not going to be more expensive. The E5's will replace the E2's and run as 'Hayate' services which are the fastest on the Tohoku shinkansen today and in the nearer future. Also E5's will be coupled together with with E6 mini shinkansen from the Akita shinkasen line (Komachi services) so I think stopping patern will stay the same. According to my knowledge the E5 will be the only type of shinkasen which will go as far north as Aomori. I guess the folks form 'up north' will not be eager to pay extra mandatorily.

Pricewise the new thing about the E5 is the additional 'super green car' class which will be higher in price but you'll get a lot of space (3 seats in a row). Thats what I get out of some japanese language sites translated by google translator.

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I wonder if E5's ticket will be charged extra like the Nozomi?

More relevant for most of us, is if Japan Railpass users will be barred from them like the Nozomi? At present I'm not sure if there are any such restrictions on the Tohoku Shinkansen.

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Nice find, VVVF! The E5 is still, in my opinion, damned ugly, but it is exciting to see it in action.


How bad did those fires disrupt service? The video in the link looked pretty nasty.

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Nice find, VVVF! The E5 is still, in my opinion, damned ugly, but it is exciting to see it in action.


How bad did those fires disrupt service? The video in the link looked pretty nasty.


Pretty badly.  56 trains canceled, and 190 delayed.  149000 passengers were affected.  It was the lead story on the evening news last night.

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Extract from the JR East website:


March 2, 2010 : Looking ahead to Spring 2011 Start of New High–speed Shinkansen Train (E5 Series) Operations, "Pet Name" Suggestions Sought for New Tohoku Shinkansen


Any ideas? remember keep it clean.....

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Ahhhh... that's why!


When I was in Tokyo in march, there was huge billboards with a picture on the E5 and written: "what's my name" on it. People will chose the name of the train, I like it!

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Krackel Hopper

I'm voting for "AquaFresh"


It's the first thing that comes to my mind when I see the E5



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I'm voting for "AquaFresh"




Well, it has a big nose and makes a lot of noise--they could call it the "gaijin."

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bikkuri bahn

I actually participated in this contest.  I chose out of whim "Hayabusa", though this name was used for a train in a different region in Japan, so likely will not be considered.  "Hatsukari" is a good one, for this train name has a long history in the Tohoku area.  "Hokkai" will be good for when the shinkansen reaches (?) Sapporo, as the original "Hokkai" ltd. express (kiha 80 type) ran on the Hakodate Main Line mountain route (yamasen) via Otaru, and the Hokkaido Shinkansen is planned to run in the vicinity, though mainly in tunnel.

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Hey guys..

Just browsing through Youtube today and saw this special video of the JR East E5 and E6 coupled together and testing at Tokyo and Ueno plus marking the positions where the two trains will stop at..:)

(Looks like the E5 and E6 is almost ready to start revenue service)(The red livery looks bright and attractive in my opinion..)



Chan.. :grin

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