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Watching cab view videos on a proper TV

Guest keio6000

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Guest keio6000

we have a TV that is large by some standards and small by other standards, but is generlly considered at least to produce a relatively high quality picture.   with the recent advances in personal video recorder resolution and youtube's allowing really super high quality uploads, this has made available some amazingly high quality cab view videos.


the image attached isn't even close to the highest quality out there - i just happaned to have it on (one thousand train nerd points to anybody who can name the line and the location - hint: one member here probably knows the answer).  there are a lot of them.


For example, look at this video:


when you view it on your PC it will just be "ok" unless you manually push it up to 1080p.  however, at that resolution, it is a bit of a pain to watch unless you literally stare at your PC while watching these.  better to use a free tool like "youtube downloader" (or "YTD Video downloader")  to save this to your PC.  Many of these files are upwards of 3 and some even more than 10 GB, so you have to have a fast internet connection, but the nice thing with tools like YTD youtube downloader is that you just leave it to do its business and it'll finish whenever it does.


i have a PC connected to my TV full-time (for such large videos you generally need quite a bit of CPU power to view them smoothly).  the results on a large screen of the seibu shinjuku video above are outstanding.  it seems to be pretty much as high quality as anything else on blu ray or whatever.  best of all, since it's on the TV, you can read or relax and have it on in the background.  or, you can do like i do, which is tell the better half that we have a new movie to watch and then, once she's settled in with tea and blankets, put on some train front view.  she never gets tired of that one.


i now have a ridiculous library of some 4tb or so of these videos. they vary hgihly in quality.  generally, when searching on youtube, look for long videos and ones with [HD] .  you can also use search terms such as "


but there are many variations on this.


** make sure you set your youtube download tool to download at the highest resolution available **



Edited by keio6000
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Attaching the laptop to the TV would be awesome indeed! I should think about getting a TV-out cable as well, so I can watch these kind of things while working. It might also be convenient while watching movies with the wife and kid I think.


the image attached isn't even close to the highest quality out there - i just happaned to have it on (one thousand train nerd points to anybody who can name the line and the location - hint: one member here probably knows the answer).  there are a lot of them.


I wonder who that member could be...



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