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Railstars Relocation


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Hello! Wearing my Railstars hat for this post. Just wanted to let folks here know that Railstars is nearly finished with our relocation to California, as I have taken a day job. The upshot of this is that progress on the Aegaeon decoders have been delayed a bit while we moved house, but that work on them will continue here shortly. Going forward, new product development is going to slow down a good bit too, unfortunately. But we're still at it, and have no plans of disappearing any time soon!

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All railstars products will be shipped with tie dyed patterned packaging and a bootleg cassette of a Greek theatre greatful dead concert. These are manditory to get a Berkeley business license.


Jeff (ex berkeleyite)

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Jeff: Wait, so you are saying that, since moving from the South, that my extensive collection of early R.E.M. bootlegged shows is no longer valid for business purposes!?

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Actually Berkeley is one of the few places you can probably live off of trading bootleg music! City government just has to require GD as its a main local closed economy loop.



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