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JR workplace shrines?


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Somewhat belatedly I have realised that most (all?) JR depots and yards seem to have their own "workplace" shrines. See attached examples. Not seen anything like this modelled on a layout. Anyone know which religion these shrines are for?



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Shinto shrines, at least the first one. Anything with a torii gate(s) will be Shinto.  Even smaller shrines of the household variety (mounted on a high bracket near the ceiling) in size can be found at workplaces anywhere in the country, typically in the small and medium size firms.

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How many of them are actually owned or maintained by the railways vs, shrines that were at the location first and that the railways built around the existing shrine? It's not that uncommon to find skyscrapers, or shopping arcades, notched out for a 200 year old shrine no larger than the size of a wishing well.

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The JR department store next to Hakata station has a shrine on the roof dedicated to the railway, "Tetsudo jinja".

Next to it is a small railway for kids and grandmas manned by JR staff.





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The JR department store next to Hakata station has a shrine on the roof dedicated to the railway, "Tetsudo jinja".

I don't know exactly well about Shinto, but what? A shrine dedicated to the "god of railways"?

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The shrines are for all manner of purposes...honouring ancestors, praying for a safe day's work etc. Interesting to find out they are a common sight at railway yards/depots... On the basis of this, I have just ordered a small pair of shrines for Kanjiyama; one for the yard and one for the town.

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A variation on the shrine theme, from the other side of the globe; this is the Inchicore Works of Iarnród Éireann in Dublin, Ireland.


The statue of the Blessed Virgin was commissioned by a New Zealander, who was educated in Lancashire, England, rose to be chief mechanical engineer of the Southern Railway and whose last post was as CME of Córas Iompair Éireann - Oliver Bulleid.


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Well, thanks to this thread, Kanjiyama stabling point now has a small shrine in place...




This is one of the two Sankei shrines I bought a few days ago...the other will be in the town itself.

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