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Just got the new kato Dr Yellow


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Received the Dr Yellow earlier this week when I was on the road and we just installed DCC into it (with the usual kato EM-13 / FL-12 angst)


Nik has the Tomix version, but I went ahead and treated myself to the full 7-car Kato set.  (It's been on pre-order for some time.)


First off, as usual you have to remove the drive axle to get the motor decoder in.  A bit of a teaser that there's a pop-open hatch on the bottom, but you still have to twist the bogie to get the axle out.  With the shell/skirt, it's a bit tricky getting the bogie out, and then with the little plastic holder for the hatch, even harder to get the axle back in.  After the wrestling, the motor car was ready to go.


The cab cars have the usual Kato hatch, and in our case, one cab car had the forward and reverse lights working correctly out of the chute.  The other cab car would only have the reverse (red) lights on, the headlights (white) would never come on.  Futz with the decoder seating, swap the decoder the other direction, remove and re-install the decoder 100 times, no dice.  Won't work (but worked fine on DC).  Swap decoders between the cab cars and everything's fine.  The multiple headlights look very nice as well.


As typical of Kato, it's a very nice runner and with the flywheel has a nice smooth scale-up and down on the speed.  Headlights and tail lights are very nice- will check them out again after dark.  Smooth runner, fairly quiet.  Quite a bit more detail than the tomix set and there is much more variety in the car styles in the set for the various functions.


The surprise (didn't see it when I pre-ordered) was that the pantographs are illuminated.  Again, Nik and are looking forward to seeing it tonight (he's brought out his Dr Tokai with the track inspection lights for a pre-bedtime run with the new Dr Yellow).  The instructions that came with the set are a little worse than the normal kato paperwork- these no longer have even drawings of how to install the decoders.  I'm not 100% sure, but it looks like the pantograph lights are the same as the ones you'd use to illuminate a passenger car.  That said, I'm wondering if we could use a couple of FR11's to control the pantograph lighting.  When anyone gets them back in stock, I'll order some and see if they will work (unless someone already knows).


This is a very nice set, and I'd recommend it, especially as the full 7-car set if you can.  Good runner, good looker and cool lighting.



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Yes I got it the other day the tomix runs smoother IMO but the kato with the lights makes well worth it.


Both have same quality build and the couplers are nice on this kato. 2nd kato shinkansen for me my other 11 shinkansen I own are all tomix and 1 micro ace.


A definite favourite for use at shows that's for sure whoever does displays is going to have a big crowd i think. everyone will love the lights coming out.


I can't wait to see how awesome it looks going through a tunnel when I get back home the lighting should look pretty impressive coming out the tunnel.

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Sounds like the FL12 is still too much trouble to install. I will continue use traditional and cheap 2-function decoder for the head light.

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Sounds like the FL12 is still too much trouble to install. I will continue use traditional and cheap 2-function decoder for the head light.


Nah, it's just remembering which way to put it in for each side.  And wiggling it just right. and shoving it in not too far, but far enough.  :grin

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I've got the FL12 install down pat using a 2mm screw driver to finesse it into place or safely remove it.


Refer back to the directions.


Possible you jammed a contact strip too far in.


Should you still have tail lights only then you have a bum decoder. KatoUSA will replace it.


I buy mine online so I can afford to keep a spare just for this.

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Thanks for posting this ... seriously great video.  Unfortunately my Japanese isn't good enough to understand much of it.  Anyone want to sub it in English?





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Thanks for posting this ... seriously great video.  Unfortunately my Japanese isn't good enough to understand much of it.  Anyone want to sub it in English?






I'll translate it for you.


Bullet train with lights, It is the premier yellow train. Every one has one except The_Ghan. The narrator goes on to say that Nik-n-Dad recently purchased a Kato unit and Keitaro also has one and that everyone is surprised that Ghan has not ordered one as of yet. They expect to see an order from him soon.


That is pretty much what is says give or take a few translation errors.




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I missed that part getting another pint.


The video says it all.


In a video about the E5, there's a pantograph inspector in one of the cars with monitoring gear.  Open roof shows the same gig as the Dr Yellow.


For comparison, I watched some Acela videos, there's not much parallelism going on between the tracks and overhead cables. Like a high centered wagon on a dirt road.

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Honorable iTranslate-san app says:


My story was in Shinkansen electric automatic interoperability test car aka doctor yellow full length yellow as its name Shinkansen lines and


Body temperature while the car well, I speed per hour 2780000 in 2008, people what JR West Japan owned organization will be theirs [pause with bak ground music].

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Nicknamed the already nicknamed Dr. Yellow to "the Highlighter".


I used it for its intended purpose today to inspect the brand new Kato Unitrack Double Track on the recently spackled over old layout. Every flaw was revealed by the yellow glow of the body shell.


FYI - it reached 402 KPH.

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just the tomix proto doesn't have leds coming out to the pantograph.


The kato one is different set to the tomix one.


Looks nice runs nice but i preffer the tomix one. I have both btw.

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Does adding lighting to cars 3 and 5 even matter?


The inspection windows are dummies.


I have read enough and seen enough videos to leave my Kato Dr Yellow as is. I just added DCC and no interior lighting.


There are night videos that show the windows lit but, it's just residual light from the work stations. Wish there was a cheaper way to add lighting.

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just the tomix proto doesn't have leds coming out to the pantograph.


The kato one is different set to the tomix one.


Looks nice runs nice but i preffer the tomix one. I have both btw.



Hi Keitaro

saw the Kato version running last weekend with the lights on the roof for pantograph inspection.  Very impressive.  But Kato doesn't have all wheel pickup like Tomix.  I prefer the Tomix.  Seeing Kato version - might have to buy that

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Pomu as mentioned the setas are different prototypes so if you're like me you need to have both :)


If you're on a budget it's really up to you.


Originally i just wanted to have 1 dr yellow to run on the layout in the future when i have shinkansen lines etc on my future planned layout.


however that changed to having two 1 in each direction running automated via dcc  :grin

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