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Meet the admin team


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My name is Don Goodman-Wilson, and with Darren Jeffries's retirement, I am currently owner of this forum, and one of the admin team. My duties here primarily include keeping the peace, and (perhaps more importantly) doing the ugly behind-the-scenes administration work of keeping the server running this forum alive.


This forum is something I do in my spare time, to give back to a wonderful community of oddball and heretic modelers and railfans who have supported my own modeling predilections. That said, this forum is run entirely on donations from you, the viewers. I have personally zero financial stake in this forum; neither have I contributed money, nor have I received money in my work here.


By day, I run my own business, Railstars Limited. I design and manufacture electronics for model railroad control, with an especial focus on DCC and NMRAnet. I sometimes post advertisements in the appropriate forum.


I also contribute a fair amount of time and energy in support of OpenLCB / NMRAnet, a new set of open, freely available standards for networking a model railroad. I receive no compensation for this work, but I am a vocal and active advocate for these new standards. I sometimes post about our work here, because I know some of you are interested, but mostly because I'm quite proud of what I've helped create.


In my spare time, I like to cook, fly kites sometimes, reminisce about my days practicing kendo, and most of all, travel with my wife and little girl. If someone wants to pay me to do that, I'd love to hear more about it.

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Martijn Meerts

My name is Martijn, and I'm a train-a-holic ..


Oh, wait, wrong forum :)



Like Don, I'm an admin here. I joined the forum when there were about 15 or so members, and I got asked to join the admin team fairly shortly after joining. So far I've mainly taken care of the visual bits and pieces, and currently working on setting up the new forum software.


I work as a developer doing mainly (mobile) webpages, but also some apps and flash and other non-interesting stuff. In my (limited) spare time I work on a large-ish Japanese layout, the forum, a train database project, a (native) train control app for OS X, a bunch of building kits, do some gaming, cycling .. Actually, I really don't have any spare time, so the aforementioned is more a wish list than anything else :)


I guess, with a baby parrot joining the household soon, I'll have even less spare time. Maybe I can teach it to admin and post to the forum for me ;)

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How long has it been since your last train ... and do you have anything else to share?  :grin ... oh wait !!! Wrong forum too ...  :grin  :grin  :grin





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How long has it been since your last train ... and do you have anything else to share?   :grin ... oh wait !!! Wrong forum too ...  :grin  :grin  :grin






I don't know about Martijn, but it has been at least 18 months since my last train purchase! Too busy with other things!

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Hi Don and Martijn:


I just wanna say you guys are doing a great job!  :grin


I was part of an admin team too in my former local Lego forum, and i do understand the amount of work going into maintenance, moderation and adminstration of a forum. It's a tedious work with minimal benefits, and usually more for the flame on interest and the heart to help similar interest fans unite together.


Appreciate the effort and hard work gone into the forum.


Kudos to all the admin team! Thanks to them we J-rail fans have a common platform to share and discuss! Cheers!

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Guest JRF-1935


  I have to agree with JR500 - you guys are doing one "hellava good" job !  :cheesy

Thank You for your hard work.  Much appreciated.

Rich C



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Not to trying to take some of the credit here (really?  :grin) but I'm usually taking care of the day to day moderation of the forum. But hopefully, the workload is minimum. Strangely enough the users here know how to behave... most of the time.  :cheesy

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Ghan, it's been 2 days since my last train actually.. Aso Boy got delivered last wednesday :)


Argh !!!


I was going to buy one of those .... if I could fit a ride on one into our trip ... unfortunately we only get as far south as Kumamoto ... even that trip is so that I can ride an 800 series and a N700 Sakura. Remember, I've got Mrs_Ghan coming with me so I'm not allowed to ride trains to "nowhere".


I have this rule that I don't buy anything that doesn't fit one of my themes: "I've Ridden On It", "Kofu Since 1980", "Tokyo Suburban", "Tokyo Subway" and "Shinkansen".





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Not to trying to take some of the credit here (really?  :grin) but I'm usually taking care of the day to day moderation of the forum. But hopefully, the workload is minimum. Strangely enough the users here know how to behave... most of the time.  :cheesy


Hey, go start your own thread! :P


Seriously, we should have a "Meet the Mod Team" thread as well, because you and Aaron do do a tremendous amount of heavy lifting here. I rather enjoy having you guys around to clean up after my tereriblblbly misplit psots with lots of mistakes. :P It really helps to make a nice, tidy presentation to the world, and you deserve kudos for that.

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Not to trying to take some of the credit here (really?  :grin) but I'm usually taking care of the day to day moderation of the forum. But hopefully, the workload is minimum. Strangely enough the users here know how to behave... most of the time.  :cheesy




you have the most thankless job as you have to heard the cranky cats instead of just pushing electrons around!


thanks to all of you for your hard work and dedication to this very high paying and prestigous jobs. im sure they wisk you to the front of the club lines for the fame running jns brings you!


seriously, thank you very much!



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Sorry I haven't responded sooner but this is my busy time with the covering the Olympics.....we are working no-stop (16+hrs).

All the board members are doing an outstanding job....for me that includes Arron, Vincent, Don & Marti.....it always amazes me how far the forum has come in such a short time....we are getting close to 1,000 members. These guys have really "taken the ball" and run with it. It's their dedication that has made the forum what it is today.

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Not to trying to take some of the credit here (really?  :grin) but I'm usually taking care of the day to day moderation of the forum. But hopefully, the workload is minimum. Strangely enough the users here know how to behave... most of the time.  :cheesy


when The Ghan and i arn`t winding up jeff  :grin :grin :grin

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when The Ghan and i arn`t winding up jeff  :grin :grin :grin


or ghan's not popping his bloody cork!  :angryfire:    :laughing1: :laughing11: :laughing3:



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My name is Don Goodman-Wilson, and with Darren Jeffries's retirement, I am currently owner of this forum, and one of the admin team. My duties here primarily include keeping the peace, and (perhaps more importantly) doing the ugly behind-the-scenes administration work of keeping the server running this forum alive.


This forum is something I do in my spare time, to give back to a wonderful community of oddball and heretic modelers and railfans who have supported my own modeling predilections. That said, this forum is run entirely on donations from you, the viewers. I have personally zero financial stake in this forum; neither have I contributed money, nor have I received money in my work here.


By day, I run my own business, Railstars Limited. I design and manufacture electronics for model railroad control, with an especial focus on DCC and NMRAnet. I sometimes post advertisements in the appropriate forum.


I also contribute a fair amount of time and energy in support of OpenLCB / NMRAnet, a new set of open, freely available standards for networking a model railroad. I receive no compensation for this work, but I am a vocal and active advocate for these new standards. I sometimes post about our work here, because I know some of you are interested, but mostly because I'm quite proud of what I've helped create.


In my spare time, I like to cook, fly kites sometimes, reminisce about my days practicing kendo, and most of all, travel with my wife and little girl. If someone wants to pay me to do that, I'd love to hear more about it.

Hi Don.


Whilst I'm very much a newbie, may I convey my thanks to you and the admin team.


Does Darren Jeffries still contribute to the forum ?


I notice that we are close neighbours.


Small world !



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