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I so want to know what this guy is saying :)


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After an absense of quite a few months and an international move (I'm back in the UK now) I'm back on the forum.


My first post in ages is to share this awesome video, know I mean awesome as this chap seems to be enjoying himself so much and I really would like to know what on earth he's saying!



anyway, glad to back..



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He`s doing point and call like you see and hear in Japanese train videos. The top of the line Tomix controller provides all the sounds.  When he runs his model trains, he imitates what the crew does on the job.  It starts with signal go...

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Graham - glad to have you back....he does everything on his layout....I wonder if he is also doing the filming?  :grin

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He`s doing point and call like you see and hear in Japanese train videos. The top of the line Tomix controller provides all the sounds.  When he runs his model trains, he imitates what the crew does on the job.  It starts with signal go...

Don't know about the can of beer next to the controller though. :grin

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Yes i saw this video sometime back...


I would say he is a real RAILFAN!


Please correct me if l'. wrong, but my limited japanese tells me he is saying something like an emergency stop due to certain incident happening... Drivers will receive a call from HQ and a buzzer on the train to warn them of in-coming accident/ incident on the tracks that will block their train... They will then have to stop the train and report back situation to HQ (Hence the phone call)... Once the situation is clear, he will then be given the signal to proceed...


Very hardcore railfan enjoying his best moments caught on tape!   :grin

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bikkuri bahn

According to the video description, it's a simulation of an emergency stop after starting out from a station, the video cameraperson was recording his friend.

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Thanks for the replies guys, I thought it was something like this.

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He`s doing point and call like you see and hear in Japanese train videos. The top of the line Tomix controller provides all the sounds.  When he runs his model trains, he imitates what the crew does on the job.  It starts with signal go...


Hi bill & gang


Yes, I have seen the "point and call" on many cab-ride videos and would like to know more about this interesting process. Is there a script to be followed, a checklist of sorts? Is the engineer/motorman/driver communicating to dispatch or some other entity, or is this just a verbal confirmation to himself that the procedure has, in fact been followed? Is this a required procedure or do they do it just because it's so cool? ;<) :grin


Best, Steve

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