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Special Exhibition for Upcoming Opening of the Hara Railway Modelling Museum

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Hara Nobutaro Guage One Museum opens in Yokohama this Summer.

Special exhibit at the Foot Town at the Tokyo Tower until May 6;


Article from the DY:



Photo of the day from JT:




There is also a photo of an Indian train on this page but I can't find the article that it goes with:

Indian Worker maintenance the Toy Train at Darjeeling Sunday Oct. 11 in Eastern India City.



Best wishes,


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bikkuri bahn

It seems there is a series of these exhibitions being held as a run-up to the opening of the museum.  I saw an exhibition of his models (he has excellent skills, in fact a master craftsman) at Yokohama Sogo Dept. Store in March.

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its open!


from dave fossett:


The Hara Model Railway Museum opened to the public yesterday.

While it has received lots of coverage on TV, potential visitors should note that photography, video recording, and audio recording is prohibited - a rule that I find hard to comprehend.


The official website below is in Japanese only. Given the international flavour of the collection, it would be nice if even a summary guide could be provided in English for non-Japanese-reading tourists.





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Nice! Thanks Jeff! Now i wish i could go...


Was drooling at this:




The layout of the museum... Very nice! Shouldn't there also be a sale of model train section?

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bikkuri bahn
Shouldn't there also be a sale of model train section?


Perhaps they'll have a gift shop, like many museums.

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Hmmm, nice. I just realised this is next to the building where my girlfriend sometimes works (Nissan HQ). I could commute with her to work and spend the day until lunch in the museum and surroundings (watching trains fly by at 120km/h on the Keikyu main line). Oh yeah. :grin

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rub it in, rub it in...


we will expect a lot of photos (if they permit it). enjoy toni!  :cheesy



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