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Addicted to trains


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If it is not Tomix/Tomytec that is making me broke it's also the other groups eg. Micro ACE and Kato that is making me broke. But that what happens when you have an interest in Model Railroading. Still looking forward when the 923 Dr Yellow finally comes out as it has been psotphoned until after December releases.


I think I need to stop buying now and just get all the reserved items to come in before adding more to my ever growing list. But there is a few items that are listed for 2012 that looks great to get too :(

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Same here linkey,


I've got nearly 50 consists!


Seriously!  I can't believe it ... and I want more.  I want the E6 when it comes out.  I've got a handful of consists on backorder, including the DR Yellow and both of Kato's subway series.  I'll probably pick up 2 or 3 more subway series (since I'm building a subway) and I wouldn't mind an E1 in original grey.  There's also a handful of suburban trains I've been eyeing off too.


When will it end?


Luckily I now own just about everything I've ever ridden on in Japan that had sentimental value to me, as well as a few limited editions.  I can see that my focus on collecting consists is beginning to diminish ... which would probably have had a positive effect on my bank account if it wasn't for all the decoders I need to buy !!!





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It's an addiction. As linkey said: that is what happens when you have an interest in Model Railroading. Not counting freight, I have about 34 Japanese N-scale trains plus seven more on reservation.  I'd never actually counted them before this, so that was quite a surprise.


I thought last year I was tapering off, as there wasn't much in my chosen area of focus (JR East around Tokyo) I didn't have at least one of, and then Greenmax/Kato/MicroAce started making Tokyo subway trains, and I was hooked again.


Now the problem is that I need a yard large enough to display all of them...  :grin

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For sure it is, I'm always looking at the possibility of buying new sets but these days I just daydream and think about the layout I want to build instead of jumping on the new cool set I want. That's hard...


Edit: I possess 18 consist myself (with 4 that are only 2 cars long and 5 that are 3 cars long).

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I guess having lived in Japan for as long as I have. Then I am in a fortunate situation whereby I know what it is that I want to model..


For a lot of you guys that haven't been to, or have only just visited Japan. When something new and cool is released, you feel that you have to have it.


But for me, I decided that I wanted to just collect trains that ran in my local area and that was that.. It then gives me a memory for myself and my kids of where we lived, and it doesn't allow me to go crazy in buying everything new that comes out!



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yes it can become an addiction... im over 100 consists now (i really have to do an inventory...) and probably 20 or so locos and over 50 trams or single car units, and over 75 freight cars after a decade of collecting. ive visited japan twice and never really got interested in only modeling one region (was never particularly interesting in doing that when i was modeling us rr either). I am much more interested in the variety of design in the trains. I tend to buy stuff that i find interesting and unique. others like being prototypical to a region or a line, but hey what ever trips your trigger.


i did get into trying to collect all the shinkansens, many in full consists, but yet to do the E5 (hoping tomix comes out with it), but not into trying to do every minor variation.


im also a bit of a tomytec addict, having bought most all of what they have come out with over the years.


mow is also an odd passion, i think again its that they are usually very odd looking units...


the thing im really have gotten addicted to are the painted trains. these really tickle my fancy with creative paint jobs i really find fun!


all this being said i am really trying to cut back on the buying. i have more than i can ever really play with effectively. i am considering going through the collection some this winter and thinning it some. i think that will really come home when i finish the inventory and i realize how much has gone into the collection in the last decade!


i have to spend a lot more time now working on getting a major layout started here at home to use all this stuff all the time, not just on the jrm layout every couple of months.





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Guest JRF-1935

Well I certainly have to agree there !  I got "addicted" in March 2010 and in the last 18 mos I've aquired over 100 freight cars, 15 engines, plus 2 passenger sets in Tomy/Tomytec/Tomix ALONE, and still have more coming ! That's what I'm up to right now in my inventory, but haven't added them all yet.

Gonna be interesting when I inventory my Kato and  Micro Ace stuff.  Have many, many, engines,  passenger and freight sets! One day I'm going to inventory just my MOW eqipment.  Right now my double track Viaduct is about 28 ft. long.  I'm winding down on spending, but ya never know.

  All I can say is I've never been happier!  And this forum is to blame  :grin

Thanks to ALL !!

Rich C

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Martijn Meerts

I have more trains than I'll ever be able to run on a single layout, and yet I keep buying more. Still have about 2000 USD worth of stuff on pre-order for the coming 4-5 months, and I'm probably not done ordering yet..


Although, I really should take a break ordering rolling stock, and concentrate on track. And of course, on tools/wood/etc. for building the new layout ;)

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I have got enough trains to run for a day or so for a model train show on my own. Plus with the items that I have on reserve means that if any of the other members are away I could back them up with the same train running.


Shinkansen wise I have got mostly of the newer fleets of the JR East, 2 for the JR West (most likely to get a third soon) and 1 JR Kyuushu

Hoping to have more funds to buy the KATO D51 498 so I can have that running along side with the C57 180.


KATO and Tomix are my main two groups I buy my trains but I have been getting some from MicroACE and frieght cars from Kawaii.


Plus it is really good in seeing kids eyes lights up when they see the trains run, and asking for the shinkansens to run faster.

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I have 19 trains (and I'm a tram fan, not train fan) and at 30 plus trams and interurbans.  But no Shinkansens, my hobby space doesn't allow the radius to do them justice.


And here's a previous thread on what people have in their roster.  We are not alone.   :grin   Right, Jeff?




It was interesting to review that thread ... I've now got around 50 consists ... I'll do a new Roster in November (about a year after the first) .... this has given me an idea ... see "Admin" section for new topic.





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I guess having lived in Japan for as long as I have. Then I am in a fortunate situation whereby I know what it is that I want to model..


For a lot of you guys that haven't been to, or have only just visited Japan. When something new and cool is released, you feel that you have to have it.


But for me, I decided that I wanted to just collect trains that ran in my local area and that was that.. It then gives me a memory for myself and my kids of where we lived, and it doesn't allow me to go crazy in buying everything new that comes out!






That's similar to how I started ... with the shinkansen, express and local trains that I used to ride.  I lived in Kofu, Yamanashi-ken in the mid '80's, so I collected JNR and Minobu rolling stock first.  I must admit though, I have a handful of consists that I've never seen in real life, I simply found them interesting. 





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I also find that admiring a consists working its way around a layout compliments a bottle of shiraz quite nicely.  It is no coincidence that I store my wine in the very next room !!!





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I know I'm addicted....even though I collect Japanese trains, I don't know what happens to my mind when I see something like the Minitrix Orient Express.....my mind says, "But you have to have it!" Why does my mind do this to me?? I don't need it, I don't even collect it....but it looks soooo good! The result...I have a Minitrix Orient Express.  :grin


Worse yet...do you ever go out to dinner, or buy things for the house and all you're thinking is, "with what I just spent, I could have bought that 800 Shinkansen....darn!"

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Hahaha! I love you Bernard! Your mind has very good taste. The Orient Express is a wonderful trains, I would love to own a set of it... That said, I might need to finish collecting the cars of the steamer version of the Rheingold. Which is also a beautiful set if you are looking to give a playmate to your Orient Express.


As for the last part of your post, I usually do that the other way round. That's the only way I have found to control the "urge". ;)


Today I toyed with the idea to buy MicroAce "Daisen" Limited Express but instead I booked a flight to London so I can pay a visit to the girlfriend. A much better choice if you ask me, I would never have been enough cash for both.

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Worse yet...do you ever go out to dinner, or buy things for the house and all you're thinking is, "with what I just spent, I could have bought that 800 Shinkansen....darn!"


Tell me about it. Every time I fill my car with petrol I think 'you know what, I could get a Tomix Nagano area 115, or a Micro Ace NO-DO-KA set with that!'  :sad:

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Today I toyed with the idea to buy MicroAce "Daisen" Limited Express but instead I booked a flight to London so I can pay a visit to the girlfriend. A much better choice if you ask me, I would never have been enough cash for both.


Maybe she wants to buy you a gift for making the trip  :grin


Claude i feel the same way.


I'm going to sneak the tomix 500 sayonara series home today wish me luck  :grin

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Martijn Meerts

I managed to get Kato's Orient Express, which works because it's the version that visited Japan. I do have a few of the Minitrix Orient Express cars as well, but they're the very old kind, and don't run very well.


The Rheingold is definitely something I have on my to-buy list as well, it's a gorgeous train, even the more modern versions. Another one I need to buy (again), is the BR103 in beige/red livery, along with the appropriate cars. I have 3 of them in N-scale (2 fleischmann, 1 minitrix), but all 3 have been running so much, they're completely worn out, including the cars =)


And of course, there's the American named trains, gotta catch 'em all (sooner or later ;))

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Today I toyed with the idea to buy MicroAce "Daisen" Limited Express but instead I booked a flight to London so I can pay a visit to the girlfriend. A much better choice if you ask me, I would never have been enough cash for both.


Maybe she wants to buy you a gift for making the trip  :grin


I'm sure she can and will find a way to make my trip worthwhile without having to buy something expensive. ;) Anyway she can't afford that type of gift after she paid her tuition fees for a school in London.

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The Rheingold is definitely something I have on my to-buy list as well, it's a gorgeous train, even the more modern versions.


True, I've got three of those cars stashed somewhere in France.

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Okay, have you done this....you already have a particular train but all of a sudden you see the same train being sold at a great price, you already have one....but you just can't resist a great price ...and that's why I have 2 Kamome sets  :confused3:

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bernard has horns and a pointy tail... 2 full 500 consists due to this... both at good prices, but the second was just tooooo gooood...



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Guest JRF-1935


  If you can "sneak" your 500 in with out the 1st Lady finding out, then you have a very marketable process that should be copy righted :laugh:  Good Luck !

Rich C

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lol i was planning on adding it to the sons christmas pressie pile (bottom of pile) and take it straight upstairs into the cupboard for storage till just before xmas to wrap it  :grin


except it will come out of the cupboard when the wife goes to bed  :laugh: :laugh:

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