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Seattle trackless trolley - attn Mudkip


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Seattle has some pretty nice bus colors.


I also like the aesthetics of their new(er) trolleybuses. Basically a Gillig Phantom body on a rebuilt AMG chassis... those old 60's/70's trolleys proved to be pretty indestructible, save for the exterior wear and pervasive urine smell.




Interesting, do you have any background?  Were they Seattle's used frames or did they come from another agency?  I just had a look at the Sound Transit wikipedia page, but I'm guessing it's not the right agency.

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Mudkip Orange

Sound Transit is sort of a umbrella agency that oversees the light rail, commuter rail, and regional express buses. Local (and more traditional "limited"-style service) is handled through a smattering of agencies, including King County Metro (Seattle and surrounds), Pierce Transit (Tacoma and surrounds), Everett Transit (Everett City), Community Transit (Everett surrounds, not including city), and Intercity Transit (Olympia and surrounds).


As for the Gillig/AMG mashups, the drivetrains were indeed from Seattle's original roster - I don't think they have bought any secondhand from other cities.

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