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What's in Your Roster?


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OK, Bernard you brought this subject up so I'll start the thread.  Here's a partial list subject to editing after work. Oh, just to note I am a tram fan first and a train fan as long as its electric traction. NO diesels in my fleet!!  :grin




Odakyu VSE 50000

Odakyu RSE 20000

Kintetsu Urbanliner

Hankyu 6300 series (4 cars)

Meitetsu 7000 Panorama Car train (4 cars)

Meitetsu Series 5500 (4 cars)

Nankai Rapi:t 50000 (6 cars)

JR Series 371 Asagiri (7 cars)

JR Series 787 Relay Tsubame (7 cars)

JR Sereis 189 (7 cars)

JR Series 115 (7 cars)


JR EF66 Blue Train Set Tomix 92332

EF210 Container Train  Tomix 92263

EF66 Tomix 2163





Tomytec Centram Type 9000 Black

Kato Pocket Line tram

Kato Hiroshima Electric Railway Type 200

Tosa Electric Railway Type 600 x 3 (one trailer)

Nagoya Railway (Meitetsu) Type Mo510 (3 car train)

Toyohashi Railway (Toyotetsu)  Mo3501

Toyohashi Railway (Toyotetsu)  Mo3502

Keifuku Dentetsu Type 101

Tokyu Setagaya 301F articulated x 2

Tokyu Setagaya Deha  80 type (2 car train)

Tokyo Toden 7000 (2009 normal paint version)

Tokyo Toden 6157

Nagoya Railway (Meitetsu) 750 type

Hakone-Tozan Moha 2 Type (green paint, 2 cars)

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Oh good idea. I have a small, but strange fleet. Not really a particular field of interest, so in modellers terms, not a 'good' fleet. I really should focus on 1~2 car trains or trams. In my list I haven't included any broken trains.



JNR KIHA 183 (6-car; old Tomix model)

JNR 117 Series (4-car; Kato)

JR Central 373 Series (3-car; Tomix - sounds like it's eating crackers)

Hankyu 6300 (8-car; Kato)

12m Tomytec EMU (4-cars, 2 motorised)

Enoshima RR 1000 Series (3 sets; Modemo)

Enoshima RR 1100 Series (Meiji-Seika-Go, Modemo)



Kashima RR KIHA 431 (Tomytec)

Douwa Kougyou Katakami RR KIHA 302 (Tomytec)

Ensyuu RR KIHA 802 (2 cars; Tomytec)

Nambu Juukan RR Railbus (2 cars; Tomix)



ED17-2 (MicroAce)

ED17-19 (MicroAce)

DD54 (Tomix)

DD51 (MicroAce)



Small fleet of old-style passenger cars (4 cars; Kato & Tomix)

12 Series passenger cars, brass models (4 cars; Endou)

Open 2-axle cars (8 cars; Kato)

WAMU 80000 (4 cars; Tomix)

Caboose (2 cars; Kato)


Due to ever limiting space I'm going to start an extremely compact point-to-point layout that is easy to transport focusing on an industrial urban situation. So, I'll be on the lookout for some dual-cab short EMU and factory and industrial building kits in the meantime. :grin

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I'm starting out and trying to figure out what looks cool.




Shinkansen N700 (Kato 10-547)

GE P42 "Genesis" (Kato 176-6007)




2 CN Panorama sleepers (Rapido Trains)

2 Corrugated VIA Coach Cars (Con-Cor....#$!%##)

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I think this is everything Japanese.


-JR East EMU-

E531 Joban (10-car Kato)

E231-0 Joban (10-car Kato)

E233-1000 Keihin-Tohoku (10-car Kato)

E231-1000 Shonan-Shinjuku (10-car Kato)

E127-100 Oito (2x 2-car Kato)

E127-0 Niigata (2-car Kato)


-JR East DMU-

Kiha 110 Powered and Unpowered (1+1-car Kato)

Kiha 111+112 Powered and Unpowered (2+2-car Kato)

Kiha 48 "Kazekko" (2-car Microace)


-JR East Other-

MCR600 Niigata Area (Microace)


-JR Freight-

EF210-100 Single Arm Pantograph (Kato)

EF64-1000 JR Freight Renewal Color (Kato)

ED75-1000 JR Freight Early Version (Tomix)

EH500 Third Version (Kato)

DE10 JR Freight (Tomix)


Taki 1900 Hitachi (x10 Kato)

Wamu 380000 (x12 Kato)

Koki 106 (x10 Kato)

HoRa 1 (x5 Microace)

SeFu 1 (Microace)

Yo 8000 (Tomix)

Yo 5000 (Kato)


-Other Modern-

787 Tsubame Relay (7-car Kato)

800 Tsubame Shinkansen (6-car Kato)

Hankyu 6300 (8-car Kato)


-Steam Layout-

C11 (Kato)

9600 No Deflector (x2 Kato)

9600 With Deflector (Kato)


Wamu 90000 (x4 Kato)

Wafu 29500 (x2 Kato)

Wala 1 (x2 Kato)

Ka 3000 (x2 Kawai)

Tsumu 1 (x3 Kawai)

Wara 1 (x3 Kawai)

Tora 45000 (2x Kato)


Oha 31 (Kato)

Ohani 30 (Kato)

Oha 31-26 Museum Version (Kato)

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Nice thread idea, let's see if I can remember everything I own.


JR Kyushu

- Kiha 71 - Yufuin no Mori  (3-car ; Microace)

- Kiha 140 - Hayato no Kaze (3-car ; Microace)

- Series 713-900 - Sunshine Miyazaki (4-car ; Microace)

- Series 783 - Ariake (5-car ; Microace)


JR West

- Series 103 - Okayama Color (4-car ; Microace)

- Series


JR Shikoku

- Kiha 185 +  Kikuha32-502 - Seto-Ohashi Truck (2-car ; Microace)

- Series 8000 - Ishizushi /Old Colors (3-car ; Microace)

- Series 8000 - Ishizushi /New Colors (3-car ; Microace)


JR East

- Series 485 - Aizu Liner / 2005 Livery (6-car ; Microace)

- Series E501 (5-car ; Microace)


JR Hokaido

- Kiha 261-1000 - Super Tokashi (5-car ; Microace)

- Series 781 - Sayonara 781 (4-car ; Microace)

- Series 781 - Doraemon train (6-car ; Microace)

- Series 789-1000 - Rapid Airport (5-car ; Microace)






To be completed...

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Oh, Boy....Bill this might show how addicting this hobby can be!



0 Series Kato

500 Nozomi Kato

700 Nozomi Kato

800 Tsubame Kato

800 Tsubame Tomix


E3 Komachi


Other trains

181 Toki Kato

787 Tsubame Kato

251 Super View Odoriko

165 Panorama Express Alps

883 Sonic

681 Thunderbird

253 Narita Express

651 Super Hitachi

281 Haruka

485-300 Series Electric Car

285-3000 Sunrise Express

383 `Wide View Shinano

885 White Sonic

Kintetsu Series 10100 New Vista Car

Urban Liner

Kiha 82 Furano Express

Super Express Rainbow

TGV French

C11 Steam

C57 Steam

EF 210

Nagoya 7000Series Panorama

E751 Tsugaru


Okay that's all for now.....my computer battery is about to die.  :cheesy

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It's an addiction, no doubt about it:



500 Series Nozomi (Kato, 16 cars)

E3 Komachi (Kato, 6 cars)



JRE Chuo-Sobu Local 205 (Kato, 10 cars)

JRE Chuo-Sobu Local E231-0 (Micro Ace, 10 cars)

JRE Chuo Rapid E233-0 (Kato, 6+4 cars)

JRE Keiyo 205 (Kato, 10 cars)

JRE Joban Local E231-0 (Kato, 10+5 cars)

JRE Joban Rapid E531 (Kato, 10+5 cars)

JRE Keihin-Tohoku E233-1000 (Kato, 10 cars)

JRE Tokaido/Shonan-Shinjuku E231-1000 (Kato 8 cars only, missing 2)

JRE Tokaido/Shonan-Shinjuku E231-1000 (Kato 10 cars, incl. 2 bi-level)

JRE Yamanote E231-500 (Kato, 11 cars, original 4-door version)

JRE Yamanote E231-500 (Kato, 11 cars, with 6-door car)


Limited Express:

251 Super View Odoriko, new color (Kato, 10 cars)

253 Narita Express (Kato, 6+3+3 cars)

E351 Super Azusa (Kato, 8 cars)

E653 Fresh Hitachi, Red (Micro Ace, 7 cars)

485-1000 Viva Aizu (Micro Ace, 6 cars)

485 Nikko/Kinugawa (Kato, 6 cars)

Izukyu Black Ships Train 2100 (Micro Ace, 8 cars)



Tokyo Metro 10000 Series (Greenmax, 10 cars)

Tokyu Setagaya 303F, Blue (Modemo)

Tokyu Setagaya 304F, Apple Green (Modemo)

Tokyu Setagaya 310F, Turquiose Green (Modemo)

Enoden "Choco-Den" Type 2000 (Modemo)


Passenger Locomotives: (no matching cars, yet)

EF510-500 JR East "Blue Star" (Kato)

EF65-1118 JR East Super Rainbow Express (Kato)


Freight Locomotives:

JRF DE10 (Tomix, Kato Warm Region x2, Kato Cold Region)

JRF EF210-100 (Kato)

JRF EH200 (Kato)

JRF M250 Super Rail Cargo (Kato, 16-car freight EMU)

ED75 (Kato, original and cold-weather versions)



E491 JRE "East-i E" Inspection Train (Micro Ace, 3 cars)


And see my Roster for photos and other details.


I've tried to limit myself to trains operating in and near Tokyo in the post-2000 era, not entirely with success, as a way to limit my acquisitions.

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N Scale wise:



500 Series Nozomi (Kato, 16 cars)

800 Series Tsubame (Kato, 6 cars)

USRA 2-8-2 Heavy Mikado 5502 DCC

Portram Red

Portram Green

Portram Blue

Centram White

Centram Silver (no not the vitamin)

Centram Black pre-ordered

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Nice to know that we might see these designs in the USA in this decade per an article I read in the Japan Times. Google "American Shinkansen".


And they will run at 15mph behind an unscheduled freight train.

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uggggghhhh. I have been delaying doing the full roster list, but really need to for insurance! ok bill you are good at motivating me to get it done now!


the estimator was just here for the house insurance, but that was for the structure only!


hopefully next week!





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uggggghhhh. I have been delaying doing the full roster list, but really need to for insurance! ok bill you are good at motivating me to get it done now!


the estimator was just here for the house insurance, but that was for the structure only!


hopefully next week!





Absolutely! I think I told this story once before, a friend of mine who is a BIG collector of Lionel trains (one from the early 1900s) In his basement he has display racks around all 4 walls. One day his house was broken into and the robbers took some of his wife's jewelry, they didn't touch the trains because I have to assume they didn't  know how much the trains were worth (or they were looking for items for quick sale.) He got them insured after that.

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I have been trying to catalogue my collection for some time now; this has given me a good opportunity to work out the current fleet of Japanese stuff in the book sets. This does not include most of the wagons, any of the locos, or DMU fleet:




0 Series - Kato - 16 cars

100 Series - Kato - 16 cars

300 Series - Tomix - 16 cars

500 Series - Kato - 16 cars

700 Series - Kato - 16 cars

700 Series Dr Yellow - Tomix - 7 cars




E233 Chuo Line – Kato – 10 cars

E233 Keihin Tohoku – Kato – 10 cars

205 Keiyo line – Kato – 6 cars

205 ‘Kato Train’ – Kato – 10 Cars

E231 Tokaido Line – Kato – 8 cars

E217 Tokaido Line – Kato – 8 cars

E231-500 Yamanote Line – Kato – 11 cars

101 Seibu line – Kato – 2 cars (x2)

215 – Micro Ace – 10 cars


Local Trains


115-1000 Nagano livery – Kato – 3 cars (x2)

115-1000 Coca Cola – Tomix – 3 cars

115 Minobu line – Kato – 4 cars

313 Tokai Central Liner – Modemo – 3 cars


Express Trains


185 Odoriko (White, green and orange livery – Kato – 8 cars

251 Superview Odoriko – Kato – 10 cars

257 Azusa Kaiji – Kato – 7 cars

351 Super Azusa – Kato – 10 cars

253 Narita Express – Kato – 6 cars

259 Narita Express – Kato – 6 cars

2100 Izukyu – Kato – 7 cars

2100 Black Ship Train – Micro Ace – 8 cars

165 Nanohana – Kato – 6 cars

183 Chuo Liner – Kato – 9 cars

M250 Super Rail Cargo – Kato – 16 cars



Carriage sets


Suro 81 – Kato – 6 cars

Naniwa Saloon – Tomix – 7 cars

Super Rainbow Express – Kato – 7 cars

Tsubame Set – Kato – 13 cars


Wagon Box Sets:


Car Racks + Containers – Micro Ace – 7 cars

Wamu 8000 – Micro Ace – 15 cars


This lot is in the shelving units in my bedroom – the locos, wagons and DMUs (as well as models from other countries and my H0/00 stuff) are in a set of drawers that need reorganisation…

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Ok had most of the shinkansens out for the Lions club show today so got those down


0 Series - Kato (16 car)

0 Series - MicroAce (7 car, 4 car, 2 car, 2 car rescue)

100 Series - Tomix (16 car)

200 Series - Aurora (2x 6 car)

200 Series - MicroAce (12 cars Tohoku)

300 Series - Tomix (16 car)

400 Series - Tomix (7 car)

500 Series - Kato (16 car, 2 motor car)

500 Series - Tomix (16 car)

700 Series - Kato (2x 16 car)

n700 Series - Tomix (16 car)

700 Series Dr Yellow - Tomix (7 car)

E1 Series - Kato (12 car)

E1 Series - Tomix (12 car)

E2 Series - Tomix (10 car)

E3 Series - Tomix (7 car)

E4 Series - Tomix (16 car)

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Suffice it to say that I sometimes find stuff I forgot I had.


Yeah, that's been my problem tonight.  I thought I had everything in a spreadsheet, but it looks like I missed a few things.  Then there's my "stashes" of things I've picked up for future gifting.  I was joking with my wife that when Nik puts me in "the" home, he'll still be finding boxes with trains.....

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As I am taking the family back home to Australia for Xmas. The wife has made me put a halt on the spending.. But I will be sneaking in the Kato 6p 800 Tsubame on Friday.. (Anyone one want my 3 piece Tomix set?)


Anyway. I will wait for the new year for the new N700-7000/8000 Kyushu Sakura, and I will be happy with that, and maybe one more Micro Ace local JR 817...


The big money I want to spend will be on the layout.. Oh, and the 4p add on set for my Tomix 500....



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Ok, here's a start to the list....


Japanese (DCC)


Kato        Kintetsu New Vista          (3 car)

Kato        E259 Narita Express        (6 car)

Kato        E3 Yamagata Shinkansen  (7 car)


Kato        489 Hakusan Asama        (12 car)

Kato        683 Thunderbird             (6 car)

Kato        Hiroshima Dentetsu


Kato        DD51

Kato        DD51 Big Dipper

MicroAce  MCR600 Snowplow


MicroAce  Doraemon



European (DCC)


Fleischmann    Streamline Steam 4-6-2

Hobbytrain      BR270 Rodgear V20 Camo

Minitrix           ICE3


Kato               Eurocity RABE

Hobbytrain      BS300 Railbus

Kato               Nohab Diesel


Minitrix           VT75 Rail cars

Hobbytrain      E474 "Cargo"

Hobbytrain      Plasser & Thuerer Tamper



Waiting for DCC Conversion....


Kato       Fujisan Limited express set

Kato       787 Relay Tsubame                 (7 car)

Kato       500 Series Shinkansen Nozomi  (7 car)


Kato       M250 Super Rail Cargo             (8 car)

Tomix     Series 100 Sanyo Fresh Green   (6 car)

Tomix     Yellow Doctor                         (7 car)


MicroAce  C55-2 Streamliner

MicroAce  Dr Tokai

Kato        E4 Max                                 (4 car)


Kato        E531 Joban                           (8 car)

Kato        N700                                   (8 car)

Kato        Series 0                               (8 car)


Tomix      Thomas

MicroAce  Kakogawa Train with Eyes

Kato        Mangattan Liner


MicroAce  DD18 Snowplow

Modemo  Tosa Tram 600

Tomytec  Centram


Tomytec  Thomasland set


Arnold        Krokodil

Kato           100 Series AVE      (8 car)

Kato           Flying Hamburger


Hobbytrain  Scheinzeppelin

Kato           TGV Thalys            (8 car)



We won't get into the North American roster......

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Finally ... my roster:


Roster - as at 17th November 2010




Kato 10-050 Hankyu Series 6300 4-Car Set

Kato 10-051 Hankyu Series 6300 4-Car Add-On Set


Kato 10-237 Relay Tsubame 7-Car Set                                          x2


Kato 10-238 Fujisan Limited Express 6-Car Set                              x2


Kato 10-276 Shinkansen 700 4-Car Set                                        x2 (1 second hand)

Kato 10-277 Shinkansen 700 Add-On 4-Car Set                              x2 (1 second hand)


Kato 10-284 Series 205 Keiyo Lin Colour 6-Car Set

Kato 10-285 Series 205 Keiyo Line Colour 4-Car Add-On Set


Kato 10-292 Shinkansen E4-Max 4-Car Set

Kato 10-293 Shinkansen E4-Max Add-On 4-Car Set


Kato 10-354 Shinkansen 100 Series Grand Hikari 6-Car Set                            (second hand)

Kato 10-355 Shinkansen 100 Series Grand Hikari Add-On 6-Car Set

Kato 10-356 Shinkansen 100 Series Grand Hikari Add-On 2-Car Set x2 (1 second hand)


Kato 10-424 JR Series 211-3000 5-Car Set

Kato 10-425 JR Series 211-3000 Add-On 5-Car Set


Kato 10-481 JR Series 205 Saikyo Line 10-Car Set


Kato 10-482 Thunderbird 6-Car Set


Kato 10-511 Shinkansen 500 Nozomi 4-Car Set

Kato 10-512 Shinkansen 500 Nozomi Add-On 4-Car Set

Kato 10-513 Shinkansen 500 Nozomi Add-On 8-Car Set


Kato 10-547 Shinkansen N700 4-Car Set


Kato 10-555 Series 683 Thunderbird 6-Car Set

Kato 10-556 Series 683 Thunderbird Add-On 3-Car Set


Kato 10-570 JR Series E531 Joban Line 4-Car Set

Kato 10-571 JR Series E531 Joban Line Add-On 4-Car Set

Kato 10-572 JR Series E531 Joban Line Add-On 2-Car Set




TOMIX - all second hand


Tomix 2108 JR Electric Locomotive EF64


Tomix 2109 JR Electric Locomotive EF66


Tomix 2134 JR Electric Locomotive EF81


Tomix 92009 Odyaku Romance Car 7000 Series LSE Old Colour


Tomix 92291 Nagoya Railways 8800 Series 3-Car Set


Tomix 92755 Shinkansen 100 Series Sanyou Built Fresh Green


For Christmas I hope to be filling out the gaps in my 700 and N700 shinkansens to make 16 car sets.





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Show-off!!!!  Are those diesels having their own little meeting? ... and so the second diesel said, " .... " .... or maybe they're all waiting for Thomas !!!




You're STILL a show-off!!!





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Compared to some, I am apparently an example of purchasing restraint!:


Kato 10-453, 0 series

Kato 10-354 Grand Hikari 100 Series 

Kato 10-251, 205 series Yamanote Line

Kato 10-284 Keiyo Line Series 205

Kato 10-150 Izukyu Resort 21

Kato 10-474 Super View Odoriko Series 251

Modemo Enoshima 1500 S.K.I.P.

Modemo Enoshima Series 20

MicroAce  A-0250 Dr. Yellow

Kato 3021-3, EF81

Kato 7008-2, DD51  X2


There are a couple more 20-year old locomotives around somewhere, and probably 30 freight cars. 

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