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Mothers turned railfans- "Mamatetsu"

bikkuri bahn

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bikkuri bahn

Another aspect of the "railway boom" hitting Japan- mothers who come to like trains after taking their young children to see them.




This has received a lot of recent coverage on TV also.  This report is from 2 days ago.  Basically repeats what's written in the article.  In addition, estimates there are more than 20,000 of these "mamatetsu".  The mamatetsu-written guide to train watching has sold 2 to 3 times more copies than your "average" (whatever that means) railway book. Also differences from traditional railfans (other than gender)- the mothers are recent converts rather than lifelong fans and they avoid platforms and trackside locations, preferring safe, comfortable locations to take their children to watch trains.



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It is an interesting turn of events that children are interested in trains and as a result since mother's bring their children to see them they get interested in it too.

Now if we can only get a few of them to join the forum that would be great!

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