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009 Welsh Narrow Gauge Stock


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I’ve recently purchased Prince from the KATO/Peco Welsh narrow gauge stock, and I’m impressed by the model, the details are 10/10. I’m planning to use this model for future convention operations and personal public events, I hope more 009 models are being made by KATO.


Also planning to purchase the rest of the England Engines.




Edited by Dillon
Added more tags, also, removed an extra n
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Kato already produce a sister class, the Large England class, which you can obtain through the usual channels.

They're intended to be used alongside Peco's range of 00-9 models, so I don't think Kato will be producing any rolling stock themselves. Bachmann also produce some suitably scaled models though you may to swap couplings to make these work with the Kato model. The Kato model has Rapido couplings fitted, but does include standard Peco 00-9 couplings somewhere in the box. Swapping them over takes a few seconds.


Mr Kato is a huge narrow gauge fan. At the International N Gauge Show in September he was showing a teeny-tiny 00-9 model of the locomotive 'Oscar' that uses a tiny mechanism! The real thing will be running on the Sekisui Main Line around one of the Kato factories in Japan.


I imagine we'll be seeing more Kato 00-9 sooner or later! There's already a range of 00-9 Unitrack on sale which works the same way as the N scale stuff but has a more realistic distance between the sleepers.

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On 11/17/2024 at 1:49 PM, NeMo said:

At the International N Gauge Show in September he was showing a teeny-tiny 00-9 model of the locomotive 'Oscar' that uses a tiny mechanism!

Yes, a 009 scale of Oscar was show at JAM as a prototype, we’ll mostly getting Oscar next year. I know all the KATO/Peco stuff, really hope next year release would bring more fun.

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Prince is a great smooth performer , take its train up hills - this is we’re Bachmann and Heljan fail , Heljan do not like tight curves . Kato also do the prince chassis but this is without tyres and suffers on haulage .


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On 11/21/2024 at 4:39 PM, mr bachmann said:

Prince is a great smooth performer , take its train up hills - this is we’re Bachmann and Heljan fail , Heljan do not like tight curves .


British modellers do not like traction tyres at all. Many will not buy a locomotive if it has traction tyres. For Bachmann or Heljan 009 to use them would be commercially a very bad idea. Kato use them on their 009 locomotives because they need them to sell in the Japanese market. When British modellers wish to use significant gradients or heavy trains on a layout the usual accepted solution is to make the locos heavier by stuffing in extra weights. Heavy locos have more grip without losing power pick up points, at the cost of wearing out more quickly.


Heljan Lynton & Barnstable models needing large radius curves is entirely reasonable and realistic considering the real thing. Long, low locomotives built for a line with sweeping curves through rolling hills, not a twisty mountain route. There is no way they could be designed to run on small radii without significant compromises such as cutting away parts of the frames to let the pony trucks swing far enough. The result would look horrible and be completely unnecessary given how British modellers are willing to go to great lengths to fit realistic large radius curves into a layout design.


The Prince chassis sold as a separate item cannot have traction tyres as without the tender wheels to provide extra pick up points, all four wheels must be live for reliable operation. You cannot rely on only one wheel each side for pickup. The user is free to add as much extra weight as required into whatever body is bought or scratchbuilt to go on top.


It is unwise to dismiss commercial product design decisions as 'failure' without considering the market, that is the people, the product is designed for.

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Merry Christmas, and I hope everyone has a happy new year.


Not too long ago, Bachmann released their narrow gauge 009 Talyllyn in different liveries. I plan to buy this model after buying the KATO/PECO Princess. I love Welsh Narrow Gauge Railways, and having Talyllyn can make my operations at conventions and personal public events more fun and interesting. Of course, I'm choosing the black livery.



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I recently purchased Prince from the KATO/Peco Welsh narrow gauge stock, and I’m impressed by the model. The details are 10/10. I’m planning to use this model for future convention operations and personal public events. This engine goes very nicely with my Prince model.


Also planning to purchase the rest of the England Engines.



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So now I have Palmerston in my fleet, which is great because I could do photos like these, now the plan is to buy the Bachmann Talyllyn and take a break, but if things aren’t going as planned. I’ll buy Welsh Pony, which I’m already planning to buy.


From left to right:

Palmerston, Princess, and Prince 


I’m also planning an event with the narrow gauge models, which I’ll announce it soon here in the forum still in the works, but I’ll announce it when I announce it.




Edited by Dillon
Added the engine names
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I’m quite pleased with this model, don’t have any rolling stock for Talyllyn yet, but I’m happy with the model, can’t wait to take this to conventions and events.




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Note that as this is made from mouldings for Skarloey in their Thomas the Tank Engine range with very little modification, there are several serious deviations from the prototype which means this cannot be considered a serious representation of Tallyllyn. More of a general impression.


The most obvious are that the cylinders are far too big and there are coal bunkers on both sides but there should only be a bunker on the fireman's side.


Apparently Bachmann did not think it worthwhile to tool new, more realistic parts for areas where the TTTE CGI characters are different to reality.

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7 hours ago, Beaver said:

Note that as this is made from mouldings for Skarloey in their Thomas the Tank Engine range with very little modification, there are several serious deviations from the prototype which means this cannot be considered a serious representation of Tallyllyn. More of a general impression.


The most obvious are that the cylinders are far too big and there are coal bunkers on both sides but there should only be a bunker on the fireman's side.


Apparently Bachmann did not think it worthwhile to tool new, more realistic parts for areas where the TTTE CGI characters are different to reality.

Obviously I know some folks are quite disappointed of how the model is portrayed, and I know Fourdees already made some additional in their catalog for something like this, knowing Bachmann, they can be inaccurate, but also knowing Bachmann, they can make some great stuff, look at the 009 Quarry Hunslets.


While I don’t know if they will, but maybe in a second run, they’ll update and upgrade the model to look more currently.

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Having the Bachmann Talyllyn gave me a chance to do a small photoshoot side by side with my KATO/Peco Prince, it’s interesting and it’s also nice to see two very old engines next to each other. 



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mr bachmann

should you have a layout with a good stiff grade you will find the better engine , tops up for the Kato Prince , my Bachmann offering has a tender and is no good on inclines as it struggle's with one car , were as Prince takes my 5 cars ... well done Kato for Peco

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  • cteno4 changed the title to 009 Welsh nNarrow Gauge Stock
  • Dillon changed the title to 009 Welsh Narrow Gauge Stock
2 minutes ago, katoftw said:

Looks good. I'm trying my darkest not to fall down this slippery slope .

Luckily, one or two more Bug Boxes with Welsh Pony, and I'll probably take a break until Oscar and Sir Haydn release.

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