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Kato Suburban Island Platform 23-170 vs 23-160


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Hi everyone,


I'm new to the hobby and building my first layout, and I'm currently stuck wondering what island platform set to buy:


I can't tell which is the newer/better/definite version. Does kato usually go up in numbers when doing a refresh of a product or is "DX" the newest style/compatible with lighting kits?




Edited by shiggy
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There is no mention of lighting for the 23-170 (your second link). It also lacks the colored platform edges.  But it depends on what type of scene you are modeling. For a local station on a line with little in the way of current updates, the 23-170 works.  


The  23-160 is more expensive because it has the energizing rail for lighting installed and it has the yellow tactile tiling along the platform edge. This would be for a busy urban scene.

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