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KATO coach lights issues


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I recently got some Kato 11-211 interior LED coach lights, but unfortunately am having issues with them. They all worked at first - but in the days since two have stopped working properly:

- One of them works only in one direction, when I switch the DC direction it turns off.

- The other just doesn't turn on at all.

I've tried both in multiple different coaches (which work with other 11-211s) and it doesn't fix it, so the issue must be with the light components. I'm assuming I've somehow shorted the second one or something (no idea how), but I don't understand why the first would work in only one direction...

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

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Posted (edited)

Take the lights out, and hold their pins against a 9V Block battery, see if they light up. Then turn battery around (e.g. switch polarity), Check if lights up.


If both current direction light them up, the issue is in the car (likely a contact issue), if they dont, its the Lights.



Edited by Wolf
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53 minutes ago, Hubbit200 said:

but I don't understand why the first would work in only one direction

53 minutes ago, Hubbit200 said:

but I don't understand why the first would work in only one direction

Led lights only work in one current direction. Hence the Lights have a recrifier on them that changes the current to the correct one for the LEDs, regardless on wich side the input has positive or negative. If the rectifier is broken bit still passes the current on, the leds would only light up one way.

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What are you using  for a power supply? I’ve not heard much ever about folks blowing out standard lighting elements.


but yes wolf’s post is spot on way to start to suss out what’s going on here.



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Thanks for the ideas!


I'll check it against a battery tomorrow, but the issue doesn't seem to be the car (contact issues) as other lights of the same model work fine in those coaches.


My power supply is a 12V 2.5A DC controller (from 10-20 years ago, but always seems to work fine) - and voltage measured on the track matches that. I also don't really understand how I could have blown out the rectifier / LEDs 😅

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Hmm sounds like that should not be a problem, just wondering if you might have used a throttle that went to like 18v and boosted it way up,mbut these circuits I’m sure use components at like 50% over usual throttle limits. This is an odd one. Let’s see what the battery test gets you.


if one of the non functional ones works properly with the battery try putting it into a different car. But the one direction issue definitely does sound like a blown bridge rectifier and it’s only working in one direction.



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I ran Kato LEDs on 16V no issue, so even if you overshot voltage a bit, I see no issue there.


I really suspect a blown rectifier or the board itself, as you said you tested with others and it worked. I would just do the battery test and if they dont light in one or both current direction, just sort them out as defect.

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The one that was only lighting in one direction seemingly solved itself when I switched my setup to DCC last week! So I guess the current is the right way around for it.

The other one wouldn't light up with the battery test at all and so I just gave up on it and will buy a new one.

Thank you for the advice on this!

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