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Twisted Tower.. N-scale


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I often wonder how I might build one of those twisting type towers using 3D printing.


Then I realised the only problem, if built in layers, is the alignment of the next layer up... which I think I have figured out.


 Built in layers like this, you could make it as tall as you wanted. 🙂


 Comments ? 


(I still haven't done entry doors on the ground floor yet)


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I keep planning to start scratch building some taller towers since there are so few on the market. I’ve drawn up a few CAD files to laser cut but am in the process of building the actual layout base so it’s a little too “cart before the horse” to actually start I think. 

In the case of your building here I feel like your spiral might be too steep for the height of the building. It might feel a little more natural to give it a bit less drastic twist. (Fully acknowledging that is personal preference though. I recognize there are buildings like this out there, I just feel like these are less aesthetically pleasing compared to something that has more of a calming wave.)


I’d love to see your progress as you go though! 

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Hope you have looked at my other buildings on the pinned 3D structures resources page  



Thing with this one, is that I wanted a full 90 degree twist at the top, without being too tall.


This one has a 2 degrees twist per layer, so needs to be even taller to reach the 90 degree top twist.


Thinking about how I can twist the individual layers in TinkerCad (which is pretty limited on that sort of thing) so as to smooth out the steps.


 Early days...  🙂

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Another try..     Gotta be tall or a strong twist.


Fatter version added.  🙂   These are both 456mm tall, so  are not small structures


Twisted 2.JPG

Twisted 3.JPG

Edited by b.nice2000
improved base of model.
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A Twisted tower for N-scale.


Each layer is about a 4.5 degree twist, so need 19 floors + base for full 90 degree twist at the top.


This makes for quite a tall structure, but you can make it smaller, just won't twist to 90 degrees.


You could also make it a lot taller and twist a full 180 degree.. but that would be crazy !!!  🙂


Don't forget to put the windows inside as you build it upwards.


Available in thin and wide versions.


.stl files at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6535936


thin twisted.JPG

Wide twisted.JPG

Edited by b.nice2000
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Twisted building, printed in black/gold two-colour PLA silk..


Yellow transparent windows


Next to the base is an N-scale boxcar I made to give a size comparison.



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