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Tomix turnouts losing contact


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On my layout, I have a couple of Tomix turnouts that have become unreliable. Sometimes they work just fine, sometimes they don't fully switch, sometimes they move after being ok for a few passes of a train, and sometimes they just don't switch. All of turnouts are electrically triggered. Has anyone else had this problem and can anyone suggest a solution or an approach to a solution?


I have cleaned the tracks, swapped turnouts on the layout, but nothing seems to fix it. I am going nuts.

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So it’s location specific not turnout specific as you said you swapped out turnouts (hopefully with ones working fine elsewhere) and problem stayed in that location with new turnout!


location specific would maybe point to the power feeder for that point or the turnout controller.


have you tried connecting the cranky turnout/spot’s to a power feeder and turnout controller that was working fine elsewhere?


long shot would be track geometry there not being quite right and it twisting the point some, but I think that’s way out there.



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Thanks guys. I have checked all of these. Swapping controllers and turnout controls had no real effect and the motors were all fine. Tonight, though I noticed arcing in one spot near one of the turnouts as the loco passed that point. More investigation needed.

Edited by Tanuki
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I have decided to bite the bullet and change my layout. So far I haven’t had any problems and I kind of like the new layout better. Luckily I had not got to having the non-rail parts of the scenery etc permanently attached. In the end I think it was the rh turnout causing the problem. It is gone now.

Edited by Tanuki
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I’ve got this same issue with the Tomix half of my MU yard.  From what I’ve experienced, it’s something on the turnouts themselves, either the points or internal contacts not fully throwing.  I know this because I’ve had trains stall when moving them in or out of the yard, and the started moving again after throwing the control lever back and forth several times.  I like the way one the track that’s lined is powered, but I have half a mind to add feeders to each track to get around this.


Overall, I have concluded that Unitrack is more robust and reliable than Finetrack.

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I’m using the Tomix 5500 with a Walthers 12V power supply.


My Kato turnout throws are also connected to the same power supply.  I only have five Tomix turnouts, among over 30 Kato turnouts.

Edited by ATShinkansen
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Now you've got me wondering if I need a 5529, but as I've not got a layout set up and I don't have a mass of Tomix points I probably don't, yet. Reading the specs of the N600 controller I have, implies it sends 1 amp of 12 volts on demand to the point motors.

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I'm going to go a little off topic here, but a couple years ago I posted that I had purchased a Tomix turntable.  It runs REAL slow.  


Video of it below...


Question is, would something like the 5529 or something else provide better power to make this work better?



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