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1 hour ago, cteno4 said:

So when will the ufo traffic light be coming out Tomytec? The it’s up to marc to program an arduino to do the whole complex cycle.




You are a bad man jeff 🤣


So 20 LEDs, 12 around the outside and 8 inside. 40 wires to feed back to the ground. It is gantry mounted so I probably a pretty big piece of kit. 

Let's just say it is a definite maybe!

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16 hours ago, SL-san said:



Not related to the signs but I had to share a manhole cover that I discovered in Tokyo last Monday.  I don't know why one fireman is sad and the other amazed!




It's fire hydrant. In Tokyo (and other places)  fire hydrants are buried under the pavement and are marked by a bishop's crook fire hydrant sign. These signs are oftern equipped with a small advertising sign under the main sign to help defray the cost of the sign.





A demonstration of a below the pavement fire hydrant with equipment from a fire cabinet. I think the fire cabinet is intended for use by civilians during a natural disaster. Note there is no thread couplings on this fire hose, unlike American practice.. That metal adapter is always used with these fire hydrants.  There must be in person training for this for the local population.


There are a lot of these how to videos for fire hydrants on You Tube.



Correct use of Fire Hydrants.



Now reality. Japanese police responding to fires sometimes park on the  fire hydrants. This is a restaurant fire in Hiroshima last year.



Edited by bill937ca
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Hi @bill937ca, thank you for sharing. Some awesome information there. You have also reminded me that I drew up an etch for fire hydrant signs, I will have to get that ordered this week.

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1 hour ago, bill937ca said:

There are also evacuation instruction signboards on many Tokyo lamp posts  Probably not something you can etch but it is another sign of Japanese city life.


Might not work as an etch but it should be possible to make as a transfer. It is those lovely little details that add character.

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Sometimes you can just loose the thread of what people are talking about. TV Show about the last 14 UFO Traffic Lights in Miyagi, Japan








Interesting videos showing the mounting infrastructure and the other colour light signals that operate in conjunction with the UFO.

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Last one Joe. A Mumashi pit viper warning sign.




A warning sign that stands next to the Yodo River in Osaka Prefecture in Japan, saying "まむしに注意" ("mamushi ni chuui") ("Be careful of mamushi"). The mamushi is a venomous pit viper, causing 2000–3000 snake bites every year in Japan and killing around 10 people per year. Flowering cherry blossom trees and the river itself can be seen behind the sign. The rest of the sign reads "淀川工事事務所" (yodogawa kouji jimusho)" ("Yodo River Works Office", a river authority that is part of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism).

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Taller Fences


I have made some progress on the larger guard fences and have more than enough the produce the first set of 6 designs. The first two will be quite similar however they do look very generic and would probably work on any layout not just those set in Japan.




For the remaining 4 designs I thought it would be nice to make up some more rural designs. I have been following roads between towns and cities on Streetveiw to find some of the more interesting designs. These are a similar contraction to the crossing prevention fences with 2 additional bars either above or below the main fence to increase the height. 



What I like about these is that like the shorter versions in towns they often have links the area. The first and fourth designs used in Yamagata Prefecture as perimeter fences around cherry farms. I also have versions with apples and tulips to draw up, I am sure there are more to discover. The second is a little more basic, while looking around the Nagano area I found several bridges using this style on the outside edge with the shorter version used to separate pavement and roads. The third and fifth designs representing local mountain ranges. The third again Yamagata Prefecture and the fifth used around mount Fuji.


As these are used on long stretches of road they are most commonly 3m and 2m sections. I have drawn up an etch with just these two sizes to try and get as many sections as possible:



I have noticed that some side roads and entrances to properties occasionally use shorter sections for tight turns on the fences. I could change the bottom row to have 1.5m and 1m segments if anyone would prefer that. 



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Hi Joe,

Very nice as usual!

What length of the poles is supposed to be in the ground? Maybe it would be useful to mark the ground level beside the fences on the frame. I am asking because when I made fences last year the poles were a bit too short.

Maybe, it would be useful to add two (or more) holes separated by the right distance in the frame to serve as a template when drilling holes.



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That's Aomori


I have started work on a couple of designs with apples:




After some light reading I was able to find each design is associated to a particular prefecture. I then spent a little time having a 'virtual drive' around some towns in each area taking screen shots of the fences I found. There are still some sizes to track down if they exist before this one is ready to go.

If it is useful I can try to indicate the locations for each design, where I can find the information.


On 5/28/2023 at 1:16 PM, bill937ca said:

Perhaps this will interest you.


This was a great resource bill937ca, thank you again. It is always good when the article gives clear information of where the pictures where taken.

I was able to look along all the streets in the area and complete a couple more designs.



12 hours ago, Madsing said:

What length of the poles is supposed to be in the ground? Maybe it would be useful to mark the ground level beside the fences on the frame. I am asking because when I made fences last year the poles were a bit too short.


I added an extra 1.2 mm, I originally added 1.5mm but the tolerances were too tight and I would have lost a row of fences.



I did not mark the ground height of the etch but I did include these little bars highlighted in blue.




The idea was to place them under the fence when you fit them it will give you the correct height. The bars are different widths depending on the style of fence. Originally they had 'ground clearance' written on them, I removed this to clean up the design and then neglected to tell anyone what they are for 🤣 

Screenshot 2023-05-29 at 16.48.25.png

12 hours ago, Madsing said:

Maybe, it would be useful to add two (or more) holes separated by the right distance in the frame to serve as a template when drilling holes.


That is a very sensible idea. I have updated the frame hopefully is more useful:



9 hours ago, cteno4 said:

as always wonderful work, I see more orders coming… you evil little man!


Mwahahahaha... I will try to keep them coming!

Edited by Kamome442
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I have just placed an order for the next two sets of fences. Series 2 of the 80cm crossing prevention fences:


Series 1 of the taller 110cm guard rail fences:


They should be here in 3 to 4 weeks.

Edited by Kamome442
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Something Fishy Going On


So really want to add at least one fish design to the range of fences. I have found images of 3 designs and a grainy image of a 4th that I cannot really use. However so far I've not found a location that shows all the size variations. It is quite possible there is not a 1m version but I would like to be sure of that before committing to putting them into production. I know from the caption for the 4th design that it is somewhere on National Route 9, looks like I will be spending some time scrolling through Streetview.



At least I did manage to complete one set with an aquatic theme:



Edited by Kamome442
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My last round of railings arrived today. superb Joe! They will be a joy to use.


I also have to say Joe’s packaging surpasses that of Japanese sellers. He has the perfect sized little box for the etches that holds up super well in the mail and his lovely wrapping of the etches in folded gray tissue paper is awesome and reveals your etches one at a time in a lovely sequence. Even the nice thin drafting tape he uses is nice as easy to peal off and doesn’t even tear up the tissue paper. Just lovely and makes the packages such a treat! I think he’s been reading my one of my favorite design books…



just nice to get a package like that with simple, yet elegant packaging that is effective, efficient, and all recyclable.



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maihama eki

My latest arrived today as well. Railings and lanterns. Extraordinarily packaged. 


I think I need to order some more of the railings. They feature such iconic designs, and of course are replicated perfectly.


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Thank you @cteno4and @maihama ekifor the continued support. It is always good to hear your orders arrive safely. I am really glad the packaging is working, maybe I better pick up a copy of Package Design in Japan to see if I can improve things further going forward.


I had nice surprise on Wednesday when some of the etch I ordered arrived. Strangely it was the fences I ordered 2 weeks ago and not the earlier order. I figure this might be because the earlier order contains a mixture of steel and nickel silver etches. 


I managed to get all the pictures taken yesterday so the following fences are now available:



Crossing Prevention Fence Series 2: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1504482153/1150-scale-crossing-prevention-fences

£6 UK, £7 Global (free Shipping)



Guard Rail Fence Series 1: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1504780321/1150-scale-guard-rail-fences-japan-6


The Guard Rail fences are slight more expensive at £7 UK, £8 Global (free Shipping) as I decided to put them on a slightly wider etch. This allowed me to put three 3m fences per row. Unfortunately that meant I could only get 12 etches per instead of the usual 15. The full etch sheet looks like this:



I did try running them length ways along the etch but I wasn't able to get as many fences into the space as I could by just making the etch a little bigger.



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Bonus Content


I decided to change the way I draw up the designs a little for this set of etches. Originally I was putting one design per sheet or in the case of the animal barriers an even amount of each design. I figured this would make it easier to reorder only the etches that were selling well however sales have been pretty even across all the designs. Each time I send a new design or an amended design I have to pay fee for the artwork to be checked and this has been getting pretty costly as the shop expands. I decided this time around for the crossing fences to just one of each design for series 1 and 2 on the sheet. Reordering the same sheet is much cheaper. If one particular design proves more popular over time I can add extra copies of that design to the test etches I make for new items. This way I can hopefully cover the costs of the test sheets.

The new sheet looks like this:



The eagle eyed might have noticed that there are 15 designs on this sheet and series 1 and 2 only add up to 12 designs. To fill the last 3 places I added designs from series 3. Series 3 looks like this:



In reality fences 15 and 16 are used together often alternating. 16 is the emblem of Edogawa Ward I felt made sense separate them for anyone wanting just one design. The remainder of 3 along with series 4 and 5 will form a second etch sheet. I have finished the art work for series 4 but series 5 still has a lot of work to do. 

It seems pointless to have these etches just sitting on my desk for nest few months so for now the first half of series 3 is also available:


Crossing Prevention Fence Series 3: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1490595242/1150-scale-crossing-prevention-fences



Currently Series 4 looks like this:

Screenshot 2023-06-16 at 10.58.02.png

I am more than happy to make alterations if anyone has spacific design they would like.


Edited by Kamome442
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