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Mudkip Orange

I don't know that you even need three controllers for this. Just put insulated unijoiners at both ends of the pocket track and then have a toggle that swaps the center track power between cab 1, cab 2, and "off."

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I don't know that you even need three controllers for this. Just put insulated unijoiners at both ends of the pocket track and then have a toggle that swaps the center track power between cab 1, cab 2, and "off."

First, you can see that 3 trains are moving at the same time, like one leaving, one arriving and one moving from the yard. This needs 3 controllers. Other than that, using the tomix fully power routing turnouts lets you set the route and the power with the same switch, so you can't set a route to the wrong block. If you have a few relays, they can remember the turnout commands and each signal will be set with the same command. (a signal is green only if it's turnout is set correctly) Not to mention the 1st track can power 4 blocks and one of them is the 2 yard tracks selected with 2 turnouts. Other than that, one train arriving from inner left to track 2 and one train leaving from track 1 to inner right will need two separate controllers on the same loop. Using these power routing tricks makes it much easier to do very interesting things with relative ease and in a quite foolproof way.

(for a different example, see my double reversing loops with oval test layout under personal projects, that is wired without a single isolator, block selection, loop controller and with a single power feed in one corner and needs only 3 powered turnouts for 2 train operation, with more in the storage yard)

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Time to post in this topic again. Behold the Usui Pass in 1/150:


Magnificent work! Really looks like REAL! Now that's modelling!

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Yes you feel like you're about to board the train! Like the sounds and the weathering! Amazing detail in the scenery

Edited by Bernard
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Narrow gauge stuff:

(Google 軽便鉄道模型 for even more.)

Thanks for the search hint, a real treasure trove. What should I search for to find Japanese modules?

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Japanese modules in general or a particular type?


General search terms could be:

鉄道模型 モジュール (Railway model layout)

モジュール レイアウト (Module layout)

Nゲージ モジュール (N gauge module)

路面電車 モジュール (Tram module)

地下鉄 モジュール (Subway module)

軽便鉄道 モジュール (Narrow gauge railway module)


Or combine any of the above search terms. I put a space between the Japanese search terms to make that easier.

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Here's another from the same site. Not sure if it's a roller coaster or an attempt to use up all of his track in one layout.






Cheers eh,



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This is what the translation of the website says "Products manufacturer uses dolls and tile shingles, but structure of (body building, bridge, ship etc) is all original paper is." I think that means they're scratch built.


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