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Travel to Japan and coronavirus (Covid-19)


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Another week, another trip into central Tokyo - largely the same as last week, fewer people about but far from shut down. Akihabara quiet for an early Friday evening and largely free of tourists, but all the usual shops open. Personally I didn't feel terribly enthusiastic about rooting around in junk bins but came away with some Tomytec bits.

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10 minutes ago, railsquid said:

Another week, another trip into central Tokyo - largely the same as last week, fewer people about but far from shut down. Akihabara quiet for an early Friday evening and largely free of tourists, but all the usual shops open. Personally I didn't feel terribly enthusiastic about rooting around in junk bins but came away with some Tomytec bits.


I was in Akihabara tonight as well, not the busiest night i've seen there by a long shot, but busy enough for me. I popped into tamtam to plan my purchases to keep me occupied for the 14 days stuck at home when I return to Australia next Tuesday (Holiday cut a bit short because of some forced flight changes - might make a post about it somewhere else when I get home).

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1 hour ago, katoftw said:

Olympics postponed til 2021


Not yet, nothing decided, please don't spread fake news.

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The last thing I read said that Japanese authorities were considering cancellation but that the international Olympic committee was opposed 

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The Olympic committee has said they'll make a decision in the next 4 weeks.  Canada has pulled out of the games.  Good thing I never got around to buying tickets myself.  If they are delayed to 2021 I may try to go.



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Well it's been a month since I started this thread, a younger and more innocent age which seems like an awfully long time ago.


On 2/24/2020 at 4:22 PM, railsquid said:

Important: this thread is for questions/information directly relating to travel to Japan and how it might be affected. 


As any kind of travel is not going to be an option for most people in the foreseeable future, there's not much point in maintaining this thread so I'll close it. General news about the situation in Japan can be obtained from the usual media sources; in the event some information relevant to this forum pops up, I'll post it in the appropriate place.


Stay safe (and away from other people).

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