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lighthouse first layout


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unfortunately, on the weekend I found a massive default in the substructure of a module with points, so I have to replace the module.

Since this incident I´m out of action for this year now, only a duck-under module will appear at the exhibition in Wunsiedel.

I will redesign the new Fiddle Yards with Tomix Track.

Edited by lighthouse
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Hello each other,

A lot of time has gone and unfortunately nothing really special has happened here.

About the fiddle yard from the above articles:

This was scrapped after a construction error in the substructure last year.
The middle module is currently being converted into a duck-under for the ring section of the
entire IG-Nippon arrangement with rice field replicas, level crossing and high-voltage lines.
One entry module has been scrapped because it can no longer be repaired, and the other will be used for later purposes deferred.

But the fiddle yard theme is not out of the world. I want to buy new modules from a manufacturer.
When building the old FY, I noticed that the cork bedding was not really level, so there was always patchwork. I wanted to avoid that for the new building.

Now I want to use the Tomix track. Up to the next one exhibitions are only six months away. Later more about it.

There is also news about the home project. At the end of May there is a move to a new, larger apartment. The available space is a room for homeoffice, but later this room will become a child's room. So my new layout has to be small, light and portable (modular system). Also, the topic of a main track, like some pages further forward, falls flat, because the space in the depth runs out for it. The dimensions of the individual modules / segments must not exceed 1,000 x 400mm.
It is intended that the modules / segments can then be safely stowed away on a shelf when not in use.

More about the new project in a few minutes...

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I cannot stress this enough.......re-purpose, re-purpose.


Based on what you said......

Layout storage today........Changing table tomorrow....


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Here is the idea for the new project.

Due to the reduced starting position compared to the previous planning, a small branch line had to be used for
the new system can be planned. At the beginning of the year I thought about the period and the region in which this fictitious one was
Web should represent. I studied several photos on Wikipedia about end stations on Hokkaido, my area of collection, but found
due to the models, which are difficult or impossible to get, not a usable model. Ok, I thought to myself, I have to go back to the JNR period of the 60s,
where there was still sufficient freight traffic. So at least the period was defined. But what about the region?
Steam Locomotives like the D51 or diesel locomotives DD51 or DE10, which would be too big for a small branch line of the 1960s.

Kato meanwhile announced the small steam locomotive type 8620 as a novelty, which I heard but ignored. I was shortly afterwards to throw the whole planning

over the heap. By chance I found a Japanese article on the gono line on the WWW. This was rather unknown to me ...
Then Google helped me to learn more about this line and its history. A video on Youtube with a steam locomotive type 8600
made me leave strict adherence to my hokkaido collection. Now I could finally find a region for the new plant.

The starting point is the Ajigasawa station on the Gono line in the northern Tokoku region. There is said to be a fictional one
follow the branch line up the Nakamura River to the end point of the same name, Nakamura. Since it is a small branch line with manageable
a maximum of 3 locomotives are planned to be used for traffic. These should then commute from Nakamura to Ajigasawa
and transport goods in and out of the region. As a template for the station, I went from a former terminus
get inspiration from Hokkaido, Shibetsu-eki in the far east of Hokkaido.


The station plan (2000mm x 300mm):



Legend: StB = station building, GS = goods shed, TT = turntable, LS = loading street


The station will be built in segments, whereby the entrance to the station will receive its own standard for later modules.
But at the beginning, only the train station and an approx. 1000mm long fiddle yard should be sufficient for the design of new trains.
The left side will be the end point, but can be extended over time to design a company connection.
The track material wich i want to use in the fiddle yard is Kato-Unitrack and in the station is Peco Code 80.

Buildings and details are obtained from small series manufacturers such as Sankei and Tsugawa or created on their own.
The control of the track systems will be done manually, that of the locomotives will be designed analog. A later conversion to digital should
be factored, so you can "play" later on exhibitions or meetings with friends.


If you have any questions or suggestions for improvement, please do not hesitate to write to me.

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A few weeks before to go to Vienna, some updates of the duck-under module. First I fill up the landscape, painted in green and test the overhead wire of Trainsetter. Next step is the position of gras and trees. 



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Yesterday I visited my friend and master of car kit bashing. This is the result of 3 hours work. I have a lot to learn about this 🥰

The bus is a part of the new series of skills, so i can learn how to improve the Tomytec cars, busses and trucks.


The review mirrors are made of cupper wires (0,25 mm to 0,30mm) and etched rear mirrors of FKS Modellbau.

The frames of the windows are colored in alumimium and black for rubber with Revell Aqua Colors.



Bus Oldtimer 1-01.05.22.jpg

Bus Oldtimer 2-01.05.22.jpg

Bus Oldtimer 3-01.05.22.jpg

Bus Oldtimer 4-01.05.22.jpg

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The next truck is in progress... 


ISUZU HTW12L from Tomytec set "The Truck Collection Log Transporter". 




Today I want to collect all mirrors and paint the cupper parts


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Hi together,

I spent the whole Wednesday evening installing the following components:

- Splash guard on the front axle
- round mirrors (were delivered yesterday)
- Underrun protection between crane and axis 2
- Platform on the rear wall of the flatbed
- Toolbox on the right side behind axis 3




Tonight the parts still have to be brushed, in addition to further color touch-ups, then the optical improvement would be in my opinion...
I will make the load from natural products so that it looks more real.

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Hi guys,


now the Truck is ready and I am happy about it. Some troubles with tiny parts are done, but it make me stronger.












For the next weeks I have a small break, because of the birthdate of my son 😁 Some time for research of the next project is avaible...


Regards, Ulli

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I took the liberty to crop the picture a little to show the fantastic detail somewhat better!




What a superb job!

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now, I want to present the next project after a little longer time.
Originally I had planned to dress up a silo semitrailer. However, the topic has to be postponed to the next time, as a number of parts are still not available from a small series manufacturer.
That's why a bus model is used again.... "What, another bus?" you're probably wondering. But this time a more modern bus from Hiroshima Prefecture.

Original data:


Manufacturer: Hino Motors (Japan)
Type designation: Rainbow RR 3rd generation
Year of manufacture: 1990-1995
Power: 195 hp, rear-wheel drive
Company: Chugoku Bus Co., Ltd. / Fukuyama No. H0001






Prototype photos of the original with the number H0001 can be viewed here: http://hero19920515.livedoor.blog/archives/2833890.


html The bus is originally from a set of the Tomytec series "The Bus Collection Vol. 26" from 2019 -> https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10585012


In addition to the mirrors and missing roof section parts, I would also like to try decals and interior fittings for the first time. If things go wrong, the loss to my bus collection from Hokkaido is bearable.


Regards, Ulli

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Hi guys,


first work with Revell Aqua-Color is nearly finished... next steps on Thursday. 😄












Regards, Ulli

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It's been about 2.5 years since my last post. During that time, I've been more involved with IG-Nippon's modular construction and crafting sessions with friends. Since our small company "TrainSetter" has been able to build a larger portfolio since 2023, we've now entered the prototype phase of a new kit. And what's better than using the prototype for IKEA's "Mosslanda" shelving unit for your own layout concepts?


I found the idea for the diorama from James Hilton in Wales -> https://paxton-road.blogspot.com/2023/12/mosslanda-preview-were-nearly-there.html


After receiving the wooden parts from my laser-cut wood supplier, I had to take a break due to a four-week cold. The kit still had a few defects when I first assembled it, e.g., openings that were too narrow, crooked boards, etc., which I still need to correct for series production.


On the subject of the diorama to be built.

A fictitious ground-level station in the greater Sapporo area will represent the scenery. It will be equipped with an electrified track, a modern station building, and an attached shopping mall. Since the diorama doesn't have enough space for a second track, a wide ballast bed will be used to simulate a larger station. I'm not entirely sure about the station's name yet, but it will be called "Ishiyama" or "Shirakawa," which was the Jōzankei terminus of the Jōzankei Tetsudo-sen line, which was discontinued in 1969.


Only modern rolling stock such as the H100, Series 785 & 789, Series 731, KiHa 201, and KiHa 731 will be used to represent the newer generation of railways on Hokkaido. Freight traffic, consisting of DF200s and 6 KoKis, will only occasionally run as through trains. The length of 115cm is just enough for a 5-car train like the 785 or 789 series on the platform. Tests with paper cutouts still produced a coherent image. Perhaps the long units will only be used for the oval layout.


The layout will be constructed as a shuttle track when the layout is on the shelf. At planned exhibitions, a matching oval with a fiddle yard based on the "TrainSetter Mini Modules" will be used to represent through traffic. I think this way I'll be able to enjoy train observations and operations.


Yesterday I was able to glue the dioramas together in peace and quiet. Today or tomorrow, the first protective layer of the base body will be applied; it will certainly be fun for my son to paint something...


Look forward to more!



kit of prototype



glued kit


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