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Google location search


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I saw this in tech news today:  https://www.technologyreview.com/s/600889/google-unveils-neural-network-with-superhuman-ability-to-determine-the-location-of-almost/


I thought it might be of interest to this crowd, I think about the location of practically every train picture I see.  They've also made a little game out of it, http://www.geoguessr.com/ .  By default you get random locations around the globe, but after the first round (5 locations, I think), you can pick a specific map (country), and Japan is one of the choices.

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Hah, I saw the same report and rediscovered geoguessr. The Japan link can be accessed directly: https://geoguessr.com/japan


It does show how relatively uniform Japan is from a scenic point of view, many areas are obviously "Japan" but could be anywhere. There are subtle differences but I guess you need to be familiar with the respective areas. Hokkaido and Okinawa are pretty easy to spot, mind you. Must get out more :D

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