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What is this MOW operation?


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That was fairly usual even in JNR days to move dead emu sets by sandwitching it between two kumoya tractor units as the tractors had the same control and brake system as the trains, it was easy to connect them. The idea with the two units is both to have enough power for moving the dead set and that in case the train uncouples each piece will have at least one working tractor. (there are some videos where 4 modern trailers are moved with a loco by using two operational 3 car emu parts for sandwitching, because each end unit needs at least one cab, one pantograph and one compressor and modern trains have these distributed, so actually 6 cars and a locomotive is used to do the work of two old tractor uints) The reason for interoperability between the maintenance units and the emus is that many maintenance cars are made out of old passenger stock. (many jnr kumoya tractors were 101 series kumoha-s before rebuilding, so they were a natural choice to move any 1xx series trains)

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Based on what HS is showing, it's a Taki 9900.


Tomix has done them in HO, but not N - perhaps due to the fussiness of the details?




The question is - does this justify a diversion into HO scale?

They're worth having. I've got six of them, lovely models they are too.





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They're worth having. I've got six of them, lovely models they are too.


What I found most impressive is the amazing thinness of all the railings, and not far behind is the piping detail under the tank.

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