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bikkuri bahn

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Well my winter holiday begins this evening.  I am taking the sleeper express Hamanasu most likely for the last time, as it's being axed this coming March (along with the Cassie) to make way for the shiney new Hokkaido Shinkansen. I have booked a lower berth (B shindai), and this too may be my last experience using this form of accomodation.  In Aomori I will be taking a Hayabusa service on to Tokyo, with an arrival around 11am. I splurged a bit and got a seat in the green car.

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  On 12/22/2015 at 12:27 PM, miyakoji said:

Bikkuri I think you'll have a good eye for some JNR kitsch on the 14 series cars, I'm looking forward to a few pics :)

ask and you shall receive:





*more to come of interior as I just got a 3G connection here somewhere in the Tomakomai area.

Edited by bikkuri bahn
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I appreciate the photos you've shared with us.  Although the rolling stock is showing its age (even the headmark on the DD51 looks quite weathered now), it still appeals to me. 


By the way, how crowded was the train?  Were there many railfans snapping photos of the Hamanasu yet, or will they wait until the final run in March?

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Cruising along in the vicinity of 300kmh right now...


The Hamanasu appeared to be fully booked in the sleepers, but the coach cars had plenty of empty seats. Plenty of fans, in fact there are always many of them even going back a few years.

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Best JNR vibe goes to: destination roll.  Honorable mention to the car designation and the Sapporo beer advertisement at the bottom of the station sign :)

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