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Found 4 results

  1. Oigawa Railway has purchased four 14 series passenger cars to supplement its fleet for steam service. Two are SUHAFU 14s, numbers 502 and 557, while the other two are OHA 14s, numbers 511 and 513. Some or all of them were in the Hamanasu formation(s). These were transported by sea between Tomakomai and Nagoya, then by road to a siding near Shin-Kanaya. So, according to the blog linked below, there is no physical connection between JRC and Oigawa, or am I misunderstanding that? http://railf.jp/news/2016/06/10/160000.html http://railf.jp/news/2016/06/13/103000.html several images on RailKingJP's new blog: http://railking.jp/ride/report/2016/06/15/01-24/ further cool video
  2. The last two days marked the end of express train services through the Seikan Tunnel. The overnight trains Cassiopeia and Hamanasu, as well as Limited Express trains Hakucho and Super Hakucho ceased operation between March 21st & 22nd. Quite a touching photo: The driver of Hakucho 93 is hugging his 485-3000 series upon arrival at Hakodate Station. @sim4ht20 The 485 series EMUs are likely to be cut up whilst the 785 & 789 series trains are expected to be used on other Limited Express services. Passenger services will resume from March 26th with the opening of the Hokkaido Shinkansen. Thank you Seikan Express!
  3. Well my winter holiday begins this evening. I am taking the sleeper express Hamanasu most likely for the last time, as it's being axed this coming March (along with the Cassie) to make way for the shiney new Hokkaido Shinkansen. I have booked a lower berth (B shindai), and this too may be my last experience using this form of accomodation. In Aomori I will be taking a Hayabusa service on to Tokyo, with an arrival around 11am. I splurged a bit and got a seat in the green car.
  4. Well this evening I made my final ticket purchases for my journey down to the Kanto area for the summer holiday. B shindai on the express Hamanasu Sapporo to Aomori, and then Gran Class on the Hayabusa Shin Aomori to Tokyo. Total cost 39210 yen including the distance fare, but hey, it's the holidays, I think I deserve it.
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