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Comparative views on overall quality - Kato, MicroAce and Tomix

NGT6 1315

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I was wondering about your views on how Kato, MicroAce and Tomix models compare as far as quality (which includes running capabilities) is concerned. As I do not have any layout at this time I cannot make any statement about how those three models I have actually run - but their looks most definitely are very good indeed :grin . However, I have yet to see a MicroAce set in person and therefore cannot comment on any aspect of their models either.


My take on the two Kato units I have is that I am really impressed with their appearance. Going into deeper detail I would say one item I really like is how they reproduced the prototype couplers even between carriages. As for the Tomix EF66 I have, this seems to be right on par from its looks. Here I also have an item I particularly like, namely the prototype coupler imitations which can be fitted when you just want to put the model on display. Do Kato and MicroAce locos also come with such couplers?


As an aside, what would be your personal favourite models from the three above manufacturers? Me, I probably do not have a sufficient basis for making such a statement at this time, but this might well change when I expand my rolling stock inventory :grin .

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I do think we allready had a thread discussing the comparative merits of each one of the japanese producers...


At the end everybody is very happy with each one of them even if it appears that:

- some people have problem converting Tomix trains to DCC.

- it's very difficult to get spare parts from Micro Ace.


Except that I will say that they all run incredibly smoothly but I prefer the sound of Kato's engine and I don't know why. Speaking of kato's engine, I really find it interesting that you can choose the serial number of your loc. It gives a little more freedom in the modeling.

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Some things are doen by each manufacturer better than others.


For example, take the N700


The couplers on the Kato are finicky and difficult whereas the couplers on the Tomix are much better.

The Kato tilts on corners (like the real train) whereas the Tomix doesnt.

The Tomix has electrical pick up to the motor from every carriage whereas the Kato doesnt.

The Kato is DCC friendly whereas the Tomix isn't.


Because I run DCC, Kato is better because their motors seem to work consistently with decoders (and some models are even DCC friendly) whereas I find the Tomix motors work poorly with DCC.


For DC operation the competition between the two is a lot more nose and nose.

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Martijn Meerts

There's no real x brand is better than y brand. It really is on a model by model basis.


For example, Kato's EF58-61 is an amazing locomotive. I can safely say it's the best running N-scale locomotive I've ever seen, and then I'm including the big, expensive European brands. On the other hand, MicroAce has done some amazing steam locomotives, both looks and running characteristics are great. Tomix as well has some great stuff, like the DD51, which has amazing traction and pulling power. As mentioned, Tomix also has the power pickup throughout the entire train with the newer releases. Not only the N700 has that, but also the 0-2000 they've recently released.


Personally, I don't think 1 brand is consistently better than the other, and I base my purchases more on the actual train rather than the manufacturer.

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Everybody here is offering valuable points. Sometimes a lot depends on a particular train that you want in your collection. For example I've been looking for the Nankai 50000 and it is only made by MircoAce, so right there I am limited to that manufacture. (Now if I can only find it at a reasonable price when it rarely pops up on ebay)


If you are running DC you're fine, all three companies have good reputations and make beautiful models.

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Evening :cheesy ...


First of all, I'm sorry if I should have created any kind of ambiguity as to what I meant to ask. Of course I am aware that not all prototypes have been done by Kato, Tomix and MicroAce alike, and that it is very much dependent on personal perception how good or bad a model is. Basically, what I was getting at was whether there might be any general trends to each brand, in the sense of specific strengths and weaknesses. Anyway, I agree that some interesting points have been made here thus far and I will certainly take them into account before my future purchases.

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The only pattern that I can see are that


Tomix doesnt alway work that well with DCC

Replacement parts are easiest for Tomix, less so for Kato and less so again for MicroAce.

Kato seems easier to buy in stores outside of Japan than Tomix but with the internet this doesnt seem to be a problem at all.

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My collection is evenly spread between Tomix and Kato. So far I have no MicroAce or any other brands of JR Stuff but they both work well together. The Tomix stuff seems a bit erratic at times and does not always run so smooth but that is only one or two sets that have yet to be properly lubed etc.

The Kato stuff runs very well .

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I have alot of Kato stuff, out of 15 trains i have 10 are kato.  out of those 10 kato trains, i have 3 motor cars out of commission or running poorly.  I think that when it comes to looks and aesthetics, they are all very comparable.  


I really like Microace quality and my Microace trains run FLAWLESSLY without even a hitch, and for some reason many of my kato motor cars run shaky and not as fluid as i like on the same exact track.  


The only Kato motor that runs as strong as my microace motors is my DF200 Locomotive, which runs super smooth.  


I also take overall "noise" into account, because some of my katos were pretty loud brand new out of the box (my 531 makes a loud whizzing sound).  My microace motors are all pretty quiet and have normal electric motor sound.  


So basically i think its

1) Microace  (good looks, rare trains, good smooth motors)

2)Tomix (only have rolling stock from Tomix, looking to purchase from them next)

3)Kato (good prices, mucho selection, overall good looking trains but some motor problems)

4)Greenmax  (runs good, but the cars are not that sturdy, the shell and motor seem very seperated)

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