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Found 2 results

  1. I am very impressed with the quality and detail of this Sankei Miniatuart shrine. Everything fits perfectly and it makes a beautiful diorama. In fact, the detail is better than plastic Tomytec kits although a lot more work to put together! Now I am looking for further models from Sankei. Do they make a pagode?
  2. Hey everyone! So, I'm relatively new to the forums, but I have made a few posts. I'm having a blast with my home layout, but I was lucky enough to find a local N-Scale club full of great guys. We do two types of train shows, our N-Trak modules and just this year the club has started breaking into T-Trak modules. Since I'm relatively new to the hobby overall, I knew I didn't have enough skill or space for a huge N-Trak module, so getting into T-Trak was the perfect start. So, I'd like to present to you, my first ever module, a Japanese Shrine! As you can see, I also have my awesome limited edition Kato pocket line train. I think it fits in perfectly with the module! So, it's not perfect, but I'm super proud of how it turned out. This was my first time doing any sort of scenery on my own. I think it's such a fun piece and even if it won't fit in with the other modules at all, I think it will be even better because it will stand out! Let me know what you think! I'll be sure to post future ones here as well.
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